Doctor. How is she?
Very lucky.
轻微休克 有些割伤和瘀伤 没有大伤
Mild shock, some cuts and bruises. No major injuries.
Can I see her?
她也许在睡觉 她服了镇定剂
She might be asleep. She’s sedated.
我就去说声再见 – 别待太久
I’ll just say goodbye. – Don’t stay too long.
How you doin’?
我的包在你那儿吗? – 不在
Do you have my purse? – No.
我肯定警♥察♥会找到的 是我就不担心
I’m sure the police’ll find it. I wouldn’t worry about it.
I know.
你要去哪儿? – 我得走了
Where are you going? – I have to leave now.
什么?等一下 我觉得你应该回到床上去
What? Wait a minute. I think you’d better get back to bed.
I don’t think they’re finished with you yet.
来吧 上去
Come on, up. Up.
就一会儿 – 好吧
Just for a minute. – All right.
So how do you feel?
He said I was lucky– the doctor.
对 他应该在场 对吧
Yeah. He should’ve been there, huh?
谢谢你救我出来 – 没事
Thanks for getting me out. – No problem.
我那时没注意到你这么漂亮 身上好多泥 脸…
I didn’t realise you were this pretty, with all that mud all over you. Face…
I don’t have any make-up on.
哦 别担心 没事 这里是医院
Well, don’t worry about it. It’s fine. It’s a hospital.
你是谁? – 我叫杰克·泰瑞 你呢?
Who are you? – I’m Jack Terry. Who are you?
莎莉 – 莎莉?幸会 莎莉
Sally. – Sally? Nice to meet you, Sally.
Are you leaving?
对 我得走了 不过…
Yeah, I gotta go. But…
等你出院 咱们找时间去喝一杯如何?
What’d you say, when you get outta here, we have a drink sometime?
In a glass.
好啊 – 好的 你保重
Sure. – OK. You take care.
How about tonight?
不 我觉得不行 莎莉 今晚不行
No, I don’t think so, Sally. Not tonight.
不过我告诉你 我会问问医生你什么时候能出院
But I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do. I’ll check withthe doctor see when you get out.
他想要留我做观察 – 等等 莎莉 你真的得待在床上
He wants to keep me for observation. – Wait a minute, Sally, you really gotta stay in bed.
I don’t like to be observed.
抱歉 但这事我真帮不了什么
I’m sorry, but there’s really nothing I can do about that.
拜托 我真的不喜欢医院 我得离开这里
Please. I really don’t like hospitals. I’ve got to get out of here.
好吧 我跟你约定
All right. I’ll make you a deal, OK?
这样子 你留在这里 我去拿你的衣服
This’s the deal. You stay here, I’ll get your clothes,
等我回来 我们就出去喝一杯 好吗?
and when I come back, we’ll go out and have a drink, OK? All right?
我需要鞋子和一件外套 – 对 我去拿
I need shoes and a coat. – Yes. I’ll get them.
但要是你不留下 我就不回来了
But if you don’t stay, I’m not comin’ back.
好的 – 好
OK. – All right.
It looks like she’s gonna be all right.
这个人 杰克·泰瑞 把她救出车子的 他在那边
This guy, Jack Terry, that took her out of the car, he’s over there.
他真是麻烦 我不知道咱们怎么能捂住这家伙的嘴
He’s being a real horse’s ass. I don’t know how we’re gonna keep the lid on this guy.
找些人来 我要封锁这里 我不要这里乱哄哄的
Get some men here. I want this place sealed. I don’t want this circus.
长官 就是这家伙 事情发生时他在场 他看到了整件事
Sir, this is the guy. He was right there when it happened. He saw the whole thing.
他就是目击者? – 对 他叫杰克·泰瑞 他说他把那女孩拉出车子
He’s the one who saw it? – Yes. He’s name is Jack Terry. He says he pulled the girl out of the car.
我要跟你谈谈 还有那女孩儿 她在哪里?
I wanna talk to you. And to the girl too. Where is she?
她在那里面 – 她在睡觉
She’s in there. – She’s asleep.
如果你想跟我谈就快点 今晚我受够了 我要回家
And if you wanna talk to me, make it quick, couse I’ve had enough tonight, I wanna go home.
有没有什么地方咱们可以私下谈的? – 是 长官 我来找
Is there someplace we can talk in private? – Yes sir, I’ll take care of it.
你能不能替我们派人保卫这房♥间? – 我要这些人出去
Would you secure that room for us? – I want these men checked out.
警官 这里怎么了? – 车祸 有人受害
Officer, what’s goin’ on here? – Car accident. Guy got killed.
我知道 但这么大阵仗干嘛? – 你知道那人是麦克雷吗?
I know, but what’s the big deal? – Did you know the guy was McRyan?
That’s Governor McRyan?
That stiff on the stretcher was probably our next president.
见鬼 我本要投他的票 – 老天爷
Hell, he had my vote. – Jesus Christ.
Let’s talk in here.
你把那女孩拉出车? – 对
You pulled the girl out of that car? – Yes.
那么 我希望你忘掉她
Well, I would like for you to forget about her.
Forget you ever saw her.
Wait a minute.
Who are you?
My name is Lawrence Henry.
我为麦克雷州长工作 – 啊
I worked for Governor McRyan. – Ah.
He was also a friend.
He was my friend.
瞧 对于州长我深感遗憾
Look, I’m very sorry about the governor,
显然我也乐意挽救他的生命 但是…
and I obviously would have loved to have saved his life too, but…
我是说 我在场 她在那里
I mean, I was there and she was there.
我们知道发生了什么 但现在州长死了…
We know what happened, but the governor is dead now and…
…we don’t want to embarrass his family.
你不知道 要是媒体知道这样的事 他们会干出什么来?
Do you have any idea what the press would do if they got ahold of a thing like this?
What you want me do? To say she wasn’t there? I already told the police.
That’s already taken care of.
好吧 那女孩怎么办呢? – 我会跟她谈 我肯定她会合作的
All right. What about the girl? – I’ll talk to her. I’m sure she’s cooperate.
只不过是一个游伴 消失在麦克雷的车里 就那样?
Just one playmate just vanishes from McRyan’s car, just like that?
正确 – 老天 我不知道
That’s right. – Aw, Jesus, I don’t know.
Can’t you keep your mouth shut?
It’s better the governor died alone.
我就是不知道能不能做得到 我在场 她在场 还有…
I just don’t know if I can do that. I was there, she was there, and…
Who gives a damn that you were there?
你要告诉他妻子 说他死时还跟某个女孩有染吗?
You wanna tell his wife that he died with his hand up some girl’s dress?
Maybe your’d rarther she read it in the papers?
事情就是如此 那是真♥相♥ 不是吗?
That is what happened. That is the truth, isn’t it?
What difference does that make to you?
But it would make a great deal of difference to his family.
All right.
好 我们会让你和那女孩儿分头走后门出去
Good. We’ll slip you and the girl out the back.
How about your place?
你不想回家 对吧?
You don’t wanna go home, do you?
他们跟你说了谁在车上 对吧? – 对
They told you who was in the car, right? – Yeah.
嗯 有些聪明的记者会想到我也在 知道吗?
Well, some smart reporter could figure I was there too, you know?
他们拿到我的包 有我的名字和地址
They got my purse with my name and address.
They’re gonna be camped on my doorstep.
那我家门口呢?我是救你出来的人 对吧?
What about my doorstep? I’m the one who pulled you out of that wreck, didn’t I?
是的 没错
Yeah, right.
Let’s go to a motel.
先是喝一杯 然后是我家 现在是汽车旅馆
First it’s a drink, then it’s my place, now it’s a motel.
今晚事情发展很快 莎莉
Things are movin’ fast tonight, Sally.
Stand here for a second.
美好的夜晚 适合散步 – 是的 没错
…Beautiful night for a walk. – Yes, it is.
Let’s take a walk along the river here.
呣 好 – 戴维 看
Mm. Nice. – David, look.
桥上有人 – 咱们别操这份心了
Someone’s on the bridge. – Let’s not worry about that.
他正盯着我们 – 谁管呢?
He’s staring right at us. – Who cares?
我管 – 贝琪
I care. – Betsy.
我不想待在这里了 咱们走吧 – 好
I don’t wanna stay here anymore. Let’s go. – Yeah, OK.
他在干什么? – 我不知道
What is he doing? – I don’t know.
他是什么人 偷♥窥♥者什么的? – 哦 谁管呢?咱们从这边下去吧
What is he, a Peeping Tom or something? – Oh, who cares? Let’s walk down there.
Jesus Christ.
嗯 你要咖啡吗?
So, uh… you want some coffee?
喂 你要咖啡吗? – 呣 早上好
Huh? You want some coffee? – Mm. Good morning.
嗨 你好吗? – 我还好 你好吗?
Hi. How you doin’? – I’m fine. How are you?
很好 给你
Pretty good. There you go.
What are you doin’ here? You listenin’ to some music?
不 这是…是我的工作
Nope. This is my… This is my job.
我为电影做音效 – 哦 电影?
I do sound effects for movies. – Oh, movies, huh?
事实上 昨晚我出去录一些音
Matter of fact, last night I was out recording some sounds.
What do you mean, sound effects?
你知道 你看电影的时候 听见关门或是鸟叫啊风声啊 不管什么
You know, when you see a movie and you hear a door slam or a bird chirp or wind, or whatever
I record those actual sounds,
然后放进电影里 然后你就看到那部电影
and then I put them in a movie, and then you see the movie.
哦 – 昨晚…
Oh. – Last night…
大制♥作♥? – 不 只是…
Big movies? – No. Just…
只是些烂片 很不幸
Just bad ones, unfortunately.
I really love movies, you know.
这对我来说是很有趣的题目 因为我是做化妆的
