We’ve always wanted to hold a double funeral.
But I will not read services over a total stranger!
完全的陌生人 我怎么才能相信你?
A total stranger. How can I believe you?
有12个人在下面 都是你毒死的吗
There are 12 men down there, you admit you poisoned them!
是的 是我 但是你不必担心 我会掉价到撒谎吧!
Yes, I did. But you don’t think I’d stoop to telling a fib!
What do you think has happened?
“”撒谎! “”
A fib!
这个你可能会很感兴趣的 莫蒂默 我决定留下来
This may interest you, Mortimer. I’ve decided that we’re staying.
而且我也决定了你必须离开 我是指现在
And I’ve also decided that you’re leaving, and I mean now.
听着 先生 我没心情跟你 争论这个问题
Listen, handsome. I’m in no mood to debate the question.
你是想自己出去 还是想让我揪着你的耳朵出去?
Are you getting out, or am I throwing you out on your ear?
I’ve led a strange life.
玛瑟 快来这里看看
Martha, you come straight along here.
You just look and see what’s in that windowseat.
不 不要
No. Don’t….
Let Aunt Martha see what’s in the windowseat.
艾比姑妈 亲爱的 我错怪你了
Aunt Abby, darling, I owe you an apology.
我告诉你一个好消息 乔纳森要走了
I’ve got some very good news for you. Jonathan is leaving.
而且他会带着爱因斯坦医生 还有那个冰冷的同伴一起走
And he’s taking Dr. Einstein and that cold companion with him.
听着 你是我的弟弟 你也是布鲁斯特
Listen. You’re my brother, you’re a Brewster.
我给你一个逃走的机会 把那个证据也一起带走
I’ll give you a chance to get away and take the evidence with you.
You can’t ask for more than that.
那好 如果是那样的话 我必须去叫警♥察♥了
All right, in that case, I’ll have to call the police.
Don’t reach for the telephone.
斯班纳先生身上发生的事情 在你身上也会发生的
Remember, what happened to Mr. Spenalzo can happen to you, too.
I knew he was a foreigner.
Put down that telephone.
Officer O’Hara!
我看见灯还亮着 以为你又病了
I saw the lights and thought you might have sickness….
你们有客人? 不好意思 打扰了
You got company? Sorry I disturbed you.
不 进来 -是的 快进来
No! Come in. -Yes, do come in.
请进 警官 这是我的侄子 莫蒂默
Come right in, Officer. This is our nephew, Mortimer.
很高兴见到你 -你好
Pleased to meet you. -Glad to see you.
这是我的另外一个侄子 乔纳森 -见到你很高兴
And this is another nephew, Jonathan. -Pleased to make your acquaintance.
你的脸看起来很熟悉 我以前没有看过你的照片吧?
Your face is familiar. Haven’t I seen a picture of you?
I don’t think so.
我回去了 -为什么? 等我弟弟走了再说
I’ll be running along. -Why? Stay until my brother leaves.
I got to ring in, Mr.–
你就是那个“莫蒂默.布鲁斯特” 那个戏剧批评家?
Are you “the” Mortimer Brewster, the writer and dramatic critic?
是的 怎么了?
Yes, why?
我真是走运! 我非常喜欢写剧本 我现在正在写一部戏剧
What a break for me! I’m a playwright. I’m working on a play now.
你是? 噢 噢 噢!
You are? Well, well, well!
也许我能帮点你什么 -真的?好极了!
Maybe I can help you with it. -Would you? What a break!
我有一个好想法 但是我写不出来
I get wonderful ideas, but I can’t spell them.
我能象狄更斯那样写出来 要写君士坦丁堡吗?
I can spell like the dickens. Constantinople?
我们去厨房♥谈谈 你可以跟我说点具体的
Let’s go into the kitchen. You can tell me all about it.
Couldn’t you whip up a sandwich?
我希望你不介意 在厨房♥里吃东西 哈玛警官
I hope you don’t mind eating in the kitchen, Officer O’Hara.
And where else would you eat?
See you in a moment.
This is your last chance.
我会拖住哈玛 你等下就马上离开
I’ll keep O’Hara busy to give you a chance to get out.
你们三个人 你 爱因斯坦 还有斯班纳
All three of you: you, Dr. Einstein and Spenalzo.
如果你不走 我就介绍 斯班纳先生给哈玛警官认识认识
If you don’t leave here, I’ll introduce Officer O’Hara to Mr. Spenalzo.
My play takes place in–
过来这里谈 哈玛 我们好好谈谈
I’ll be right with you, O’Hara. Right with you.
Just give me one moment.
Now get going! All three of you.
This affair between my brother and myself has got to be settled.
我们麻烦已经够多了 快点 我们快走吧
But we’ve got trouble enough as it is. Come, let’s go.
我们不走 我们就在这里过夜
We’re not going. We’re sleeping right here in this house.
什么? 厨房♥里有个警♥察♥ 棺材里有个斯班纳?
What? With a cop in the kitchen and Spenalzo in the windowseat?
没什么可怕的 我们把斯班纳抬到垃圾堆去
That’s all he’s got on us. We’ll take Spenalzo and dump him in the bay.
然后 我们回来 如果他敢把事情捅出去–
After that, we’re coming back here. Then if he tries to interfere–
不 不 乔纳森 别这样 求你了
No, no, Johnny. No, please.
我们有更好的装备 我们可以赚大钱的
We’ve got a wonderful setup here. We can make a fortune.
这里只有两个老女人 只有莫蒂默跟我们作对
Two old ladies as a front. Only Mortimer stands in our way.
I never did like Mortimer.
别这样 放轻松点 别这样!
Please, take it easy. Please!
医生 你知道 一旦我做出了决定–
Doctor, you know when I make up my mind–
一旦你做出了决定 就绝对不会改变的
When you make up your mind, you lose your head.
不过 布鲁克林好像不是你的福地
Look, Brooklyn ain’t a good setup for you.
好吧 乔纳森 好的!
Okay, Johnny. Okay!
把工具拿出来然后藏到地下室里 快点
Take the instruments and hide them in the cellar. Move fast.
你不知道布鲁克林的一些事吧 -我不知道
You don’t know what goes on in Brooklyn. -I don’t know.
我母亲是一个女演员 -合法的?
My mother was an actress. -Legitimate?
当然 她是我母亲
Of course. She was my mother.
不好意思 -贝济是她的名字
Excuse me. -Peaches La Tour was her name.
快点过来! -怎么了?
Come quick! -What’s the matter?
你知道地下室的洞吗? -知道
You know that hole in the cellar? -Yes.
Well, we got an ace in the hole.
真是令人无法置信 我♥干♥这个都干了12年了
It’s no fly-by-night idea. I worked on it for 12 years.
呃 稍等一下 我马上回来
Well, rehash it. I’ll be back in a minute.
好的 -我喜欢第一场的表演
Swell. -I like the first act.
I didn’t tell you the first–
I thought I told you….
在这 莫蒂默
Yes, Mortimer.
你们还在这里干什么? 难道还要我赶你们走吗
What are you doing still here? I thought I said beat it.
We’re not going.
你们不走 -对
You’re not going? -No.
You stay out of this.
好 这是你自找的
All right, you asked for it.
哈玛警官? -来了
Officer O’Hara? -Coming.
如果你告诉哈玛警官 棺材里面有什么
If you tell O’Hara what’s in the windowseat…
…I’ll tell him what’s in the cellar.
有一位老先生躺在那 看起来好像是死了
There’s an elderly gentleman down there who seems to be very dead.
你们在地下室里做什么? -他在地下室里做什么?
What were you doing there? -What’s he doing there?
Now what are you going to tell O’Hara?
你的姑妈想听剩下的部分 我还是接着讲下去吧?
Your aunts want to hear the rest. Shall I bring them in here?
你不能去了 你最好现在去巡逻
You can’t do that now. You’d better ring in.
去他的巡逻! 我还是跟你讲讲戏剧
The heck with ringing in! I want to tell you the plot.
You can’t tell me in front of those two fellas.
他们没有文化 呃?
Lowbrows, huh?
我们出去单独找个地方谈谈 我等下来找你
Let’s go where we can be alone. I’ll meet you there later.
How about the backroom at Kelly’s?
那个地方好极了 你真聪明
Fine place. Bohemian atmosphere. Genius at work.
你先去 我等下到凯利家找你
You ring in and I’ll meet you at Kelly’s.
Why don’t you both go down in the cellar?
That’s all right with me.
凯利家有更浓郁的文学氛围 我保证
There’s a much more literary atmosphere in Kelly’s, I assure you.
好 那就这样
This opening will kill you.
我好像在等待重生 而且医生–
I’m waiting to be born and the doctor–
The doctor!
听着 你先去 我马上就来
Look, you ring in and I’ll see you later.
你不会放我鸽子吧 是吗? 这是一个很好的戏剧
You won’t stand me up, will you? This is a great play.
我在那儿等你 -马上就来!
I’ll see you down there. -Can’t wait!
医生 医生
Doctor, doctor.
那些文件呢? 那里
Where are those papers? There they are.
你很得意 不是吗?你觉得 你抓住我的把柄了 但你没有
You’re smug, aren’t you? You think you’ve got it over me. You haven’t.
你觉得我会因为霍斯金而不敢说出斯班纳 但是 我不会的!
You think I’m afraid to tell about Spenalzo because of Hoskins. Well, I’m not!
The moment I get Spenalzo….
医生签字的后 我才不管谁知道霍斯金呢
The moment the doctor signs, I don’t care who knows about Hoskins.
希望你对于斯班纳的 感觉跟我是一样的 是的 斯班纳!
And you better feel the same way about Spenalzo. Yes, Spenalzo!
你去哪里? -去医生那儿 你去--
Where are you going? -To the doctor’s. Where do you….
我回来时 希望看见你已经走了 你等着!
When I come back, I expect to find you gone. Wait for me!
We’ll wait for him.
Did he look guilty!