别动了 我来
Don’t move. I got it.
完全恢复之前 你和我们住吧
You’re staying with us until you’re 100 percent.
奶奶 我们会让你好起来的 妈妈 对不对?
We’ll make you better, oba-chan. Right, Mommy?
当然了 是啊
Of course. Yeah.
富美 我们都会照顾你
Fumi, we’re here for you.
艾米 谢谢你
Thank you, Amy.
I wish the cameras had been on.
You don’t remember anything else?
我已经全告诉警♥察♥了 -妈妈 再试着回忆一下
I told the police everything. – Try remembering more, Mom.
你到了家里 然后关闭了安保系统?
You stopped by the house and you turned off the security system?
抱歉 当时是几点来着? -我记忆一片模糊
Sorry, what time was that exactly? – It’s all a blur.
你在找爸爸的一张照片 然后发生了什么?
You were looking for a photo of Dad and then what?
你看到一个白人 和一个小个子的拉丁裔?
You saw a very white man and a small Latino?
Stop, please.
I don’t want to think about it anymore.
You know, I need an orange soda from the vending machine.
没问题 我这就去买♥♥
No sweat. I’ll get it right now.
Can I press the buttons?
当然了 来吧 我们一起去
Of course you can. Come on. Let’s go.
富美 我很高兴你没事
So glad you’re okay, Fumi.
I’m sorry to trouble you with all of this.
I know you have a lot on your plate.
Not at all.
Can I get candy?
抱歉 宝贝 现在时间太晚了
Sorry, sweetie. It too late.
小琼 和爸爸说给我买♥♥糖果
Junie, tell Daddy to get me candy
and I’ll share with you.
今天我们能在主面前 是何等的喜乐
What a joy it is to be in the Lord’s presence today.
Let’s raise it up to our Lord and savior.
♪ 扬声唱哈利路亚 ♪
♪ I raise a hallelujah ♪
♪ 在我仇敌面前 ♪
♪ In the presence of my enemies ♪
♪ 扬声唱哈利路亚 ♪
♪ I raise a hallelujah ♪
♪ 大声胜过不信 ♪
♪ Louder than the unbelief ♪
♪ 扬声唱哈利路亚 ♪
♪ I raise a hallelujah ♪
好的 开始了 “赞美是我的武…”
Okay, here we go. “My weapon is a melody…”
♪ 赞美是我的武器 ♪
♪ My weapon is a melody ♪
♪ 扬声唱哈利路亚 ♪
♪ I raise a hallelujah ♪
来吧 上帝!
Here we go, God!
对 耶稣!
Yes, Jesus!
I thought he was under house arrest.
他获得了一次宗教豁免 -谢天谢地 他最近挺混♥蛋♥的
He got a religious exemption. Thank God. He’s been such a dick.
嘿 我和你们说了别去偷东西
Hey, I told you guys not to do it.
I called it off.
是 我们确实搞砸了 -你当时说得太好了
Yeah, we fucked up for sure. – You pitched it so good.
你想让我们怎么办? -看到这玩意没?
What did you want us to do? – See this shit?
这才是真正的钱 能用来买♥♥东西的真金白银
This shit’s real money. Shit you can buy fucking shit with.
看到这个了吗? 这个不行 只能看不能花
You see this? You can’t. It’s vase money.
好吧 我被那位卖♥♥植物的女士气昏了头
All right, I let that plant lady get the best of me.
被她拿捏了 但现在没事了
Okay, psychologically, but it’s all over now.
It’s fucked up.
我动用关系 替你找到了免费的材料
I’m using my connects to get you free materials.
I set up all this church shit
而你们这帮笨蛋 却在玩《紧急呼救》的把戏
while you fucking idiots are playing Ocean’s 9-11.
嘿 我开玩笑呢 -我知道
Hey, that’s a joke. – I got it.
是个乐子你♥他♥妈♥倒是笑啊 -好吧
Fucking laugh when something’s funny. – Okay.
I’m gonna keep all this fucking money to myself.
下次我们再分 可以吧?
We’ll split the next one. Cool?
我父母那块地… -好的 都没问题了吧?
My parents’ land, man… – All right. We’re all set?
嘿 看看这些美女
Yo, look at all this eye candy.
没有假释官 还有这些仓库
No parole officer, all this storage.
I should just move in here.
砸掉那堵墙 打开空间
Take out that wall. Open this up.
More curves to humanize the space.
妈妈 人性化这个空间
Humanize the space, Mommy.
小琼 别这么说 好吧?
Don’t say that, Junie. Okay?
她整个早上都这样 我觉得医生给她开的止疼药
She’s been like this all morning. I think the doctor prescribed her
too strong of a painkiller.
I feel nothing.
I feel like how this house must feel.
富美 还是把你这些伟大的翻修主意
Fumi, why don’t we save all your great renovation ideas
for your next home?
算了吧 好像我买♥♥得起一样
Oh, please, like I have the money for that.
But I get it.
如果你们要分开了 那还改什么?
Why make changes if you may not stay together?
什么? -如果你们要分手的话
What? – If you’re gonna split up,
就不值得费心了 -富美 别说了
it’s not worth the headache. – Fumi, please?
妈妈 你怎么会有这种想法?
Mom, where is this coming from?
Must be the pills.
My tongue is loose.
乔治 我去帮你妈妈安顿下来
Uh, George, I’m gonna help your mom get settled in.
你要不要去超♥市♥ 给她买♥♥点她最爱的零食?
You wanna go to the store and grab her favorite snacks?
好的 好主意
Yeah. Great idea.
我会路过克友绿植 你有需要我拿回家的东西吗?
I’m gonna go past Kōyōhaus. Do you need me to bring anything home?
If it’s not too much of a hassle,
米娅在店里 她可以拿给你我需要的文件
Mia’s there, so she can give you the paperwork I need.
我这就去 别担心 -谢谢 亲爱的
I’m on it. No worries. – Thanks, babe.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
是啊 真的 我当时没有朋友
Yeah. No, for real. But, like, I had no friends.
So I played with bugs outside,
I played with insects,
我会把蟋蟀带回屋 和我的《特种部队》玩偶玩耍
and I’d bring these crickets inside to play with my G.I. Joes,
它们在《布雷斯塔警长》里的 那种堡垒里消磨时间
and they all hung out in this fort from this show called BraveStarr,
你们没看过 但…
which you don’t know about but–
我不知道蟋蟀吃什么 就给它们吃饼干 然后它们都死了
I don’t know what crickets ate. I gave them cookies and they all died.
天啊 -是啊
Oh, my God. – Yeah.
Why didn’t you just ask your parents for a dog?
Korean kids, you couldn’t ask for that kind of stuff back then.
Like that happened after 1990.
这个家伙知道 看看他
This guy knows. Look at him.
好吧 我有一只叫贝拉的吉娃娃
Okay, I had a chihuahua named Bella.
它很可爱 非常可爱
She was very cute. Very cute.
嘿 但你们知道丹尼做了什么吗?
Hey, but you know what Danny did?
有一天 他发现一只受伤的乌鸦
One day, he found a injured crow
就用我死了的蟋蟀喂养它 帮它恢复健康
and he nursed it back to health by feeding it my dead crickets.
对 他就是这么做的 -什么?我从来不知道
Yeah, he did that. – What? I had never heard this.
是啊 当时我特别小
I was super young.
在那之后的几年里 我总看到那只乌鸦 很奇怪
Um, I saw that crow like for years after that. It was weird.
好善良啊 -好善良啊
So kind.
Danny was always so good with animals growing up.
Should we start cleaning up?
I gotta get ready for practice.
Practice for what?
We have our church basketball tournament coming up.
对 埃德温的球队每年都赢
Yeah. Edwin’s team wins every year.
篮球就是生命 让我们上吧
Yo, ball is life, man. Let us play.
丹尼打得很好 -没关系的
Danny, he’s real good. – It’s all good.
截止日期已经过了 -截止日期?
Deadline’s passed. – Deadline?
是啊 我很抱歉 报名几周前就结束了
Yeah. I’m so sorry, the signups ended a couple of weeks ago.
教练 让我加入吧 我打球就像毕加索画画那样大胆
Put me in, coach. I get messy in the paint like Picasso.
是啊 埃德温 帮帮忙 -是啊 帮帮忙 埃德温
Yeah, Edwin. Come on. – Yeah, come on, Edwin.
这样吧 我会问下其他球队
You know what? I’ll check in with the other teams.
很不幸 我一个人决定不了 -他决定不了
It’s not up to me, unfortunately. – It’s not up to him.
兄弟 我帮你 我去问下其他球队
I got you, bro. I’ll check with the other teams.
看到我的本事没? 看到我大展拳脚没?
Yo, you see how I do? You see how fucking I do?
