怎么了? 这里发生什么事了?
What’s the matter? What’s happening down there?
怎么了? 你在这里干什么?
What’s the matter? What are you doing there?
我们抓住了一个贼 一个顺手牵羊的小偷 回你的房♥间里去
We caught a burglar, a sneak thief. Go back to your room.
我去叫警♥察♥来 -我会处理 回你的房♥间
We’ll call the police. -I’ll handle this. Go back to your room.
Do you hear me?
Don’t answer that.
Don’t answer that!
特迪在哪儿? 在楼上吗? 不好意思 亲爱的
Where’s Teddy? Is he upstairs? Never mind that now, darling.
What are you doing with your best clothes on?
我的天 这是谁?
Holy…. What’s that?
What’s that thing that looks like a cigar-store dummy?
那是你的弟弟和爱因斯坦医生 -我不是跟你说了不要让任何人进来吗?
It’s your brother and Dr. Einstein. -Didn’t I tell you not to let anybody in?
你说那人是谁? -是你的弟弟 乔纳森 !
Who did you say it was? -It’s your brother, Jonathan!
我回来了 莫蒂默 -什么?
I’ve come back home, Mortimer. -What?
我现在回来了 莫蒂默
I’ve come back home, Mortimer.
“”我现在回来了 莫蒂默 “” 他会说话!
I’ve come back home, Mortimer. Listen, it talks!
是的 我会说话
Yes, I talk.
莫蒂默 你忘记过去 我对你做过的那些事情了吗?
Mortimer, have you forgotten the things I used to do to you…
…when you were tied to the bedpost?
The needles under your fingernails.
莫蒂默 他– -等等
Mortimer, he– -Wait a minute.
Holy mackerel!
It is Jonathan!
我很高兴你想起来了 莫蒂默
I’m glad you remember, Mortimer.
是的 我想起来了
Yeah, I remember.
How could I forget you?
你在哪里换的这张脸? 好莱坞吗?
Where’d you get that face? Hollywood?
你们兄弟两个每次见面 都要吵上一架吗?
Don’t you two boys start quarreling the minute you’ve seen each other.
We invited Jonathan and Dr. Einstein to stay.
什么? -只是今天晚上
What? -Just for tonight.
不 我今天晚上留在这儿
No, I’m staying here tonight.
事实上 从现在开始我会一直留在这儿 -那我呢?
ln fact, I’m staying here from now on. -What about me?
There’s no room for anybody else here.
等等 再等等
Please, just a moment.
So take that little squirt and beat it!
特迪在哪儿? 我必须马上见他
Where’s Teddy? I’ve got to see him right away.
We don’t take up much room.
乔纳森可以睡沙发 我可以睡在棺材里
Johnny can sleep on the sofa, and I’ll sleep on the windowseat.
Nothing to….
Certainly not on the windowseat.
I’m going to sleep on the windowseat.
I’ll sleep on the windowseat from now on.
Now look.
Now, be a good fellow.
这里是10美元 你出去找个旅馆吧
Here’s $1 0. Go out and haunt yourself a hotel.
莫蒂默 你知道我会怎么样 对待那些命令我的人
Mortimer, you know what I do to people who order me around.
Mr. Spenalzo.
What’s going to happen to Mr. Spenalzo?
We can’t leave him here in the windowseat.
医生 我已经忘记斯班纳先生了
Doctor, I’ve completely lost track of Mr. Spenalzo.
等等! 谁是斯班纳先生?
Wait! Who’s this Mr. Spenalzo?
A friend of ours Johnny was looking for.
不要再带别人进来 现在 走吧!
Don’t bring anyone else in here. Now, beat it!
没关系 乔纳森
It’s all right, Johnny.
我们去清行李 等下我再跟你说
While we are packing, I’ll tell you about him.
我过一会儿再来照顾你 莫蒂默
I’ll take care of you, Mortimer, in just a little while.
How do you like that?
这个家伙离开了20年 然后挑在今天晚上回来
The guy stays away for 20 years and picks tonight to come back.
伊莱恩 你怎么在这里?
Elaine, what are you doing here?
莫蒂默! -怎么了 亲爱的?
Mortimer! -What’s the matter, darling?
我差点被杀死 -杀死?
I almost got killed. -Killed?
艾比姑妈 玛瑟姑妈!
Aunt Abby, Aunt Martha!
不是我们! 是乔纳森!
No! It was Jonathan!
He mistook her for a sneak thief.
哦 这样 -真是糟糕
Oh, that. -lt was worse than that.
He’s some kind of a maniac.
I’m afraid of him.
亲爱的 别担心 我在这 别怕
Darling, don’t worry about it. I’m here now. Forget it.
我们今天结婚 我们还要去尼亚加拉瀑布
We were married today, we were going over Niagara Falls…
你的弟弟想掐死我 出租车还在等着
…your brother tries to strangle me, a taxi’s waiting…
…and now you want to sleep on a windowseat!
棺材 威瑟斯庞
Windowseat. Witherspoon.
你现在最好快回家去 -什么?
You’d better run along home. -What?
象一个乖乖女马上回家 我还有事情要做
Go on home like a good girl. I got things to do.
但是– -快点
But– -Please.
接线员? 给我接快乐谷270号♥ 谢谢
Operator? Get me Happy Dale 2-7-0, please.
But didn’t you hear what I was just saying?
你的亲弟弟 乔纳森 她想掐死我!
Your own brother Jonathan, he was trying to strangle me!
求求你了! 这事很重要! -这事?
Please! This is important! -That?
威瑟斯庞先生吗? 我是莫蒂默.布鲁斯特
Mr. Witherspoon? This is Mortimer Brewster.
你好 布鲁斯特
Yes, Mr. Brewster.
呃 我听不见你说话
Well, I don’t understand you.
他想杀我! -等等 我听不见他说话
He was going to kill me! -Wait, I can’t hear the man.
这个 我的申请文件都拟定好了
Well, look. I’ve got the papers all drawn up.
我知道晚了点 但是现在赶快来把我弟弟接走!
I know it’s late, but come down here and get my brother immediately!
等等 亲爱的
Please, darling.
顺便问一句 你的申请文件上 有你弟弟和医生的签字吗
By the way, you’ve had the papers signed by your brother and the doctor, of course?
By the doctor?
噢 我的上帝! 我把医生给忘了!
Oh, holy mackerel! I forgot the doctor!
你不能安静一下吗! 没看见我得马上找个医生
Please, be quiet! Can’t you see I’ve got to get a doctor?
需要什么类型的医生? 家庭医生吗?
What kind of a doctor? A family doctor?
你自己度你的蜜月去吧 结婚戒指 出租车 棺材
You can take your honeymoon, wedding ring, taxi, windowseat…
…put them in a barrel, and push them all over Niagara Falls!
谢谢 亲爱的 谢谢
Thank you, darling. Thank you.
不管怎样 你能先来一趟吗?
Why don’t you come down here anyway?
你到这了 我就把特迪 和医生的签字都给你
While you’re getting here, I’ll get Teddy’s and the doctor’s signatures.
我会准备好两个签名 对 好的 快一点
I’ll get both signatures. Yeah, well, come right away.
What’s the matter with her?
让我坐下来 好好想想这件事情
Let me sit down. Let me think about this thing.
医生 特迪 签名
Doctor, Teddy, signature….
我的老天! 又一个!
Ye gods! There’s another one!
艾比姑妈! 玛瑟姑妈!
Aunt Abby! Aunt Martha!
过来一下! -我们现在很忙
Come in here! -We’re busy.
不 你现在马上过来!
No, you come in here now!
好的 亲爱的 什么事? 伊莱恩呢?
Yes, dear, what is it? Where’s Elaine?
Didn’t you promise not to let anyone in?
乔纳森刚刚进来了 -我不是说乔纳森!
Jonathan just walked in. -I don’t mean Jonathan!
我不是说爱因斯坦 棺材里是谁?
I don’t mean Dr. Einstein! Who is that in the windowseat?
我们告诉过你了 是霍斯金先生
We told you. Mr. Hoskins.
It is not Mr. Hoskins!
Who can that be?
你是说你从来没有见过他? -我当然没见过
Are you saying you’ve never seen him? -I certainly am.
This is a fine how-do-you-do!
It’s getting so anyone thinks he can walk in!
你别推卸责任! 这是又一个喝了毒酒的先生!
Don’t you try to get out of this! That’s another one of your gentlemen!
How can you say such a thing?
That man’s an impostor.
如果他到这儿来是想被埋在 我们的地下室里 那么他错了
And if he came here to be buried in our cellar, he’s mistaken.
You admitted you put Mr. Hoskins in the windowseat.
是的 我保证
Yes, I did.
This man couldn’t have got the idea from Mr. Hoskins!
还有 霍斯金到哪儿去了? -他一定在巴拿马了
By the way, where is Mr. Hoskins? -He must have gone to Panama.
什么? 你把他埋了? -还没有
What? You buried him? -Not yet.
他在下面 等待葬礼 可怜的人
He’s down there waiting for the services, poor dear.
乔纳森在屋子里 我们没有多少时间
We haven’t had a minute, what with Jonathan in the house.
噢 亲爱的
Oh, dear.