
askance什么意思_askance翻译 – askance 英语单词讲解

askance 英 [əˈskæns] 美 [əˈskæns]



[adv] to look at or think about someone or something with doubt, disapproval, or no trust
[副词] (不满或怀疑地)斜眼看,瞟


askance的来源众说纷纭,有些人怀疑它源自拉丁语scancio(倾斜地),也有人认为它只不过是askew(歪,斜 )的一个变体。但可以确认的是,这个词在十六世纪第一次进入英语时,指的是“斜视地”。侧目而视可以表达很多情绪,比如质疑、鄙视,怨恨等,askance则主要用于表达“怀疑、不赞成或者不信任”。它最主要的用法就是下列例句中给出的固定搭配:look ~ at。


  • A journalist, attentive to the woes of the shoe industry, might bemoan the economy’s egregious overcapacity and look askance at its $180 GDP target.
  • From Sweden to Sicily, greatness is looked at askance. It feels like a code word for bellicosity, self-delusion and shoot-from-the-hip hubris.


On the one hand, the rich look askance at our continuing poverty – on the other, they warn us against their own methods.

出自莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地(Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi,1869年10月2日-1948年1月30日),尊称圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi),印度国父,印度民族主义运动和国大党领袖,他带领印度独立,脱离英国殖民地统治。他的非暴力(ahimsa)哲学思想影响了全世界的民族主义者和那些争取和平变革的国际运动。甘地的主要信念“真理坚固”鼓舞了其他民主运动人士,例如马丁·路德·金和曼德拉等人。


askance (ah SKANS) The origin of this adverb is unknown, but it describes the way a person looks at something. It means “with disapproval or suspicion” or “sideways” (which suggests that it might come from the Italian for “slantingly” or “obliquely”).

  • There is a fairly well-known, ribald (see the “Not-Quite-Naughty Words” section) limerick that begins: “There was a young fellow called Lancelot, Whom his neighbors all looked on askance a lot.”
  • Stephanie’s elite summer camp was so snobby that the girls looked askance at anyone who was not wearing the right designer jeans or the latest style in sneakers.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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askance” 是一个英语单词,通常用来表示斜视、瞟视、怀疑地看。


  1. Look askance: 斜视
  2. View askance: 怀疑地看
  3. Glance askance: 斜眼瞥视
  4. Eye askance: 瞟视
  5. Watch askance: 怀疑地观察
  6. Regard askance: 怀疑地看待
  7. Peer askance: 斜视
  8. Stare askance: 斜眼盯着
  9. See askance: 怀疑地看见
  10. Behave askance: 怀疑地行为
  11. Observe askance: 斜视观察
  12. Examine askance: 怀疑地检查
  13. Look askance at: 怀疑地看待
  14. View askance at: 斜视
  15. Glance askance at: 斜视
  16. Eye askance at: 怀疑地看
  17. Watch askance at: 怀疑地观察
  18. Regard askance at: 怀疑地看待
  19. Peer askance at: 斜视
  20. Stare askance at: 斜视
  21. See askance at: 怀疑地看
  22. Behave askance at: 怀疑地行为
  23. Observe askance at: 斜视观察
  24. Examine askance at: 怀疑地检查
  25. Look askance upon: 怀疑地看待
  26. View askance upon: 斜视
  27. Glance askance upon: 斜视
  28. Eye askance upon: 怀疑地看
  29. Watch askance upon: 怀疑地观察
  30. Regard askance upon: 怀疑地看待
  31. Peer askance upon: 斜视
  32. Stare askance upon: 斜视
  33. See askance upon: 怀疑地看
  34. Behave askance upon: 怀疑地行为
  35. Observe askance upon: 斜视观察
  36. Examine askance upon: 怀疑地检查
  37. Look askance from: 怀疑地看
  38. View askance from: 斜视
  39. Glance askance from: 斜视
  40. Eye askance from: 怀疑地看
  41. Watch askance from: 怀疑地观察
  42. Regard askance from: 怀疑地看待
  43. Peer askance from: 斜视
  44. Stare askance from: 斜视
  45. See askance from: 怀疑地看
  46. Behave askance from: 怀疑地行为
  47. Observe askance from: 斜视观察
  48. Examine askance from: 怀疑地检查
  49. Look askance towards: 怀疑地看
  50. View askance towards: 斜视


  • skeptically: in a way that shows you doubt whether something is true or useful
  • dubiously: thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted
  • suspiciously: in a way that makes you think that something is wrong
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
