…that Grandma Brewster bought in England.
你呢 玛瑟姑妈 还是这么高的衣领…
And you, Aunt Martha, still the high collar…
…to hide the scar where Grandfather’s acid burned you.
为什么 他的声音是乔纳森的
Why, his voice is like Jonathan’s.
Have you been in an accident?
My face.
Dr. Einstein is responsible for that.
He’s a plastic surgeon.
But I’ve seen that face before.
Do you remember when we took the little Schultz boy to the movies…
…and I was so frightened?
It was that face.
轻松点 约翰尼 轻松点
Take it easy, Johnny. Take it easy.
别担心 在过去的5年里 我跟他换了3种不同的脸
Don’t worry. The last five years, I give him three different faces.
I give him another one right away.
最后一张脸 也是我看过的那张照片…
That last face. I saw that picture, too…
…做手术之前 我喝醉了
…just before I operated. I was intoxicated.
你看看 医生 你都对我做了些什么
You see, doctor, what you’ve done to me?
甚至连我自己的家人都– -约翰尼 约翰尼!
Even my own family think I’m– -Johnny, Johnny!
You are home in this lovely house.
You know…
…how many times he tells me…
…关于布鲁克林 关于这个的房♥子
…about Brooklyn, about this house and about his aunts…
…he loves so much?
They know you.
Please tell him so.
…it’s been a long time.
上帝保佑 能再回到家真是太好了
Bless you. It’s good to be home again.
We mustn’t let what’s on the stove boil over.
我们先失陪一下 乔纳森
If you’ll excuse us for a moment, Jonathan.
Unless you’re in a hurry to go somewhere.
Where do we go from here?
你知道 我们必须快点想想
You know, we got to think fast.
警♥察♥已经有了那张脸的照片 我必须马上给你做手术
The police got pictures of that face. I got to operate on you right away.
We got to find someplace.
We got to find someplace for Mr. Spenalzo, too.
Don’t waste any worry on that rat.
But we got a hot stiff on our hands.
Forget Mr. Spenalzo.
但是 约翰尼 我们不能把一个尸体 留在那么惹眼的地方
But, Johnny, we can’t leave a dead body in the rumble seat.
You shouldn’t have killed him.
就因为他知道了一些关于我们的事情吗 发生什么了?
Just because he knows something about us, what happens?
我们去寻求他的帮助 而他却想趁火打劫
We come to him for help and he tries to shake us down.
而且 他说我长的象鲍里斯·卡洛夫
Besides, he said I looked like Boris Karloff.
那是你的功劳 医生
That’s your work, doctor.
You did that to me.
别这样 约翰尼 放轻松点
Please, Johnny, take it easy.
我们会找到一个地方 我马上帮你做手术
We’ll find some place and I’ll fix you up right away.
是的 今天晚上 不过我先得吃点东西
Yes, tonight, but I have to eat first.
这一次 我想变成一张♥平♥凡人的脸
This time, I want the face of an absolute nonentity.
是的 我知道具体该怎么做
Yes. I know exactly what I’m going to do.
你看 我会把这一块取下来 然后向上移一点–
You see, I’m going to take this piece here and lift it up–
Be careful about the stitches this time.
You leave that up to me.
I’ll give you nice ears and–
你上一次很粗心 -我会用全新的手术针
You were careless last time. -And new stitches.
我会跟你换一个施密特的眼睛 那是我擅长的
And on the eyes I’ll do a Schmidt. That’s my specialty.
我把它象这样处理一下– -别管眼睛了
I take it together like this– -Leave the eyes alone.
Leave the nose alone.
Poor Teddy.
I imagine it’s for the best.
“有时候我们都不知道为什么要这样 但是我们还是必须去做–”
Ours not to reason why, ours but to do–
在这里签字 不好意思 法官 等等
Sign right here, please, Judge. Excuse me.
Right there.
有时候我在想 现在的这个世界真是混乱–
Sometimes I think, with the world in its present chaotic state–
是的 他在快乐谷会好的多的 我在家族的旁边一栏签字 是吗?
Yes, we’d all be better off at Happy Dale. I sign here as next of kin, don’t l?
Only last week I created a mild sensation…
…在那个酒吧协会里 当时我还说–
…at the Bar Association, when I said–
再见 祝你好运 法官 谢谢
Goodbye. Good luck, Judge. Thank you.
告诉玛瑟和艾比 我这个星期回来 我感到很孤单
Tell Martha and Abby I’ll be over this week. I’ve been feeling rather lonely.
不! 绝不要告诉她们 你感到非常孤单 决不!
No! Never tell them you’ve been lonely. Never!
为什么 我只是– -法官!
Why, I don’t– -Judge!
告诉我 你平时喝酒吗?
Tell me, are you a drinking man?
怎么了 不 我不喝那玩意儿
Why, no. I never indulge.
好极了! 你会活的很久
Good! Then you’ll live longer.
Of course a little wine now–
不! 看在上帝的份上 别喝酒!
No! For heaven’s sake, no wine!
I may be committing the wrong Brewster.
Well, I’m sure you both want to get to wherever you’re going.
亲爱的 亲爱的姑妈 你做的晚餐实在是太棒了…
My dear, sweet aunties, I’m so full of your delicious dinner…
…我吃的太多都动不了了 -是啊 感觉好极了
…I’m unable to move a muscle. -Yes, it’s nice here.
I found it!
先生们 坐好了
Gentlemen, be seated.
这个 先生们 是我的一些故事 我的自传
Here it is, gentlemen. The story of my life, my biography.
这就是我跟你说过的那张照片 我们在这儿
Here’s the picture I was telling you about. Here we both are.
罗斯福总统和戈瑟尔斯将军 在咕尔格拉
President Roosevelt and General Goethals at Culebra Cut.
这就是我 将军 这个是你
That’s me, General, and that’s you.
我的上帝 我的变化可真大!
My, how I’ve changed!
这张照片正好还没有被拿走 我们还没有开始在咕尔格拉的工作
That picture hasn’t been taken yet. We haven’t started work on Culebra Cut.
We’re still digging locks.
现在 将军 我们去巴拿马 视察那个新水闸
And now, General, we will both go to Panama and inspect the new lock.
不 特迪 我 不去
No, Teddy. Not to Panama.
另外再找个时间 总统先生 巴拿马是一个遥远的地方
Maybe some other time, Mr. President. Panama is a long ways off.
谁说的! 就在地下室 -地下室?
Nonsense! It’s just down in the cellar. -The cellar?
我们让他在地下室里 挖掘巴拿马运河
We let him dig the Panama Canal in the cellar.
戈瑟尔斯将军? -是 先生
General Goethals? -Yes, sir.
作为美国的总统 指挥官 陆海空三军的总司令…
As President of the US, Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy…
…and the man who gave you this job…
…我命令你现在立刻随从我去视察 这个新的工程
…I demand that you accompany me on the inspection of the new lock.
I think it’s time for you to go to bed.
什么 你是谁?
I beg your pardon. Who are you?
I’m Woodrow Wilson. Go to bed.
不 你不是威尔逊 但是你的脸看起来很熟悉
No, you’re not Wilson. But your face is familiar.
你不是我现在认识的人 也许 后来 在我去非洲打猎的时候
You’re not anyone I know now. Perhaps later, on my hunting trip to Africa.
You look like someone I might meet in the jungle.
我觉得 也许你现在最好该去睡觉了 特迪
I think, perhaps, you had better go to bed, Teddy.
He and his friend want to get back to their hotel.
戈瑟尔斯将军 视察运河去
General Goethals, inspect the canal.
好吧 总统先生 我们这就去巴拿马
All right, Mr. President, we go to Panama.
好极了 好极了! 跟我来 将军
Bully, bully! Follow me, General.
巴拿马在南方 你是知道的
It’s down south, you know.
Well, bon voyage!
I must correct your misapprehension.
You talked of our hotel.
我们没有旅馆 我们是直接到这儿来的
We have no hotel. We came here directly.
这并不是你的家 恐怕你不能住在这儿
This is not your home, and I’m afraid you can’t stay here.
Dr. Einstein and I need a place to sleep.
你们应该记得我小的时候 就不被人们喜欢
You remember that, as a boy, I could be disagreeable.
如果我们当中任何一个发生什么事情的话 那不会让人高兴的
It would not be pleasant for any of us if….
我不想再说的那么明白了 懂吗?
I don’t have to go into details, do l?
Perhaps we’d better let them stay here tonight.
快来 快点
Come here. Quick.
I forgot to tell you…
…Doctor and I are turning Grandfather’s laboratory into an operating room.
We expect to be very busy.
快来 你猜我发现什么了? -什么
Down here, what do you think I find? -What?
The Panama Canal.
And it just fits Mr. Spenalzo.
你看看他挖的那个坑 4英尺宽 6英尺长
See the hole he’s digging. Four feet wide, six feet long.