
n. 香油;镇痛软膏;香峰草,香树膏







balm” 是一个英语词汇,通常指的是香脂或药膏,也可以引申为安慰或缓解。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. Healing balm – 治疗香脂
  2. Soothing balm – 舒缓香脂
  3. balm of Gilead – 迦南香脂
  4. Natural balm – 天然香脂
  5. Herbal balm – 草本香脂
  6. Aromatic balm – 芳香香脂
  7. balm for the soul – 心灵的慰藉
  8. balm of comfort – 安慰之香脂
  9. balm for the wounded – 受伤者的抚慰
  10. balm of kindness – 仁慈之香脂
  11. balm of understanding – 理解之香脂
  12. balm of serenity – 安宁之香脂
  13. balm for troubled hearts – 烦恼心灵的慰藉
  14. balm for aching muscles – 疼痛肌肉的抚慰
  15. balm of hope – 希望之香脂
  16. balm for the weary – 疲倦者的安慰
  17. balm for emotional wounds – 情感伤痛的抚慰
  18. balm for sleepless nights – 失眠夜晚的安慰
  19. balm of patience – 耐心之香脂
  20. balm for the grieving – 悲伤者的慰藉
  21. balm of wisdom – 智慧之香脂
  22. balm for troubled minds – 困扰心灵的慰藉
  23. balm for anxiety – 焦虑的安慰
  24. balm of forgiveness – 宽恕之香脂
  25. balm for stress – 压力的缓解
  26. balm for emotional turmoil – 情绪骚动的抚慰
  27. balm for the brokenhearted – 破碎心灵的慰藉
  28. balm of solace – 安慰之香脂
  29. balm for the troubled – 困扰者的抚慰
  30. balm for the anxious – 焦虑者的安慰
  31. balm of gratitude – 感恩之香脂
  32. balm for the wounded spirit – 受伤心灵的抚慰
  33. balm of inner peace – 内心平静之香脂
  34. balm for emotional pain – 情感痛苦的抚慰
  35. balm for grief – 哀伤的慰藉
  36. balm for the hurting – 受伤者的安慰
  37. balm for the distressed – 烦恼者的抚慰
  38. balm for broken relationships – 破裂关系的慰藉
  39. balm of acceptance – 接纳之香脂
  40. balm for the wounded heart – 受伤心灵的抚慰
  41. balm of compassion – 同情之香脂
  42. balm for sorrow – 悲伤的抚慰
  43. balm for emotional wounds – 情感创伤的抚慰
  44. balm for the distressed soul – 困扰灵魂的慰藉
  45. balm for the suffering – 受苦者的抚慰
  46. balm for inner healing – 内在疗愈之香脂
  47. balm for the hurting spirit – 受伤灵魂的慰藉
  48. balm for heartache – 心痛的抚慰
  49. balm of inner strength – 内在力量之香脂
  50. balm for emotional struggles – 情感挣扎的抚慰




这种芬香药膏在阿拉伯语中被称为 basham 。这个单词经过不同途径,最终演变为英语中的 balm (镇痛软膏)和 balsam (香脂)两个单词。在英语中, balm 一词可以用来表示很多种护肤品,如眼霜唇膏之类。

  • balm:[bɑm] n. 香油;镇痛软膏;香峰草,香树膏
  • balmy:[‘bɑmi] adj. 芬香的,温和的,止痛的
  • balsam:[‘bɔlsəm] n. 香脂;凤仙花;香膏;产香脂的树
