♪ 奇异恩典 ♪
♪ Amazing grace ♪
♪ 何等甘甜 ♪
♪ How sweet the sound ♪
♪ 拯救了像我这般 ♪
♪ That saved a wretch ♪
♪ 无助的人 ♪
♪ Like me ♪
♪ 我曾迷失 ♪
♪ I once was lost ♪
♪ 如今已被找回 ♪
♪ But now I’m found ♪
♪ 曾经盲目 ♪
♪ Was blind ♪
♪ 如今又能看见 ♪
♪ But now I see ♪
♪ 锁链得开 ♪
♪ My chains are gone ♪
♪ 我得自♥由♥ ♪
♪ I’ve been set free ♪
♪ 我的上帝 我的救主 ♪
♪ My God, my savior ♪
♪ 已救赎我 ♪
♪ Has ransomed me ♪
♪ 想那洪涛 ♪
♪ And like a flood ♪
♪ 怜悯涌流 ♪
♪ His mercy reigns ♪
♪ 无尽的爱 ♪
♪ Unending love ♪
♪ 奇异恩典 ♪
♪ Amazing grace ♪
来吧 我们赞美上帝!
Come on, let’s praise the Lord!
♪ 奇异恩典 ♪
♪ Amazing grace ♪
♪ 何等甘甜 ♪
♪ How sweet the sound ♪
♪ 拯救了像我这般 ♪
♪ That saved a wretch ♪
♪ 无助的人 ♪
♪ Like me ♪
♪ 我曾迷失 ♪
♪ I once was lost ♪
♪ 如今已被找回 ♪
♪ But now I’m found ♪
♪ 曾经盲目 如今又能看见 ♪
♪ Was blind, but now I see ♪
Sing along!
Come on, come on!
♪ 锁链得开 ♪
♪ My chains are gone ♪
♪ 我得自♥由♥ ♪
♪ I’ve been set free ♪
♪ 我的上帝 我的救主 ♪
♪ My God, my savior ♪
♪ 已救赎我 ♪
♪ Has ransomed me ♪
♪ 像那洪涛 ♪
♪ And like a flood ♪
♪ 怜悯涌流 ♪
♪ His mercy reigns ♪
♪ 无尽的爱 ♪
♪ Unending love ♪
♪ 奇异… ♪
♪ Amazing… ♪
那样很好 这样… 好的 E调换到A调很好
That was great, so– Okay, so E to A would be nice,
但如果你将E调换到升C小调 就会真的感受到圣灵
but if you go E to C-sharp minor then you’ll really feel the Holy Spirit.
嗨 丹尼 曲目很棒 -嗨 你也是 兄弟
Yo, great set, Danny. – Yo, you too, brother.
你会去吃百家饭吧? -当然
I’ll see you at the potluck? – For sure.
我说过无数遍了 你是想让我为了一块尿布求你吗?
I asked a billion times. Do you want me to beg for a diaper?
Then we’ll drive three more miles to the Whole Foods.
他们那里有 你在无理取闹 -他们那里没有
They have them. You’re making a scene. – They do not.
I heard they’re fighting a lot.
哎呀 基努 你躲开了不少子弹
Dang, Keanu. Dodged hella bullets.
保罗 这不是我们对待兄弟姐妹 遭遇困境时应有的态度
Paul, that’s not how we react to a brother and sister going through a tough time.
我们要为他们祈祷 对吧 各位?
We pray for them. Right, guys?
You’re such a good leader.
谢谢 贝蒂 我来收拾洗完的衣服吧
Oh, thanks, Betty. I can finish the laundry.
没关系 艾米小姐 我可以做的
It’s okay, Miss Amy. I can do it.
不用 行了 你休息一下
No, no. Come on. You relax.
Did I do something wrong?
我的天 没有 我只是想帮忙
Oh, my God, no. I was just trying to help.
Because I am doing something wrong.
完全没有 我…
No, not at all. I–
这样吧 请忘记我说过的话
You know what, please forget I said anything.
I’m gonna go check on Junie.
嘿 亲爱的 还是别让贝蒂来度假屋了
Hey, babe. I think we should stop having Betty come out to the vacation home.
Did she do something wrong?
什么?没有 就是…
What? No, it–
她为我们做了很多 让我觉得愧疚
She just does so much for us. And, you know, I feel guilty.
亲爱的 这是她的工作
Babe, that’s her job.
You’ve been wanting a full-time nanny forever.
是 我知道 可现在真有了一个 这…
Yeah, I know, but, you know, now that we do, it–
I feel like I don’t help out enough.
你买♥♥了这个房♥子 你做了很多
You bought this. You helped.
你也出力了 记得月亮椅吗?
You helped too. The Tamago?
It did help close the deal.
看来我确实挽救了大局 对吧? -是的 没错
I guess I did save the day, huh? – Yeah, you did.
嘿 明天你去咨♥询♥吗?
Hey, are you consulting tomorrow?
我有几个会议 但我可以重新安排时间
Uh, I have some meetings, but I can reschedule them.
What’s up?
小琼 你把和我说过的话 再和妈咪说一遍 好吗?
Junie, do you wanna tell Mommy what you told me?
I wanna stay longer!
是吗 宝贝?你喜欢这个度假屋?
Yeah, honey? You like the vacation home?
是的 卢卡喜欢这里!
Yep. Luca loves it!
好吧 再待一晚
Okay, well, one more night
然后我们就得回去 准备爸爸明天的聚会了 好吗?
and then we gotta go back for Daddy’s party tomorrow, okay?
妈咪可以自己选择上班时间 真好
We love that Mommy gets to work whenever she wants.
对吧 小琼? -是的 谢天谢地那笔交易完成了
Right, Junie? – Yep. Thank God the deal closed.
我的天 我们也许这事聊得太多了
Oh, my God, we probably talked about that way too much.
小琼 世界上除了生意和钱之外 还有更重要的事情
Junie, there’s more important things in life than deals and money, okay?
还有爱 宝贝 -好的!
There’s love, sweetheart. – Okay!
老天 我们太幸运了
God, we are so lucky.
We sure are.
Isn’t this nice? Right?
妈妈 看看这里
Mom, look over here.
厨房♥ LG电器
The kitchen. All LG appliances.
我给你们买♥♥了个电饭煲 你听
And I got you a rice cooker. Listen to this.
That song is a bit weird.
爸爸 这是21世纪最棒的歌♥
Dad… …it’s the best song of the 21st century.
We already have a rice cooker.
好的 没问题
Okay. Okay, no problem.
这个插座有USB接口 排线都是我自己弄的
This outlet has a USB. I did all the wiring.
Because your house has to be perfect.
丹尼 看起来不错
Looks good, Danny.
How’s Paul? Is he good?
Paul’s fine.
既然你有了埃丝特 你得给保罗介绍点姑娘
Now that you have Esther, you need to introduce Paul to some girls.
妈妈 我介绍了 好吧?
Mom. Mom… I did. I did, okay?
He’s still not over Kayla.
我提醒过他不要跟她纠缠 但他非得吃点苦头才长教训
I warned him about her, but he has to learn the hard way.
妈妈 看看这个花瓶 不错吧?
Mom. Look at this vase. It’s nice, right?
那个也挺奇怪的 我们要去打包行李了
That’s weird too. We have to pack now.
See you and Paul tomorrow.
再见 -好的 再见
Bye-bye. – Okay. Bye.
保罗 你给爸妈订了《休闲旅游》?
Paul. Did you order Mom and Dad Travel + Leisure?
没有 那是什么鬼? -一本杂♥志♥
No, what the fuck is that? – It’s a magazine.
That’s a magazine?
Well, they’re sending me bills under my name.
那你真倒霉 伙计
Sucks for you, dude.
是啊 这里有《田野与溪流》 《吉他世界》…
Yeah and they got like Field & Stream, Guitar World–
Yo, these all sound like things you wanna read.
I don’t wanna read about streams.
什么? -我都从没去过溪流
What? – I’ve never even been to a stream.
你小时候去钓过鱼 而且你可喜欢了 记得吗?
You went fishing when you were little and you loved it, remember?
我不记得这个了 -我当时钓到了最大的那条
I don’t remember that. – And I caught the biggest one.
Now I know you’re making shit up.
我不会付钱的 你得退订
I’m not paying for this. You got to cancel it.
乔治 不要停 我就要高♥潮♥了
George, don’t stop, I’m close.
没事吧? -什么?
Is everything okay? – What?
Yo, why’d you stop?
亲爱的 我突然没感觉了 所以…
Oh, babe, I feel a recession happening, so…
拜托 不要停
Come on, don’t stop.
It’s still in.
又湿又软的纸吸管 虽然还插在冰沙里 但是…
I mean, a soggy paper straw is still in a smoothie, but it’s not–
好吧 这么说帮不上忙 -好
Okay. That’s not gonna help. – Yeah.
乔治 怎么了? -艾米
George, what’s wrong? – Amy.
I have to tell you something.
