里面的 你们停下好吗?
Hey, will you guys shut up in there?
哦 糟糕
Oh, shit.
What the hell is going on in here? I am trying to study for a final.
对 我们也有期末考 你听过现代舞吗?
Yeah, we have finals too. Ever hear of modern dance?
你不能边听音乐边学习吗? – 不 我不能边听音乐边学习
Can’t you study to music?- No, I can’t study to music.
调低音量 否则我就去找苏了
Turn it down or do I have to go to Sue?
那就去找苏吧 – 滚开
Go to Sue, then. – Fuck off.
我要去苏那儿 – 我要去苏那儿
I’m going to Sue. – I’m going to Sue.
离开我 – 怎么了?
Get off of me. – What?
外面有人 快 外面有人
Oh, there’s somebody out there. Come on. There’s somebody out there.
得了 外面没有人 – 真有
There’s nobody out there. – There is.
冷静 – 我没法冷静
Calm down. – I can’t calm down.
你最好想想办法 因为有这些迪斯科音乐我没法学习
You better take care of it, cos I can’t study with this disco music.
好吧 来
All right, move. Come on.
瞧 小告密者带回大告密者
Oh, look. The little fink brought back the master fink.
音乐并不吵 – 不 很吵
The music’s not loud. – Yes, it is.
天 那个尖叫声真烂
God, that scream is terrible.
你勒死猫了吗 弄出这声音? – 就是你听见的那只 是她的声音
What cat did you strangle to get that? – The cat that you heard. That’s her voice.
你没有配音? – 没有
You didn’t dub that? – No.
那是她的声音? – 对
That’s hers? – Yeah.
真的吗? – 对
Oh, really? – Yes.
再放一遍 我想听听那个尖叫声
Run it again. I wanna hear the scream.
重放? – 对
…Run it? – Yeah.
去掉所有声效 只留尖叫声
And kill all the effects except for the scream.
Kill it.
你说对了 是她 真烂
You’re right. It’s hers. And it’s shit.
杰克 我雇那女孩不是为了她的叫声 我是为了她的乳♥头♥雇的那女孩儿
Look, Jack, I didn’t hire that girl for her scream. I hired that girl for her tits.
Then what do you worry about? Who’s gonna be watching her scream? Let’s move on.
等等 好了 杰克
Wait a minute. Come on, Jack.
你看 咱俩合作多少年了?
Look, how many years have we worked together?
我算算 我是在《血浴》遇见的你 对吧?
Let’s see. I met you on Blood Bath, right?
And then we did Blood Bath II.
And then we did Bad Day at Blood Beach.
And then we did Bordello of Blood.
哦 然后就是今天了 《合校狂暴》
Well, that brings us up today. Co-ed Frenzy.
对了 我没跟你说过 不过…
By the way, I didn’t tell you this but…
I’d like to think this is our finest film.
将近两年 – 哦 天 两年五部电影
Almost two years. – Oh, God. Five films in two years.
You know what I can’t figure out?
I can’t figure out what a smart guy like you is still doing that shit porn.
得了 是你做烂黄♥片♥ 我做音效
Come on. You do the shit. I do the sound.
不 你做的太烂 那风声听起来像在厕所吹口哨
No, you do the shit. That wind sounds like you’re whistling in the crapper.
那是图书馆的东西 我们用过无数次了
It’s library stuff we used a million times.
问题就在这里 我听过无数次了
That is the trouble. I have heard it a million times.
弄点新的来 – 新的风声 明白
Get something new. – New wind. Got it.
还有那尖叫 我们必须配音 – 好吧 认识尖叫声好的人吗?
And what that scream. We gotta dub that. – All right. Know any good screamers?
我有几个 – 你肯定有
I got a few ideas. – I bet you do.
你操心好尖叫声 好吗
Just worry about the scream, will you?
…a sweeping condemnation of White House policies.
同一个民调显示 迅速高涨的支持…
The same poll gave evidence of a ground swell of support…
…for Governor George McRyan in his bid for the party’s nomination.
如果今天进行选举 麦克雷州长取胜易如反掌
If an election were held today, Governor McRyan would win hands down,
票数差距显著 62%对总统的23%
drawing a remarkable 62 per cent of the vote to the president’s 23.
总统的竞选经理杰克·曼纳斯 今天早些时候告诉记者
The president’s campaign manager, Jack Manners, told reporters earlyer today:
The president’s had to make some tough decisions.
But when these policies are carried out…
…and the economic climate improves, as we confidently expect it will,
人♥民♥会团结起来 在即将到来的初选中支持总统
the people will rally to support the president in the upcoming primaries.
A lot can happen between now and then.
同时 国会领袖们焦虑等待麦克雷州长宣布参选
Meanwhile leaders in congress waits anxiously for Governor McRyan to declare his candidacy.
他们也许不用等太久了 州长正在贝维斯特福酒店的宴会厅
They may not have much longer to wait. The governor is now at the ballroom of Bellevue Stratford…
几分钟后 他将为自♥由♥日庆典的开幕晚餐致辞演讲
…where in just a few minute he is expected to address the kickoff dinner of the Liberty Day celebration.
Some people are guessing that he will use the occasion to throw his hat into the ring.
情况如何 琼?贝维斯特福那边有消息吗?
What about it, Joan? Any word from the Bellevue Stratford yet?
还没有 比尔 不过一旦有消息我们将直播
Not yet, Bill, but as soon as there is, we will be going there live.
我们都知道 自♥由♥日是费城庆典中最受热烈期待之一
As we all know, Liberty Day is one of the most eagerly awaited of all Philadelphia celebrations.
But this year it’s going to be extra special.
自♥由♥钟上次敲响已过整整百年 为此百年纪念增光…
It is exactly 100 years since the Liberty Bell was last rung. To honour this centennial,
周六将有一次游♥行♥ 沿沃克街而行…
there will be a parade on Saturday down Walk street…
游♥行♥终点是佩恩登陆地 那里将有盛大烟火表演
…will end up at Penn’s Landing with a spectacular display of fireworks.
此外 一座自♥由♥钟全尺寸复♥制♥品已经制成
In addition, a full-size replica of the Liberty Bell has been made…
…from pennies donated by schoolchildren from every state in the Union.
琼 我了解到 他们将在佩恩登陆地烟火结束后敲响它
Joan, I understand that they’ll be ringing it after the fireworks at Penn’s Landing.
That’s right.
等等 我们得到此刻贝维斯特福的消息
Hold it. I think we’re getting something from the Bellevue Stratford right now.
让我们转向我们“城市之眼”的政♥治♥通讯记者 弗兰克·唐纳休
Let’s go live to our ‘Eye on the City’ political correspondent, Frank Donahue,
at the Liberty Ball at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel.
弗兰克 你看起来精神很好 你跟州长谈过了吗?
Frank, you look fabulous. Have you spoken with the governor yet?
对 琼 但只是简短交谈 他刚到达
Yes, Joan, but only briefly. He arrived only moments ago.
我的确问过州长 到目前为止他对今年自♥由♥日庆典有何看法
I did ask the governor regarding his impression so far of this year’s Liberty Day Jubilee.
州长说 他来到此地倍感荣幸
The governor said he was honoured to be here…
他计划出席游♥行♥ 当然还有周六晚上敲响新钟的活动
…and he plans to attend the parade and of cource the ringing of the new bell on Saturday night.
州长继续说 他感觉自♥由♥钟沉默如此长的时间是一种羞耻
The governor went on to say, Joan, he felt it a shame the Liberty Bell had been silenced for so long.
He looked forward to a new voice of liberty throughout the land.
州长此刻正在问候几位老朋友 我们了解到他还将加入宴会厅的晚宴
The governor is now greeting some old friends and we understand that he will be enjoying a meal in the ballroom.
不过他的人告诉我们 餐后他将立刻对我们讲话
But his people have told us that he will speak to us when he finishes that meal.
这里是弗兰克·唐纳休 “城市之眼”新闻 贝维斯特福报导
I’m Frank Donahue. ‘Eye on the City’ News, Bellevue Stratford.
谢谢 弗兰克 我们待会儿国际新闻再转到你那边
Thank you, Frank. We’ll be getting back to you later on the abroad cast.
与此同时 今晚其它新闻 一场教师罢♥工♥…
Meanwhile, in other news this evening, there was a teacher’s strike…
…Let’s take a walk along the river here.
嗯 好
Mm. Nice.
戴维 看 有人在桥上 – 咱们别操这份心了
David, look. Someone’s on the bridge. – Let’s not worry about that.
他正盯着我们 – 谁管呢?
He’s staring right at us. – Who cares?
我管 – 贝琪
I care. – Betsy.
我不想再待在这里 走吧 – 那好
I don’t wanna stay here anymore. Let’s go. – Yeah, OK.
他在干什么 – 我不知道
What is he doing? – I don’t know.
他是什么人 偷♥窥♥者什么的? – 哦 谁管呢?咱们从这边下去吧
What is he, a Peeping Tom or something? – Oh, who cares? Let’s walk down there.
Jesus Christ.
老天 请救救我
Oh, God. Please help me.
带我离开这里 求你
Get me out of here, please.
哦 老天
Oh. Oh, God.
(保安 警♥察♥ 付费电♥话♥)
砰的一声? – 对 大概是砰的一声
A bang? – Yeah, some sort of a bang.
I’m not sure where.
你正面对汽车? – 对
You were facing the car? – Yes.
哦 你听见的是爆胎声
Well, you heard the blowout.
对 我听见爆胎声了 但第一声我听到的是砰
Yes sir, I heard the blowout, but the first sound I heard was a bang.
是某种回声吧 – 不是
Some kind of an echo. – No.
听着 我知道回声什么样 我是做声音的
Look, I know what an echo sounds like. I’m a sound man.
And the bang was before the blowout.
你当时在那边做什么? – 我在为一部电影录声音
What were you doin’ up there? – I was recording sounds for a movie I work in.
你录下了这次事故的声音? – 对
You recorded the accident? – Yes.
What happened after that?
接着那辆车冲出道路进了小河里 我…
Well then the car went off the road into the creek and I…
后来你做了什么? – 我正要告诉你我做了什么
What did you do then? – I’m tryin’ to tell you what I do.
我跑下去 跳进河里 拉出那女孩
I ran down, jumped in the creek and pulled out the girl.
有一个女孩儿? – 对 有个女孩儿
There was a girl? – Yes, there was a girl.
什么样的女孩? – 我带来的那女孩 房♥间里那女孩
What girl? – The girl I brought here. The girl in the room.
She was inside the car?
对 – 你确定?
Yes. – Are you sure?
我又没开玩笑 我当然确定了
I wasn’t bobbing for apples. Of course I’m sure.
Well, look, it can get pretty dark under eight feet of water.
What’re you doing?
Is this known as obtaining objective eyewitness testimony? If it is, forget it.
我们得让担架通过 大家退后
We gotta get the stretcher through. Come on peaple, step back.
医生 她怎么样?