

[verb] (of an appearance) fail to give a true notion or impression of (something); disguise or contradict
[动词] (指外表)未能给出(某个事物)的真实概念或印象;掩饰或相矛盾


Belie 是一个只比熟词 belief 少一个尾字母的单词。该词源自古英语 beleogan (用谎言欺骗),在中古英语时期拼作 bilien (说谎、诬告、诽谤),由前缀 be- (加以……、饰以……)+词根 lie (说谎)构成。


  • 她的活力与年轻美貌使人看不出她有65岁了。当时他完全被她的美丽迷住了。
    Her energy and youthful good looks belied her 65 years. At that time he was completely beguiled by her beauty.

当印象与事实不符或者说相矛盾时,也就意味着印象不正确或者说出了错。因此反过来也可以用 belie 表示“显示……不正确、证明……错误”,比如:

  • 他言行不一。说到请假歇班,他什么花招都想得出。
    His actions belie his words. When it comes to getting off work, he knows all the dodges.

若是希望、期望、预测等对未来的印象与事实不符或者相矛盾,则会落空。于是进一步还可以用 belie 表示“辜负、使失望、使落空”,比如:

  • 最近的政治动荡使人们对和平的希望落空了。
    The latest political ferment belied hope for peace.


Not that he wished to be less well-appearing, but that he was ashamed to belie his appearance by incongruous appeals.

出自美国现实主义作家西奥多·德莱赛(Theodore Dreiser)创作的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》(Sister Carrie)。


  • One reason is that Twitter’s size belies its importance.
  • Its simple geometries belie its complexity.


belie (be LIE) This verb refers to misrepresentation, to self-contradiction. Although it’s based on the word “lie,” it isn’t used to convey a sense of deliberate deception.

  • Although Carrie was falsely accused of cheating on the French exam, the tears welling in her eyes belied the calm of her denial.
  • Belying Dick’s statement that he “always traveled light” were the big suit-case and the overstuffed duffel bag that he was cramming into the trunk of the car.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
belie (be LIE) 这个动词指的是虚假陈述,指的是自我矛盾。虽然它是基于 “谎言 “这个词,但它并不是用来表达一种故意欺骗的感觉。


迪克说他 “总是轻装上阵”,这与他塞进汽车后备箱的大皮箱和塞得满满的行李袋相矛盾。


  • 定义:Belie 是一个动词,有两个主要含义。首先,它可以指掩饰或隐藏真相,使之难以被察觉或相信。其次,它可以表示与某人或某物的外貌、性质或特征相矛盾。
  • 掩饰或隐藏真相:当使用 belie 表示掩饰或隐藏真相时,它意味着通过行为、言辞或外在表现给人一种错误的印象,使真相变得难以被人察觉或相信。例如,”His friendly demeanor belies his true intentions.”(他友好的态度掩盖了他的真实意图。)
  • 与外貌、性质或特征相矛盾:另一种用法是指某人或某物的外貌、性质或特征与其真实情况相矛盾。这意味着它们给人一种错误的印象或错觉。例如,”The calm exterior of the ocean belies its powerful currents.”(平静的海洋表面掩盖了其强大的洋流。)
  • 类似词汇:与 belie 类似的词汇包括 contradict、mask、disguise 和 misrepresent。

总之,belie 是一个动词,具有两个主要含义:一是掩饰或隐藏真相,使之难以被察觉或相信;二是表示与某人或某物的外貌、性质或特征相矛盾。


  1. Belie the truth: 掩盖真相
  2. Actions belie words: 行动与言辞不符
  3. Appearance belies reality: 外表掩盖了实际情况
  4. Expression belies emotions: 表情不符合情感
  5. Behavior belies character: 行为不符合品格
  6. Facts belie assumptions: 事实否定了假设
  7. Statistics belie the trend: 统计数据与趋势相悖
  8. Circumstances belie expectations: 情况与期望不符
  9. Evidence belies accusations: 证据证明指责是错误的
  10. Smile belies sadness: 微笑掩饰了悲伤
  11. Words belie intentions: 言辞掩盖了意图
  12. Tone of voice belies nervousness: 声调暗示紧张
  13. Details belie the simplicity: 细节揭示了简单之下的复杂
  14. Numbers belie the reality: 数字揭示了实际情况
  15. His calm demeanor belies the storm within: 他平静的外表掩盖了内心的风暴


contradict: be in conflict with
disguise: give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one’s identity
falsify: alter (information or evidence) so as to mislead

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
