
bibelot (bee buh LO) (The sound of the word ends in “o,” if the written word does not!) The word names a decorative little object, a tchotchke.

  • Mimi was disappointed when the beautifully wrapped box Rodolpho gave her contained not a diamond ring but only a tasteful bibelot.
  • Mrs. Stuk-Upp was annoyed when the domestic staff referred to her expen-sive bibelot vitrine as a “whatnot shelf.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
bibelot(bee-buh LO)(如果书面单词没有,单词的发音以“o”结尾!)这个词命名了一个装饰性的小物体,一个小装饰品。

  • 当罗多夫送给咪咪的包装精美的盒子里没有钻戒,只有一个雅致的围兜时,咪咪很失望
  • 夫人。当家政人员把她那尖酸刻薄的毕格罗尖酸刻薄说成是“什么架子”时,Stuk Upp很生气

