and shot her entire family.
希巴 阿杜拉和 3 个孩子
Hiba Adullah and three children
是她们 12 人家庭的幸存者
were the only survivors of a family of 12.
If it had not been for the Time magazine report,
this case would never have come to light.
陆战队高层指挥机关 经过两个多月
The Marine high command failed to investigate
仍未能对 11 月 19 日的事件做出调查
the events of November 19th for over two months.
他们说 不应该停留在事件表面对之作出责难
The blame, they say, must not be allowed to stay at the enlisted level,
而应该追溯它的源头 就是要问国家防卫部
but should be traced to its source, which is the Secretary of Defence
and the Commander in Chief.
I am troubled by the initial news stories.
呃 据我所知
Um, I am, er, mindful
that there is a thorough investigation going on.
如果确实 你知道
If in fact the er, you know…
有人违反了法规 就会有惩罚
… laws were broken, there’ll be punishment.
其中一名被控告的陆战队员 下士拉米雷斯
One of the charged Marines, a Corporal Ramirez,
据他的律师说 被提名铜星勋章
according to his attorney, was nominated for a bronze star
for his heroism on the very day the incident took place.
陆战队声称 他们在极端危险的环境下
The Marines claim that they were merely following their standard operating procedures whilst
in an extremely hostile environment.
2006 年 3 月 8 日
陆战队高层指挥部 拉马迪营地
长官 下士拉米雷斯前来报到 长官
Sir. Corporal Ramirez reporting as ordered, sir.
At ease.
Corporal Ramirez.
你正在为 13 宗谋杀而接受调查
You’re being investigated for 13 counts of murder.
下士戴尔 克鲁兹 5 宗谋杀
Corporal Del Cruz, five counts of murder.
下士马修 3 宗谋杀
Corporal Matthews, three counts of murder,
还有中士罗斯 3 宗谋杀
and Sergeant Ross, three counts of murder.
我的职责 和你们陆战队员的职责
Now, it is my job, and your job as Marines…
是扞卫陆战队的名誉 荣耀和前途
…to protect the reputation, the honour and the future of this Corps.
And I will not have a band of reckless Marines
ruin that future…
…and that reputation.
Holy shit.
喂 马修 看看那边的火势
Hey, Matthews, check that fire out.
拉米雷斯 你没事吧
Ramirez, are you OK?
We’ve all seen a lot of action at a young age.
我 20 岁 已经服役 3 期了
I’m 20 years old and this is my third tour of duty.
We’ve all seen things that’ll haunt us for the rest of our lives.
我猜过了一阵子 你就会坚强了
And I guess after a while you just get hardened.
You become numb.
