得了 他们没有证据
Come on. They have no evidence.
他们没有录音带、轮胎 他们没跟我谈过
They don’t have the tape, the tyre, they didn’t speak to me.
你和你♥他♥妈♥的录音带我全知道 你害了很多好警♥察♥
I know all about you and your fuckin’ tapes. You put a lotta good cops away.
那跟这事一点关系都没有 那是职务行为 而且我恨它
That has nothin’ to do with this, that’s a position, and I resent it.
我认为你名声太臭 做这种事就会这样
I think you stink. That’s what it’s got to do with it.
嘿 你 我不喜欢你并不意味着我不会做好本职
Hey, you. Just because I don’t like you does not mean I’m not gonna do my job.
把带子给我 我会送到实验室 让人检查
Now gimme that tape. I’ll send it over to the lab and I’ll have it checked out.
好了 我要你看看我用那些照片做的片子 你会明白的
All right, look, I want you to look at that film I made from those photos. I think you’ll get the idea.
要是我们能拿到卡普的原片 枪击会清楚得多
But if we can get Karp’s original film, this gunshot’ll be a lot clearer.
Karp is makin’ a bundle sellin’ his pictures from one magazine to another.
What the hell makes you think he’s gonna give ’em to us?
他必须如此 那是证据 – 我找不到他 泰瑞
He’s got to. It’s evidence. – I can’t find him, Terry.
找到他 这是你的工作 – 别对我的工作指手画脚
Find him. It’s your job, man. – Don’t tell me how to do my goddam job.
知道吗 他可以回答几个问题
You know he could answer us some questions
like what the fuck he was really doin’ with his camera up there.
没人想知道 没人在乎
Nobody wants to know. Nobody cares.
没有肮脏的细节 没有政♥治♥暗♥杀♥ 是意外
No sordid details. No political assassination. Accident.
This guy’s dead for crise sake.
None of this shit’s gonna do him any good now.
这不是为了他 我知道他已经死了
This isn’t for him. I know he’s dead.
你不明白吗?要是他们杀了麦克雷又逃脱法网 下一个会杀谁?
Don’t you understand? If they can get away with killing McRyan, who’s next?
Who’s ‘they’? First I want you to tell me who ‘they’ is.
What is that? A communist conspiracy of some kind?
又或是街上的什叶派教♥徒♥ 拿着吹箭筒
Or maybe it’s couple of ayatollahs out of here in the street with blowguns.
哦 你省省吧 – 留着你的妄想症上电视说吧
Oh, give me a break. – Save your paranoia for public TV.
去你的 马克 我要走了
Fuck you, Mac. I’m getting out of here.
Put that stuff down.
放下那些照片 否则我以扣留证物叫人逮捕你
Put those pictures down, or I’ll have you arrested for withholding evidence.
Is that right?
All right.
我整天都在办公室 你能在那儿找到我
I’ll be at the office all day. You can get me there.
我会打给你 别打给我
I’ll call you. Don’t call me.
我是布尔克 先生 – 什么?
It’s Burke, sir. – What?
我是布尔克 先生
It’s Burke, sir.
布尔克 你干了什么? – 我不懂这问题 先生?
Burke. What have you done? – I don’t understand the question, sir.
Are you crazy? You were just supposed to get some pictures of him.
你知道自己在说什么吗 先生?
Are you aware of what you’re saying, sir?
Where are you?
我在一个安全的电♥话♥亭打 我建议你给我打回来
I’m calling from a secure phone booth. I suggest you call me back on same.
打扰了 卡普先生在吗?
Excuse me. Is Mr Karp in?
我能进去吗? – 干什么?
Could I go in? – What for?
我只是来拿几张照片 – 你是什么人?
I just have to pick up some pictures. – Are you anybody?
我是他的一个顾客 – 你知道 他有很多顾客
I’m one of his customers. – You know, he had a lotta customers.
你是记者 对吧? – 不是
You’re a reporter, ain’t ya? – No.
你想要一份卡普的片子 对吗?
You want to get a piece of Karp’s film, don’t you?
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
太糟了 没有法律禁止说谎 否则我今天就发了
Too bad there wasn’t a law against lyin’, I’d have made a lotta collars today
Mr Customer.
我的确是顾客 我想拿我的照片 – 对 他也是顾客
I am a customer and I’d like to pick up my pictures. – Yeah, he’s a customer too.
他给我出价一千块 – 真的?
He offered me a thousand bucks. – Really?
And his wife offered me three.
看起来不值啊 但我估计你得在照片里才行
Doesn’t seem worth it but I guess you had to be there, huh?
看起来卡普做了一些离婚方面的工作 – 对
Looks like Karp did a little divorce work on the side. -Yes.
对他的顾客毫不在意 我在他床底下找到一堆这个
Sure didn’t give a shit about his customers. I found these in a heap under his bed.
That’s some baby picture.
你本该去弄到麦克雷的照片 不是杀了他
You were supposed to get pictures of McRyan, not kill him.
我了解行动目标 我从未同意过
I understood the objectives of the operation. I never concured with them.
但我没有杀他 我是说 那是个意外
But I didn’t kill him. I mean, it was an accident.
You accidentally shot out the tyre of his car?
你也许能想起来 那是我在6月6日会面时提出的计划
As you may recall, this was my plan as proposed at our meeting of June 6.
我们否决了那个计划 你不记得了吗?
We rejected that plan. Don’t you remember?
我当然记得 但我不得不越过我的权责界限
Of cause I do. But I had to exceed the parameters of my authority.
But I stayed within an acceptable margin of error.
毕竟 目标达成了 他被排除于选举之外
After all, the objective was achieved. He was eliminated from the election.
布尔克 我不认识你 我从未见过你
Burke, I don’t know you. I’ve never seen you.
电♥话♥也别再给我打了 – 就一会儿 先生 有些残局我们还得收拾
Don’t ever call me again. – Just a minute sir. We got some loose ends.
我改了轮胎 让它看来像是爆胎
I changed the tyre made it looked like a blowout.
我洗掉了那个音效师的带子 这样大家会认为他是个妄想家
I erased the sound guy’s tapes so everbody’ll think he’s a crackpot.
卡普不见了 不过我会找到他
Karp’s disappeared, but I’ll find him.
But that still leaves the girl.
我已决定终结她 做成那地区系列色情杀手的样子
I’ve decided to terminate her and make it look like one of a series of sex killings in the area.
这样就完成了咱们行动的保护 – 什么行动?
This would complete secure our operation. – What operation?
快啊 贝蒂 再来一遍
Come on, Betty. Try again.
Take 28.
你得对着麦克风说 他们听不见
You have to speak into the mike. They can’t hear.
哦 老天 停!
Oh, Christ. Cut.
All right, uh… switch.
贝蒂 你拉头发 珍 你来叫
Betty, you pull the hair. Jean, you scream.
Take 29.
萨姆 我会在我房♥间里 – 嘿 你♥他♥妈♥去哪儿了?
Sam. I’ll be in my room. – Hey. Where the fuck have you been?
我有些事情要办 好吧?
I had some business to take care of. All right?
Shut up.
你不是为我工作的吗? – 是啊 有问题吗?
I thought you were workin’ for me. – I am. What’s the problem?
我们得给另一卷加音效 我们列了张表 记得吗? – 好 我会弄的
We need the effects for the other reel. We made a list for the scream, remember? – All right. Fine. I’ll get ’em.
You’ll get ’em? I haven’t even got the scream for the first reel.
Why don’t you answer your phone? It’s the police.
今天谁来过? – 有个人 说是…
Who’s been in here today? – Some guy, he said…
谁?什么人? – 我不喜欢你说话的语气
Who? What guy? – I don’t think I like your tone of voice.
喂? – 你搞什么鬼?
Yes? – What the hell is the matter with you?
什么? – 你♥他♥妈♥的带子上什么都没有
What? – Your fuckin’ tape had nothin’ on it.
All my tapes are blank.
我搞不懂你了 首先你给我灌输了一堆暗♥杀♥什么的
You know I don’t get you. First you feed me all this nutty assassination shit.
然后你给我一卷空白带子 干嘛?
Then you give me a blank tape. What for?
因为有人洗掉了 他们洗掉了我全部带子
Because somebody erased it. They’ve erased all my tapes.
哦哦 对 “他们” 他们洗掉了你的带子
Oh. Oh, yeah. ‘They’ – they erased your tapes.
What’re they gonna be do is tryin’ to kill you next? You’re fuckin’ nuts.
Sally? It’s Jack.
听我说 我得给你看我做的那个片子
Listen to me. I have to show you that film that I made.
待在那边 我这就过去
So just stay there. I’m coming right over.
杰克·泰瑞在吗? – 在
Is Jack Terry here? – Sure.
弗兰克·唐纳休 第… – 黛比
Frank Donahue. Channel… – Debby.
等等 他来了 – 杰克
Wait a minute. There he is now. – Jack.
你好 我是弗兰克·唐纳休
How are you? I’m Frank Donahue.
城市之眼新闻 – 哦 对对
Eye on the City News. – Oh, yes. Yes.
我能跟你聊几分钟吗? – 不 现在不行
Could I talk to you a couple of minutes? – No. Not right now.
得了 杰克 只要两分钟 我大老远过来 就两分钟
Come on. Two minutes. That’s all I need. I came all the way here. Two minutes.
你想聊什么? – 这事有些私密
What do you wanna talk about? – It’s sort of private.
Can we go back here and talk?
噢 好 – 太好了
Uh… yeah. – Great, great.
So you make movies here, huh?
我自认是个失败的演员 杰克
I think I’m a frustrated actor myself, Jack.
What do you want?
You told the police that someone shot out the tyre on McRyan’s car.
谁告诉你的?谁告诉你的? – 杰克 这不重要
Who told you that? Who told you? – Jack, that’s not important.
我是记者 我有消息来源
I’m a reporter. I’ve got my sources.
Why would a guy like you be interested in some kind of assassination nut like me?
杰克 我不认为…
Jack, I don’t think…
咱们能进去谈吗? – 不不 这边
Can we talk in here? – No. No, no, no. Over here.
What do you mean, a nut? I…
我不认为你是妄想狂 所以我才来
I don’t think you’re a nut. In fact, that’s why I’m here.
我自己查探过这件事 好多事情都完全兜不拢
I’ve looked into this thing myself, and a helluva lot of things don’t add up…
…about this… what are the cops calling it– a freak accident?
我是说 那女孩呢?人人都假装她不在车里 而你见过她
I mean, how about that girl– everyone’s pretending she wasn’t even in the car. You saw her.
What else did the source of yours say?
嗯 除了其他事 还说你录下了那次枪击
Well, among other things, that you recorded that gunshot.
干得好 杰克 我想听听录音 在这里吗?
That’s great work, Jack. I’d sure like to hear the tape. Do you got it here?
有何用处?那可能是我在录音棚伪造的 – 是有可能 但…
All right, what good? I could’ve made it in a recording studio. – Well, you could have but…