老天 金发的你看起来有意思多了 -我想继续工作
Oh, my. You’re more fun as a blonde. – I want to stay on.
哇哦 什么?真的吗?
Wow, what? Really?
I know you probably planned for this–
不 艾米 我来这里只是为了支持你 你知道的
No, no, Amy. I’m only here to support you. You know that.
谢谢 真的
Thank you, really.
我认为这就是 我生命中一直缺少的东西 那种感觉
I think that this is what has been missing in my life. You know, this feeling.
是的 太棒了 欢迎加入我们的大家庭
Yes! Yes, yes. Amazing. Welcome to the family.
对了 起哄者你应对得很棒 典型的赌城流氓
Great job with the hecklers, by the way. That’s typical Vegas riff-raff.
我很难过 福斯特的普通消费者是这样的人
Pains me that that’s the average Forsters consumer.
Well, hey, nobody ever went broke
低估美国公众的智商而破产 对吧?
underestimating the intelligence… – Amy– …of the American public, right?
I don’t know why he’s so mad about a truck.
车♥库♥到底在哪里? -有他们我们根本找不到!
Where the fuck is the garage?! – They make it impossible!
我钥匙呢? -我不知道 你拿着呢!
Where are my keys?! – I don’t know, you had them!
我以为你拿着呢! -我没有!
I thought you had them! – I don’t!
Fuck! Where are the keys?!
把手举起来! -该死!
Put your hands in the air! Fuck!
双手抱头 转过身来
Hands on your head. Turn around.
跪下 -该死!
Get down on your knees. – Fuck!
该死 -趴下
Fuck. – Get on the ground.
♪ I wrote her off For the tenth time today ♪
♪ And practiced All the things I would say ♪
♪ But she came over I lost my nerve ♪
♪ I took her back and made her dessert ♪
♪ Now I know I’m being used ♪
♪ That’s okay, man ‘Cause I like the abuse ♪
♪ Now I know she’s playing with me ♪
♪ That’s okay ‘Cause I’ve got no self-esteem ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, yeah ♪
