小头对小头的那种 来吧 -别这么说
Tip to tip, come on. – Don’t say that.
我去 你真壮
Oh, fuck, it’s so strong.
艾萨克 我们有橙汁 -阳光喜事橙汁 丹尼有喜事
Isaac, you want some orange juice? – Ooh. Sunny D. “D” for Danny.
丹尼 我有事求你帮忙 -该死 又来了
Danny, I gotta ask a favor. – Shit. Here we go.
我不想再去通下水道了 绝对不去
Dude, no. I’m not unclogging it again. No way.
我能借你卡车用下吗? -你借卡车干嘛用?
Can I borrow your truck? – What you need my truck for?
去赌城见我女友 -她现在是你女友了?
To see my girl in Vegas. – She’s your girl now?
好吧 你见过她吗? -其实 我们见过面 所以…
Okay, I mean, have you even met her yet? – Actually, we have met. So…
来个单身汉赌城之旅如何? 你 我和艾萨克
How about a boys’ trip to Vegas? You, me and Isaac.
单身汉之旅! -我不想在赌城心碎
Boys’ trip! – I don’t wanna be sad in Vegas.
She hit you up for your credit card numbers yet?
没有 她确实向我要过屌♥照 -我得眼见为实
No, but she did ask me for this dick. – Yeah, I’ll believe it when I see it.
你肯定在狱里见过不少 -你说什么?
I’m sure you saw plenty in jail. – The fuck you say?
我开玩笑的! -喂
I’m kidding! – Hey.
你说什么? -没事 喂!
What the fuck you say? – We’re good. Hey!
喂 艾萨克 住手 -臭小子 向我道歉
Hey, Isaac! Isaac! Stop, stop. – You wanna see some fucking gochu? – Stop, stop. – Fucking bitch. Apologize.
大家冷静一下 没事了 -放松 我就是开个玩笑
Everybody chill. It’s all good. – I’m just joking, relax.
好的 别再说傻话了 真是见鬼
Okay. Don’t say stupid shit. Goddamn.
嗨 我们在维罗妮卡的教堂 接了个大单子
Hey, dude we got that big job at Veronica’s church.
你可以来帮忙 我会给你开高工资
So you can, like, come help and I’ll pay you good.
Pay your own way to Vegas.
好的 -谢谢你
Okay. – I appreciate that.
我们为新工作庆祝一下吧 一起干一杯
Yo, why don’t we celebrate the new job? Let’s take a shot.
Chosen Ones!
要不要再来点? -味道不错
Do you guys want more? – It’s good.
丹尼 你还喝吗 还是… -不行 快来 臭小子
Danny, you good, or…? – No, come on, you fucking bitch.
Let’s go! Chase it with the Sunny D.
天选之子 干杯! -天选之子!
Chosen Ones, here we go! – Chosen Ones!
乔丹娜 这也太舒服了
Jordan, this is amazing.
I’ve never had a whole spa to myself before.
That’s so cute.
Make sure you get the 99 finger massage.
世界十佳女按♥摩♥师 她们按♥摩♥哪里都可以
Ten of the best masseuses in the world, and they massage everything.
你的家人来不了 太遗憾了 -小琼完全不想来
I’m so sorry your family couldn’t come. Junie was not having it.
We usually bribe her with candy,
但医生说要少给她吃糖 于是…
but the doctor said to cut down on her sugar. So…
这就是人生 对吧? -是
Oh. That’s life, right? – Yeah.
我是说 我富可敌国
I mean, I have more money than actual countries.
但在不为人知的时候 我需要放松自己
But I need to let loose behind closed doors.
等等 你在赌城这么低调吗?
Wait. You don’t go out in Vegas?
宝贝 我们大多数雇员是中产阶级
Honey, most of our employees are middle class.
They don’t like to see me enjoying myself.
That’s why I have to dress down for conferences.
你必须保持住这个假象 人们永远不会喜欢真♥相♥
You have to keep up the illusion, people always prefer it to reality.
That’s just the way it is.
但这样不累吗? -累 会让人精疲力尽
But doesn’t that get tiring? Yes, it’s exhausting.
That’s why I have a zero filter policy with my inner circle.
如果整天都要演的话 我得疯掉
If I had to fake it all day, I’d go insane.
小乔 董事会想在水力按♥摩♥池 边开会讨论问题
Jordi, the board wants to meet by the Jacuzzi to go over things.
艾米 我们别打扰他们 稍后所有的妻子都要去看演出
Amy, we should leave them to it. All the wives are going to a show later.
其实 我认为艾米应该留下 对吧?
Actually, I think Amy should stay. Right? – Oh.
是的 没错 当然
Okay, yeah, yeah, of course, of course.
艾米 随后给我发消息 我们再见面 -没问题
Amy, text me later. We’ll meet up. – For sure.
You still wanted to talk to the board about the deal?
不着急 我们刚来 我不想打扰你们
Oh, it can wait. It’s the first night. I don’t want to bother.
保罗 来拿你的手♥机♥!
Paul, grab your phone!
What the fuck?
(如果遇到合适的女孩 你也会这样做 爱你 哥 )
Oh, shit.
椅子还开着呢 我梦到我在妈妈肚子里
Chair’s still on. I dreamt I was inside my mom.
喂 出什么事了?
Hey, what’s wrong?
糟了 保罗把钥匙拿走了
Oh, no, Paul took the keys.
可恶 我们偷的那些东西还在卡车里
Fuck. All that shit we took is still in the truck.
哇哦 你和董事会见面了?
Wow, so you got to meet the board?
是啊 挺不错的
Yeah, it was pretty cool.
I mean, they picked my brain about like, a lot of confidential things.
然后 老天啊 他们让我明天在座谈会上发言
Then… Oh, God, they asked me to speak at this panel tomorrow.
宝贝 这太棒了 你们谈买♥♥卖♥♥的事没?
Babe, that’s amazing. Did you discuss the offer?
没有 今晚时间不够了 -好吧 你很快就能找到机会
No, we didn’t have time for that tonight. – Oh, well, you’ll find a window soon.
你和他们相处甚欢 真好
It’s good you’re getting in good with them.
I bet they’ll let you cash out.
是的 没错 明天就可以确定了
Yeah, exactly. Tomorrow for sure.
Oh, who’s that?
Oh, um, it’s just Jordan.
Um, so is Junie doing better?
She’s so happy to be home.
她拥抱了每件家具 告诉它们 她有多爱它们
She hugged every piece of furniture and told them how much she loves them.
Did she miss me?
Will they let you take the jet home early?
你说服他们之后 就可以回家了 对吧?
Once you convince them, you can come home, right?
To watch June.
你还记得我们男人帮的约会 我改了时间吧
Remember I rescheduled my men’s group meeting.
亲爱的 你还记得他们邀请我 在明天的座谈会上发言吧
Oh, well, honey, remember, ah, um, they invited me to speak at that panel tomorrow.
所以… -对啊
So… – Oh, right.
好的 行吧 你应该去
Right. Yeah, you should do that.
是啊 但我也可以不去 我没做准备 而且头发一团糟
Yeah, but, you know, maybe I don’t do it. I’m not prepared and… God, my hair.
我需要打理一下 所以…
I need a haircut. So…
不管怎样我都支持你 提前和我说一下就好
Well, I support you either way. Just let me know, okay?
‘Cause, my men’s group.
好的 我一定尽量早点回家
Yeah, I’ll for sure try to come home early.
嘿 乔治 家里有人吗?都这么晚了
Hey, is someone there, George? It’s so late.
Mom and I are having a sleepover.
艾米 我用了你的浴室
Amy, I used your bathroom.
挺好的 富美
Oh, that’s great, Fumi.
可恶 我得把她的睡衣 从烘干机里拿出来
Shoot, I gotta grab her PJs from the dryer.
我爱你 好好休息一下 好吗?
Love you. Get lots of rest, okay?
他们明天会买♥♥下你的店 我有预感
They’re gonna let you cash out tomorrow, I can feel it.
(我和工作上的人在一起 不能让他们看到我们…有联♥系♥)
你的朋友 他回家了吗?
So, your boy, he went home?
是啊 他得去训练 要努力才能得到结果
Yeah, he had to train. Gotta put the work in to see the results.
Ah. I see.
所以没人知道你在这里 对吧?
So nobody knows you’re here, right?
You didn’t tell your brother or anything?
没有 我都不怎么和他说话了 -好的
No, I barely even talk to him. – Cool, cool.
You want to put those flowers down or something?

Oh, yeah.
好吧 -对不起
Yeah. – Oh, sorry.
但…如果我们要聚一聚的话 就不能发生肉体上的事
Just– If we’re gonna hang out, we can’t do anything physical.
I have a family, you know?
好的 我根本没想那种事
Yeah. I wasn’t even thinking about that.
So, what do you want to do?
我不知道 我在想要不要放个电影看
Uh, I don’t know. I was thinking of putting on a movie.
电影? -是啊
Movie? – Yeah.
在这里看? -对
Here? – Yup.
这个地方太棒了 我知道我们不能去公开场合
This place is amazing. I know we can’t be seen in public,
但我们可以做点别的 不那么无聊的事情
but we can do something else that’s not so boring.
Well, I just can’t be hung over tomorrow.
You know? So…
你抽烟吗? -老天
Do you smoke? – Oh, my God.
我以前抽 抽得可凶了 在我女儿出生前
I used to, all the time, before my daughter was born.
