



该词表示“乱哄哄、一团糟”之义,是单词Bethlehem的变体。Bethlehem是the Hospital of St Mary of Bethlehem(伯利恒圣马利亚医院)的简写。该院成立于1247年,16世纪成为一家疯人院。一开始人们用bedlam来统称疯人院,后来该词也包含了“如疯人院般喧嚣、嘈杂”之义。现伯利恒圣马利亚医院已经迁至伦敦他处,易名贝德拉姆皇家医院(the Bethlem Royal Hospital),属莫斯里(精神病)医院(the Maudsley [psychiatric] Hospital)的一部分,位于肯特郡(Kent)的贝肯纳姆市(Beckenham)。



英语单词 bedlam 是 Bethlem (伯利恒)的缩写,是英国伦敦一所著名的精神病院的缩写。该精神病院前身是一所修道院,全名叫做 St.Mary of Bethlehem (伯利恒圣玛丽)。1377年该修道院开始接收精神病患者。 l 547年亨利八世正式将它改为精神病院,更名为 Bethlem Royal Hospital (伯利恒皇家医院),简称 Bethlem Hospital 。伦敦人将 Bethlem 俗称为 Bedlam ,因此该医院又被称为 Bedlam Hospital ,甚至直接称为 Bedlam 。

该精神病院之所以出名,是因为院方创收有方,竟然将自己打造出了伦敦的一处著名景点。人们只要花上两便士购买一张门票,就可以进去参观那些被锁住的精神病人,甚至逗弄他们,就像现代人逛动物园一样。据估计,这家精神病院的门票首日每日可到400英镑,游客数每年多达十万人。这家精神病院因为其对精神病人的歧视和残暴做法而臭名远扬,被后人视为伦敦的一大耻辱。作为该精神病院俗称的 Bedlam 一词也因此在英语词汇中占据了一席之地,被看作是“精神病院”的代称。后来,该词又衍生出“喧闹”或“喧闹之地”的含义,并一直用到现在。

  • bedlam:[‘bedləm] n. 喧闹,混乱,喧闹之地,疯人院


bedlam (BED lem) Though we now use this noun to mean “any place or situation of utter confusion or noisy uproar,” it once referred to only one such place. Bedlam is a contraction of Hospital of Saint Mary of Bethlehem, a former institution for the mentally ill in London.

•There was bedlam on the senate floor when Senator Whistlebottom declared his resignation; his was the deciding vote on the new transportation bill.

•When the prison guards went on strike, there was bedlam in the cellblocks; the prisoners began shouting for food and banging their cups on the bars of their cells.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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bedlam” 这个词的中文解释是 “混乱,喧嚣的场面”。

以下是包含 “bedlam” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. Utter bedlam – 完全的混乱
  2. Chaos and bedlam – 混乱和喧嚣
  3. Absolute bedlam – 绝对的混乱
  4. Pandemonium and bedlam – 一片混乱和喧嚣
  5. Noisy bedlam – 喧闹的混乱
  6. bedlam in the streets – 街头的喧嚣
  7. bedlam and confusion – 混乱和困惑
  8. bedlam reigns – 混乱统治
  9. bedlam and disorder – 混乱和无秩序
  10. Uncontrolled bedlam – 不受控制的混乱
  11. bedlam and uproar – 混乱和骚动
  12. Create bedlam – 制造混乱
  13. bedlam atmosphere – 混乱的氛围
  14. Total bedlam – 完全的混乱
  15. bedlam in the crowd – 人群中的喧嚣
  16. Absolute bedlam – 绝对的混乱
  17. bedlam and turmoil – 混乱和骚动
  18. bedlam breaks out – 突然爆发混乱
  19. bedlam and confusion – 混乱和困惑
  20. bedlam and chaos – 混乱和混沌
  21. bedlam erupts – 混乱爆发
  22. bedlam and disorder – 混乱和无秩序
  23. Widespread bedlam – 广泛的混乱
  24. bedlam in the city – 城市中的喧嚣
  25. bedlam and commotion – 混乱和骚动
  26. bedlam in the room – 房间中的喧嚣
  27. bedlam reigns – 混乱统治
  28. bedlam and uproar – 混乱和骚动
  29. bedlam and frenzy – 混乱和疯狂
  30. bedlam on the streets – 街头的喧嚣
  31. Create bedlam – 制造混乱
  32. bedlam atmosphere – 混乱的氛围
  33. Total bedlam – 完全的混乱
  34. bedlam in the crowd – 人群中的喧嚣
  35. bedlam and turmoil – 混乱和骚动
  36. bedlam breaks out – 突然爆发混乱
  37. bedlam and confusion – 混乱和困惑
  38. bedlam and chaos – 混乱和混沌
  39. bedlam erupts – 混乱爆发
  40. bedlam and disorder – 混乱和无秩序
  41. Widespread bedlam – 广泛的混乱
  42. bedlam in the city – 城市中的喧嚣
  43. bedlam and commotion – 混乱和骚动
  44. bedlam in the room – 房间中的喧嚣
  45. bedlam reigns – 混乱统治
  46. bedlam and uproar – 混乱和骚动
  47. bedlam and frenzy – 混乱和疯狂
  48. bedlam on the streets – 街头的喧嚣
  49. bedlam and tumult – 混乱和骚动
  50. bedlam takes over – 混乱占据
