

[noun] extreme greed for wealth or material gain
[名词] 对钱财或物质收益的极度贪婪


在之前推送过的 小词详解 | avid 中,小站(微信公众号:田间小站)曾提到 avid 与 avarice 同源,所以说 avid 多含有贪婪或欲望无尽之义。

而 avarice 一词则是由词根 avar (渴望)+后缀 -ice (性质)构成,源自拉丁语 avaritia (贪婪、过度的欲望),14世纪经古法语 avarice (贪婪、贪求)进入英语后,也是用来表示“贪婪、贪心、贪得无厌”,常作正式用语使用,主要指对金钱、财产、物质收益等的极度过分或贪得无厌的渴望,并强调吝啬,也就意味着不愿意放弃任何已经获得的财富,比如:

  • 那个口音很特别的女孩痛斥伪善和贪得无厌的行为。
    The girl who has a peculiar accent railed against hypocrisy and avarice.


Where does discretion end, and avarice begin?

出自19世纪英国小说家简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen)的代表作《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)。


  • Some people may seem obsessed with greed and avarice, but our intrinsic motivations are deeper than that.
  • But you don’t need blackmail to explain Trump’s fealty to the Russian president. Avarice will suffice.


  1. Greed and avarice – 贪婪和贪婪
  2. Excessive avarice – 过度的贪婪
  3. Avarice for power – 对权力的贪婪
  4. Avarice for wealth – 对财富的贪婪
  5. Avarice and materialism – 贪婪和物质主义
  6. Avarice and selfishness – 贪婪和自私
  7. Unbridled avarice – 放肆的贪婪
  8. Avarice and corruption – 贪婪和腐败
  9. Avarice and gluttony – 贪婪和暴食
  10. Avarice and hoarding – 贪婪和囤积
  11. Avarice and exploitation – 贪婪和剥削
  12. Avarice and manipulation – 贪婪和操纵
  13. Avarice and deception – 贪婪和欺骗
  14. Avarice and excess – 贪婪和过度
  15. Avarice and envy – 贪婪和嫉妒
  16. Avarice and greediness – 贪婪和贪心
  17. Avarice and accumulation – 贪婪和积累
  18. Avarice and material possessions – 贪婪和物质财富
  19. Avarice and covetousness – 贪婪和贪欲
  20. Avarice and exploitation – 贪婪和剥削
  21. Avarice and profit-seeking – 贪婪和追求利润
  22. Avarice and insatiability – 贪婪和贪得无厌
  23. Avarice and self-indulgence – 贪婪和放纵自己
  24. Avarice and dishonesty – 贪婪和不诚实
  25. Avarice and materialistic mindset – 贪婪和物质主义心态
  26. Avarice and exploitation of resources – 贪婪和资源开发
  27. Avarice and financial manipulation – 贪婪和金融操纵
  28. Avarice and disregard for others – 贪婪和对他人的漠视
  29. Avarice and unscrupulous behavior – 贪婪和不择手段的行为
  30. Avarice and moral bankruptcy – 贪婪和道德破产
  31. Avarice and social inequality – 贪婪和社会不平等
  32. Avarice and consumerism – 贪婪和消费主义
  33. Avarice and predatory practices – 贪婪和掠夺性做法
  34. Avarice and disregard for the environment – 贪婪和对环境的漠视
  35. Avarice and unethical business practices – 贪婪和不道德的商业行为
  36. Avarice and excessive materialism – 贪婪和过度的物质主义
  37. Avarice and financial exploitation – 贪婪和金融剥削
  38. Avarice and unchecked ambition – 贪婪和不受约束的野心
  39. Avarice and disregard for human welfare – 贪婪和对人类福祉的漠视
  40. Avarice and the erosion of moral values – 贪婪和道德价值观的侵蚀


cupidity: greed for money or possessions
greed: intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food
rapacity: aggressive greed

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
