I feel like a whore.
你再这么说 可能就得睡床上了
Keep talking like that, you might get to sleep in the bed.
说回现实 我把他的卡车开走了 我哥肯定得气死
Back to reality. My brother will be so pissed I took his truck.
真的 你人很不错
Seriously, you’re a great guy,
任何事情 只要你下决心做 肯定就能成功
and you’ll be able to accomplish whatever you put your mind to.
Don’t let your brother get you down.
I’m really glad we met.
Can we hug?
我们为什么不去找保罗? -没关系的
God! Why didn’t we look for Paul? – It’s okay.
开始的几轮 只吃高价蛋白质 不吃碳水
First few rounds: only high-value proteins, no carbs.
不喝饮料 我跟你学的
No fillers. Learned that from you.
I have zero appetite.
我知道你昨晚很不顺 但也要吃点东西
I know you had a rough night, but eat something.
我从来不会输 -我知道
I never lose. I never lose. – I know.
都是保罗的错 -好吧
It’s Paul’s fault. – Okay.
Kayla! Where the fuck is she?!
吃这个 你需要吃点东西 吸收一下♥体♥内的酒精
Eat this. You need something to absorb all that alcohol.
这才是我需要的 -好吧
Dude, this is what I need. – Okay.
这才是…从来没人关心过我 我需要这个
This is what– No one ever looks out for me. I needed this.
有时候我也是心里有数的 好吧?
Sometimes I know what I’m talking about. Okay?
这是剩余的边角料了 我要等新做好的
That’s an end piece. I’ll wait for a fresh one.
我才是边角料 -好吧 你们可以拿…
I’m an end piece. – Okay, you guys can go–
如果你们想… -我要等一块新的
If you want it– – I’ll wait for another one.
你们等等新做的吧 别拿那块
You guys wait for the good one. Don’t get that one.
Oh, now he shows up.
嘿 保罗 滚到这里来
Oh, hey, Paul, get your ass over here.
你♥他♥妈♥耍我呢? -你♥他♥妈♥是不是在耍我?
Yo! Are you fucking kidding me?! – Are you fucking kidding me?
Paul? Paul!
见鬼!过来! -别吃这些!
Fuck! Come here! – Don’t eat those!
你好 我是艾米刘 来办理登记
Hi, I’m checking in for Amy Lau.
Oh, you’re a guest of Ms. Forster.
All of your treatments are of course comped.
老天 -你有什么计划?
Oh, my God. – What did you have in mind?
关于这个 我其实拍了张照片
Oh, I actually have a photo of what I want.
Shoot, I think I left my phone in my room.
我马上回来 -好的 没问题
I’ll be right back. – Okay. No problem.
Fuck! Why she gotta be on the top floor?!
保罗 回来!
Paul, get back here!
我要宰了你 逼我锻炼!
I’ll fucking kill you for making me work out!
I won’t be infected by your brokenness anymore!
什么?瞧见没? 肯定是那个白人恶魔教他的!
What? See? That’s that white devil talking!
嘿 保罗!
Hey, Paul!
嘿 韩国版约翰尼卡森 到底是好话还是坏话?
Hey, is Korean Johnny Carson a compliment or not?
我不知道那是谁! -是好话还是坏话?
I don’t know who that is! – Was it a compliment or not?!
What floor are we on?
Wrong floor.
保罗 你不讲忠诚!
You… have no loyalty, Paul!
I don’t give a fuck! You’re still on parole.
保罗!我是你哥 你得尊敬我!
Paul! I am your brother, you will respect me!
Paul! Paul! Paul, get back here! –
在我房♥间里 不好意思 -太好了
It was in my room, sorry about that. – Great.
我帮你做准备 -好的
Let’s get you all set up. – Okay.
Paul! Open the door.
赶紧开门!保罗 开门!
Open the fucking door, dude! Paul, open the door!
Where’s your girl?
顶楼套房♥ 我衬衫都丢楼下了!
Penthouse suite, while I’m losing my shirt downstairs!
你要干什么? -老天 放开我
What are you doing? – Oh, God. Get off of me.
我小时候 犟嘴的孩子会被送走
Back in my day, kids flap their mouths, they get sent away.
全家人都去传教了 我呢? 我被送到了洛杉矶
The whole family in the mission fields. Me? I got shipped to L.A.
你在说什么? -我拿到钥匙了 我们走吧!
What the fuck are you talking about?! – I got the keys. Let’s go!
喂 行了 算了吧
Hey, hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa, come on.
Why are you even here? Nobody even likes you.
我一直琢磨 汽车旅馆的事是谁向警♥察♥举报的
I always wondered who called the cops on me at the motel.
是你 阴险的混♥蛋♥!你被宠坏了!
It was you, you fucking snake! You fucking spineless brat!
我们可不想让儿童服务机构找上来 因为我们打了一个孩子
We do not want child services on us, all right? For hitting a fucking kid.
你们通过欺负我 发泄对悲惨生活的不满 真可悲
It’s pathetic you have to bully me to feel better about your shitty lives.
你们死的时候 绝对没人会在乎
When you die, literally no one will care.
Shut your fucking mouth.
没有我哪里有现在的你 你才可悲
You wouldn’t be here without me. You’re pathetic.
I can fucking take you.
Get the fuck out of here.
希望你们在福斯特集团 第52届年会上玩得开心
Hope you’re enjoying the 52nd Annual Forsters conference.
(艾米刘 克友绿植创始人)
我在后台看到了我们的下一位嘉宾 她焕然一新
I saw our next guest backstage and she’s got a brand-new look.
You look amazing.
欢迎艾米刘 克友绿植的所有人
The owner of Kōyōhaus, Amy Lau.
Give it up.
How do we get to the garage?
这地方根本出不去 他们就是这样抢钱的
They make it impossible to get out. That’s how they keep robbing us.
感谢大家对克友绿植的爱 非常感谢
I appreciate all the love for Kōyōhaus. Thank you so much.
What the fuck?
我去 “下一代 第一课 掌握未来…”
Shit dude, “Next Gen, First Class, Future-Proof–”
是《X战警》新电影! -是那个路怒的女人
This is the new X-Men! – That’s the road rage bitch.
我的老天 这也太巧了吧?
Fuck. – Oh, my God, what are the chances?
伙计 这就是宇宙 终归是恶有恶报
Dude, universe, bro. It wants you to balance the karma.
没错 我们开干吧! -等等
Yeah, let’s do this shit! – Wait.
Come on.
第一年 我们直达消费者…
You know, the first year we went direct to consumer…
老天 我凌晨六点就起床了 每个早上都是如此
God, I was up at 6 a.m. every single morning
making deliveries all by myself.
Like, all over Los Angeles.
I had just given birth to my daughter.
我在车里挤奶 我们都有过这种经历 是吧?
I’d pump in the car, and we’ve all been there, right?
But I still made sure to have dinner with my husband,
每晚都是如此 因为这对我很重要
every single night, because it was important to me.
我买♥♥了一栋房♥子 自己重新设计
I bought a house that I redesigned myself,
and, I mean, why am I telling you this?
因为我想让你们知道 尽管所有人都不认同这个观点
Because I want you to know that, despite what everybody tells you,
you can have it all.
You can. – Wow.
我想说 这就是完美的回答 是的
I mean, just the perfect answer. Yeah.
我们还有时间问最后一个问题 是的 后面的那位
We have time for one more question. Yes, there in the back.
Let’s get them a mic.
Uh, yeah. This is a question for Amy Lau.
嗨 很高兴见到你 请问吧
Oh, hi, nice to meet you. Ask away.
我只是想知道 你在我的位置会怎么做
I’m just wondering what you would do in my shoes.
我当时坐在自己的车里 突然有位女士
I was sitting in my car, and all of a sudden, this woman starts honking at me
从她那完美无瑕的白色SUV车里 向我鸣笛
from her fucking perfect white SUV.
然后这个疯子 开始用垃圾评论扰乱我的生意
And then this psycho starts trolling my business with bullshit reviews.
然后她在我的卡车上喷涂 “我是个贱♥人♥”
And then she fucking tags my truck with, “I’m a bitch.”
Is that normal behavior? ‘Cause that fucking lady…
保安 有醉酒的游客闯进来了
Security, I think some drunk tourists have wandered in.
就这样吗? 你觉得这就是拥有一切吗?去你的!
Is that what that is? Do you think that’s having it all? Fuck you!
给我麦克风!《背水一战》 是《X战警》最棒的一部!
Give me the mic! “The Last Stand” is the best X-Men!
Wolverine cannot be circumcised!
放开我! -好的 没事了
Get the fuck off me. – Oh, okay.
All right. Last tip for your business.
The average consumer loves alcohol.
I mean, clearly. –
他们确实这样 -她说得对
They do. – She’s right.
放开我!他妈的放开我! -我知道米兰达宣言!
Get off me! Let me the fuck go! – I know Miranda! I know Miranda!
快跑 丹尼! -快跑!
Run, Danny! – Come on, let’s go!
这是在逗我吗? -快跑!
Are you fucking kidding me? – Shit. Come on!
Get back here!
这帮王八蛋 快跑! -可恶!
Motherfuckers, come on! Goddamn it!
