


  1. bellicose attitude: 好战的态度
  2. bellicose rhetoric: 好战的言辞
  3. bellicose behavior: 好战的行为
  4. bellicose language: 好战的语言
  5. bellicose nation: 好战的国家
  6. bellicose leader: 好战的领导者
  7. bellicose actions: 好战的行动
  8. bellicose stance: 好战的立场
  9. bellicose policy: 好战的政策
  10. bellicose intentions: 好战的意图
  11. bellicose threats: 好战的威胁
  12. bellicose provocation: 好战的挑衅
  13. bellicose ideology: 好战的意识形态
  14. bellicose atmosphere: 好战的氛围
  15. bellicose conflict: 好战的冲突
  16. bellicose aggression: 好战的侵略
  17. bellicose militarism: 好战的军国主义
  18. bellicose rhetoric: 好战的言论
  19. bellicose posturing: 好战的装腔作势
  20. bellicose response: 好战的回应
  21. bellicose strategy: 好战的战略
  22. bellicose alliance: 好战的联盟
  23. bellicose confrontation: 好战的对抗
  24. bellicose mindset: 好战的心态
  25. bellicose aggression: 好战的侵略行为
  26. bellicose saber-rattling: 好战的喧闹行为
  27. bellicose show of force: 好战的示威力量
  28. bellicose military buildup: 好战的军事扩张
  29. bellicose nationalism: 好战的民族主义
  30. bellicose disputes: 好战的争端
  31. bellicose atmosphere: 好战的气氛
  32. bellicose response: 好战的回应
  33. bellicose rhetoric: 好战的言辞
  34. bellicose aggression: 好战的侵略行为
  35. bellicose posturing: 好战的姿态
  36. bellicose threats: 好战的威胁
  37. bellicose conflict: 好战的冲突
  38. bellicose rhetoric: 好战的言辞
  39. bellicose behavior: 好战的行为
  40. bellicose rhetoric: 好战的修辞
  41. bellicose temperament: 好战的气质
  42. bellicose rhetoric: 好战的说辞
  43. bellicose nationalism: 好战的民族主义
  44. bellicose diplomacy: 好战的外交政策
  45. bellicose ideology: 好战的意识形态
  46. bellicose disposition: 好战的性格
  47. bellicose tendencies: 好战的倾向
  48. bellicose rhetoric: 好战的修辞
  49. bellicose actions: 好战的行动
  50. bellicose rhetoric: 好战的言辞




贝罗纳( Bellona )是罗马神话中的女战神,是战神马尔斯( Mars )的妻子,和战神一样代表了战争的残忍和血腥,相当于希腊神话中的厄倪俄,但在罗马神话中地位远远高于希腊神话中的厄倪俄,经常与战神相提并论。她的外号是“城市毁灭者”,常常与战神的两个儿子以及纷争女神一道,与战神一起驰骋战场。

英语词根 bel- 就源自贝罗纳的名字 Bellona ,构成了众多与战争相关的词。

  • bellicose:[‘belɪkəʊs] adj. 好战的
  • rebel:[‘reb(ə)l] vi. 反叛,造反 adj. 反叛的,造反的 n. 反叛者,叛徒
  • belligerent:[bə’lɪdʒ(ə)r(ə)nt] adj. 交战的,交战国的,好战的 n. 交战国


bellicose (BELL ih kohs) From the Latin root that means “war,” this adjective means about as hostile as you can get. Like belligerent, it means warlike.

  • The bellicose Mohawk Indians were quick to use their hatchets on the white settlers.
  • Eager to fight, the bellicose reporter documented all of the instances of discrimination in the corporation’s hiring policies.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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好战(BELL ih kohs)这个形容词来自拉丁文词根,意思是“战争”,意思是尽可能充满敌意。就像好战,它意味着好战。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
