Abby thinks we should count the first one.
先等等 坐下来听我说
Never mind about that. Just sit down.
告诉我 谁是第一个?
Tell me, who was the first one?
米其尼先生 他是一个浸礼会教友
Mr. Midgely. He was a Baptist.
他非常孤单 一个老先生
He was such a lonely, old gentleman.
All his kith and kin were dead.
We felt so sorry for him.
后来 他心脏病犯了…
And then, when his heart attack came…
…and he sat there dead in that chair…
…看起来很安宁 记得吗 玛瑟?
…Iooking so peaceful. Remember, Martha?
We made up our minds, then and there…
…that if we could help other lonely, old men…
…to find that same peace…
…we would.
为什么 你们…
Why, you poor….
你是说 他就是在这个椅子上去世的?
You mean, he dropped dead right in this chair?
And then, you see, Teddy came up from digging in Panama…
…and he thought Mr. Midgely was a yellow-fever victim.
And that meant he had to be buried immediately.
所以 我们一起把他抬到巴拿马去…
So, we all took him down to Panama…
…我们把他埋在底下 为他举♥行♥了一个正式的 基♥督♥教♥徒♥的葬礼
…and put him in the lock and gave him a decent Christian burial.
现在明白了? 所以我们才告诉你不用太烦扰…
There, now you see? That’s why we told you not to bother about it…
…because we know exactly what’s to be done.
Wait a minute!
来一下 亲爱的 那其他人呢?
Come here, darling. What about the others?
All 12 of them didn’t walk in here and drop dead.
不 亲爱的 当然不是!
No, dear. Of course not!
这个 那么…
Well, so….
莫蒂默 -什么?
Mortimer. -What?
Do you remember those jars of poison on the shelves…
…in Grandfather’s laboratory all these years?
You know your Aunt Martha’s knack for mixing things.
You’ve eaten enough of her piccalilli.
嗯 亲爱的 一加仑木果酒…
Well, dear, for a gallon of elderberry wine…
…I take one teaspoonful of arsenic…
…then add half a teaspoonful of strychnine.
然后 再加一丁点氰化物
And then, just a pinch of cyanide.
Should have quite a kick.
事实上 我们的一个先生还抽出时间说:
As a matter of fact, one of our gentlemen found time to say:
“味道好极了! ”
How delicious!
是吗? 那这样对他也不错?
He did? Well, wasn’t that nice of him?
艾比 我们不要整个晚上站在这里 说闲话了
Abby, we mustn’t be standing here gossiping all night.
We must get that cake frosted.
别管什么蛋糕了 我现在吃不下东西
Don’t worry about the cake. I couldn’t eat a thing.
你刚刚结婚! 喝一杯酒会让你胃口好一点
You newlyweds! A sip of wine will give you an appetite.
听起来似乎不错 亲爱的 一杯… 一杯酒!
That’d be nice, darling, a sip of…. A sip of wine!
I’m beginning to think the cat’s in on this.
他看起来很好 象一只快乐的小鸟 唱着歌♥ 挖个水闸
He’s wonderful. Happy as a lark. Singing away, digging locks.
Got him working on a yellow-fever victim.
I can see the headlines now:
“谋杀团伙再次出现” 横跨在头版头条
Murder lncorporator Rides Again right across the front page.
Let me see….
特迪! 当然 每个人都知道他是个疯子
Teddy! Of course. Everybody knows he’s crazy.
让我想想 我可以打电♥话♥给谁? 杜威 拉瓜迪亚 温切尔?
Let me see. Who can I call up? Dewey, La Guardia, Winchell?
不 温切尔不行
No, Winchell’s no good.
老法官卡尔曼 !
Old Judge Cullman!
I wonder if I got his number.
What am I doing with tickets?
请帮我查一下布鲁克林 北岸路 卡尔曼法官的电♥话♥
Get me the number of Judge Cullman on North Shore Road, Brooklyn.
是的 你能让他打给我吗?
Yeah, would you call me back?
Wouldn’t it be marvelous if he wasn’t there?
嘿 你!
Hey, you!
这就是高高的 黑色条纹的亮光
Thought you were tall, dark streak of light.
What are you doing here?
我在这里干什么? 你没听见我的口哨吗?
What am I doing here? Didn’t you hear me whistle?
口哨? 哦 对了
Whistle? Oh, yes.
I heard you whistle.
我穿这个漂亮吗? -你看起来很漂亮
How do I look? -You look fine.
快回去 我明天跟你打电♥话♥ -明天?
Run on home. I’ll call you up tomorrow. -Tomorrow?
You know I always call you up every day or two.
你总是喜欢开玩笑! 你的帽子呢? 包都放到计程车里了
You and your gags! Where’s your hat? The bags are in the taxi.
快点! -我很抱歉 发生了一些事情
Come on! -I’m so sorry. Something’s happened.
发生什么了 神神秘秘的?
What’d you do, lose your nerve?
Where’s that look I was going to see so often?
等等! 别在我耳边吹口哨行吗
Stop! Don’t whistle in my ear, please.
怎么了? 看看你的头发
What’s wrong? Look at your hair.
是什么颜色? 变色了吗?
What color is it? Has it turned?
亲爱的 怎么了? 发生什么了?
Darling, what’s the matter? What happened?
Those flowers are so beautiful.
如果我只告诉你 伊莱恩 你闻起来真迷人
If I could only tell you, Elaine. You smell so nice.
You better go home!
但是 亲爱的 我们今天结婚 -快去睡觉 好好休息!
But, darling, we were married today. -Go to bed, get some rest!
谁? 卡尔曼法官 吗?
Who? Judge Cullman?
我是莫蒂默 布鲁斯特 我打你电♥话♥是 关于特迪的一些事情
This is Mortimer Brewster. I’ll tell you why I called you. It’s about Teddy.
I’ve got to come over and see you right away.
最迟是明天 法官
It won’t wait until tomorrow, Judge.
这非常 非常的重要 我们必须尽快的做一件事情
It’s very, very important. We’ve got to do something immediately.
是关系到人命的事情而且… 伊莱恩!
But it’s a matter of life and…. Elaine!
Will you get out of here?
这里到底发生什么了? 我都不知道自己在哪!
What on earth is going on here? I don’t know where I stand!
不管在哪 最好别在这里! -但是尼亚加拉瀑布!
Anywhere, but don’t stand there! -But Niagara Falls!
如果这里是 那就是吧! -等等!听着
lf it does, we’ll let it! -Wait a minute! Listen.
你不能跟我结婚 然后又把我赶出去!
You can’t marry me and then throw me out!
我不是赶你走! 但是请你先出去一会?
I’m not throwing you out of the house! Will you get out of here?
不好意思 法官 刚才发生了一点事情
I’m sorry, Judge. A thing happened.
法官 关于特迪 他–
Judge, about Teddy, he’s–
It’s his bugle blowing.
The police want to throw him into a state institution.
How do you like that?
我看到这里有一份广♥告♥ 是关于房♥屋出租的 -别说了!
I read an ad here about a room to rent. -Shut up!
如果你签个字 而且特迪也同意 我们可以送他去快乐谷疗养院
If you sign the papers and Teddy commits himself, we can get him to Happy Dale.
It’s a wonderful place.
You will?
好的! 我打个电♥话♥马上就来
Fine! I’ll be over as soon as I’ve made another call.
门铃响了 亲爱的
Doorbell’s ringing, dear.
你好 请进
How do you do? Come in.
I understand you’ve got a room to rent.
Do step in.
你们是这房♥子的女主人吗? -是的 我是布鲁斯特
Are you the lady of the house? -Yes, I’m Miss Brewster.
Operator? Give me long distance, please.
这是我姐姐 另一位布鲁斯特女士
And this is my sister. Another Miss Brewster.
我是吉布斯 -请坐
My name’s Gibbs. -Well, do sit down.
不好意思 我们刚刚在准备晚餐
I’m sorry, we’re just setting the table for dinner.
Now, this would be a nice comfortable chair.
长途吗? 请给我接快乐谷疗养院 快乐谷 纽约
Long distance? I want the Happy Dale Sanitarium, Happy Dale, New York.
你家是在布鲁克林吗? -我住旅馆里 我不喜欢那
ls Brooklyn your home? -I live in a hotel. Don’t like it.
Are your family Brooklyn people?
我从来没有家人 -一直是一个人?
Haven’t got any family. -All alone in the world?
那么 玛瑟… -不 快乐谷
Well, Martha…. -No, Happy Dale.
那么 你真是来对了地方
Well, you’ve come to just the right house.
请先坐下来 -谷
Do sit down. -Dale.
“谷” 山谷的谷
D like in “dig,” when you dig a lock.
对 “快” 赶快”快” 知道吗?
That’s right. “A” like in “arsenic.” Got that?
Is there always this much noise?
He doesn’t live with us.
I can see the headlines now. Please.