
audile (aw DIAL) Of or relating to a sense of hearing, a word that, we guar-antee, you will never encounter outside a technical context.

audible (AW dih bul) You’ll often hear this word that means “able to be heard.” If it’s audible.

  • The governor’s words were barely audible to the large crowd at the rally, for the technician responsible for the correct functioning of the microphone could not be located.
  • Peter Ustinov notes that if the world should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it couldn’t be done.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
audile(aw DIAL)听觉的或与听觉有关的,我们保证,在技术背景之外,你永远不会遇到这个词。
可听的(AW dih bul)你经常会听到这个词,意思是“能够被听到”。如果它是可听的。

  • 集会上的大群人几乎听不到州长的话,因为无法找到负责麦克风正确工作的技术人员
  • 彼得·乌斯季诺夫指出,如果世界应该自爆,最后能听到的声音将是一位专家说这是不可能的

