为什么戒了? -我不知道
Why’d you stop? – I don’t know.
I don’t have the time or the space.
Well, you got both right now.
嗨 我是保罗 别那么老派 给我发短♥信♥
Yo, you’ve reached Paul. Don’t be old, just text me.
嗨 我的东西都在卡车里 我工作要用
Yo, all my shit is in the truck. I need it for work.
我们正往赌城开 和我们见一面 就没关系了
We’re pulling up to Vegas. Meet us. No harm, no foul.
臭小子 他肯定不回电♥话♥ -我们可以用“查找我的手♥机♥”
That little shit, he’s not gonna call. – Ugh. We could do “Find My Phone.”
我知道他的虚拟币账户密♥码♥ 肯定是其中的一个
I know his crypto passwords, one of them has got to work.
这就是年轻人欠揍的原因 要不然他们就会变成这样
That’s why you smack them maknaes or they turn out like this.
他们从小就没被教育好 父母的心力都花费在老大身上了
They never get disciplined like we do. Parents are too tired after the first one.
老大总是要忍♥受更多 每次都是
Their oldest always gets it worse. Every time.
喂 记得我第一次让你吸爽
Hey, remember when I got you high for the first time,
and you puked all over the motel lobby?
是啊 我父母把打屁♥股♥的棍子 都打折了 可疼了
Yeah. My parents busted out the Kmart maemae for that one. That hurt.
你吐的东西挺好看的 因为你喜欢吃彩虹糖
Your vomit was pretty because you love Skittles.
I used to pour the Skittles into the Coke.
是的 -保罗之前什么都学我
Yup. – Paul used to copy me, man.
He used to look up to me.
我给我起了个外号♥ 韩国版约翰尼卡森
He gave me that nickname, Korean Johnny Carson.
All the motel guests started calling me that.
Like, that was so good.
Yo, you know he was making fun of you, right?
什么?才不是呢 约翰尼卡森可厉害了
What? No, dude, Johnny Carson was the man.
你在说什么? -只有我们这么想
What are you talking about? – To us.
在他去世后 保罗开始这样叫你
Paul started calling you that after he died,
他脾气不好和自恋的那些事 都被报道出来之后
when all that stuff about his temper and narcissism came out.
对不起 我当时就应该告诉你 但你不和我联♥系♥了
Sorry, I would have told you back then, but you stopped kicking it with me.
Johnny was the best to ever do it.
我觉得你以前肯定是个瘾君子 -确实如此
I feel like you were a stoner back then. – I was.
♪ Where is the ritual…? ♪
对 往下拽我的一只胳膊
Yeah. Break down one of my arms.
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah. –
Squeeze it all.
耶! -不错 真不错!很棒
Yeah! – Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah! That’s good. Oh!
You ever put Skittles in Coke?
我小时候想出的这个主意 棒极了
I came up with this as a kid. It’s amazing.
Oh, shit.
♪ That’s the day ♪
♪ I throw my drugs away ♪
♪ When they find a cure for pain ♪
♪ When they find a cure for pain ♪
♪ Find a cure for Find a cure for pain ♪
But I wasn’t sure if it was even real.
我有一段模糊的记忆 六岁去中国的时候吃过一个
I have this faint memory of going to China when I was 6 and eating one.
他们告诉我 这个在美国是违♥禁♥品♥
They told me it was illegal in America.
I never even heard of a mangosteen.
真是不可思议 他们就这么给你拿来了一个
It’s crazy they just brought you one like that.
你肯定挺有钱 才能过这样的生活吧?
You must be pretty rich to be living like this, huh?
Well, I’m about to be.
That’s so crazy to say.
我要把我的生意 以一千万美元的价钱卖♥♥出
I’m about to sell my business for $10 million.
什么? -是的
What? – Yeah.
就是卖♥♥植物? -是啊 就是卖♥♥植物
From plants? – Yeah. From plants.
I would have studied plants.
What does that even feel like? Ten mill?
I don’t know yet.
我必须思考一下 这是否值得我再马不停蹄地工作五年
I have to decide if it’s worth working nonstop for another five years.
Fuck, yeah.
换我都不用那么钱 我就要…100万
I don’t even need that much. I’ll take like… I’ll take a milli.
That’s what I would have said in my 20s too.
But, like, in different words.
Well, what do you say now?
现在 我会说…
Now, I say that…
It’s not all about you.
You sound like my brother.
Your brother who you hate?
我不是这个意思 你恰恰相反
I didn’t mean it like that. You’re like the opposite.
It’s just, um…
除了他自己 他对所有人都拼尽全力
He works so hard for everyone but himself,
and I see how unhappy he is.
Why is he so unhappy?
I think he’s depressed.
好吧 他经常开一个半小时的车
Like, all right, like, he regularly drives an hour and a half
to what he thinks is the best Burger King,
只是为了独自吃掉 四个原味鸡肉三明治
just to eat four original chicken sandwiches, alone.
The long one?
I guess.
I just wish he’d leave me alone.
我身边不需要那种能量 知道吗?
I don’t need that kind of energy around me, you know?
It is selfish for broken people to spread their…
要知道 在电子游戏里
You know how in video games…
其他人死了 游戏会继续
like, when other people die, the game keeps going,
但你死了 游戏就结束了吗?
but then when you die, it’s game over?
I think life’s like that.
Fuck you.
All right.
So then are you the main player?
Or me?
We’ll find out some day.
Oi. Oh, fuck.
I got you.
不好意思 -是谁?
I’m sorry. – Who’s that?
(此手♥机♥丢失 请协助找回)
谁都不是 不知道手♥机♥为什么这样 我关了吧
Nobody. I don’t know why it’s doing that. I’ll turn it off.
对不起 -没事
Sorry. It’s all good.
这个显示不了高度 他在哪层都有可能
This doesn’t account for vertical, he could be on any floor.
I’m not spending all night knocking on doors.
我不知道该怎么办 前台那家伙一点用都没有
I don’t know what to do. That front desk guy wasn’t any help.
我们可以开个房♥住下 -开个房♥?别闹了
We can get a room and stay. – A room? Fuck, dude.
我们在这里就可以赚钱 干嘛还要花钱开房♥?
Why spend money on a room? When we can make money on the floor!
牛逼!我的手气来了 -我不能再亏钱了
Fuck yeah! My hand is scorching. – I cannot lose any more money.
不会的!和我一起不可能的 人生真谛 一定和中国人坐一起
You won’t! Not with me man. Life lesson, always sit with the Chinese.
21点就是垃圾 你见过中国人玩那游戏吗?
Blackjack, craps. You ever see Chinese people play that game?
Yeah, like all the time.
那些都是混血中国裔 我说的是真正的中国人
Those are like half-Chinese. I’m talking about real OG Chinese.
They play on the edge of the casino.
你说的是牌九吗? -牌九?是牌乔 乔氏兄弟的乔
You mean like Pai gow? – Pai gow? Pai gyo, like gyo bros.
他们发明的这个玩意 他们比赌场还了解这个游戏
They invented that shit, they know the game better than the casino.
那你去吧 我继续找
Then you go. I’ll keep looking.
兄弟 我不想一个人
Dude, I don’t wanna do shit by myself.
你陪陪我 赢钱我分你一半
Fucking hang with me. I’ll give you half my winnings.
行吗? -不行 我得去找保罗
Happy? – No. I gotta look for Paul.
我们会找到那个小混♥蛋♥ 他肯定就在这里
We’ll find that fucker, he’s here somewhere.
保罗!看 我们在找着呢 兄弟 我们赶紧开始赚钱吧
Paul! See, we’re looking. Let’s fucking make that money, dude.
我得找到他在哪个房♥间 -你准备每个门都敲一遍?
I gotta find which room he’s in. – You’re gonna knock on every door?
Thank you for taking the couch.
没关系 我理解
No worries. I get it.
是谁? -给你送枕头的
Who’s that? – It’s just your pillows.
你好 非常感谢
Hello. Thank you so much.
祝你今晚过得开心 -干嘛敲得那么猛?
Have a good evening. – Why she gotta knock like that?
好了 保罗 你舒舒服服睡一觉
All right, Paul. Let’s get you nice and cozy.
我现在走也行 没关系的
I could just leave now. It’s no big deal.
不行 太晚了 你留下休息吧
No, it’s so late. You rest up.
明早你醒之前 我就得走了
I’ll have to leave before you wake up tomorrow.
But feel free to hang out for as long as you want.
我会给你留些现金 -你不用这样
I’ll leave you some cash. – You don’t have to.
I’m not a kid.
You gave me the exact night I needed.
我能随心所欲一次 真的太棒了
It was really nice to do what I want for once.
Just… consider this a thank you.
