You mean Mind Over Matrimony?
Where are they?
我藏起来了– -快去找找
I hid them someplace– -Come along.
Now you behave.
Let’s find them before Elaine sees them.
你好 莫蒂默!
Hello, Mortimer!
你好 总统先生? -好极了 谢谢你 好极了
How are you, Mr. President? -Bully, thank you. Just bully.
现在有什么新动向? -国家运转一切正常
What news have you brought me? -The country’s squarely behind you.
是的 我知道 真是太好了
Yes, I know. Isn’t it wonderful?
好吧 再见 我要去巴拿马了
Well, goodbye. I’m off to Panama.
再见 总统先生
Goodbye, Mr. President.
运河的一个新水闸 你知道吧
A new lock for the canal, you know.
Oh, tell the news to Mother
亲爱的 -找到了吗? 怎么了?
Oh, dear. -Find those notes? What’s wrong?
There’s a baby picture of your brother Jonathan.
这照片应该和我的书一起烧掉 我的上帝 你看看那张脸!
You ought to put that in the fire with my books. My, what a face!
我记起来了 他小时候受过惊吓
I remember now. He’d scare grownups with it.
Just the thought of Jonathan frightens me.
Do you remember how he used to cut worms in two with his teeth?
乔纳森? 他现在可能在监狱里或者已经被执行绞刑了
Jonathan? He’s probably in prison or hanged or something by now.
我看过一个剧本 里面有一个人物 使我想起了乔纳森
I saw a play, had a character in it, reminded me of Jonathan.
一个精神错乱的活宝儿 一本叫作水落石出的侦探小说
A honey of a lunatic. One of those whodunits called Murder Will Out.
Oh, dear!
是啊 就是那个
Yeah, what a play.
窗帘拉起来的时候 你看到的第一个东西就是一个尸体
When the curtain goes up, the first thing you see is a dead body.
The next thing–
Hey, mister.
新婚快乐! -祝贺你 亲爱的!
Happy bridegroom! -Congratulations, darling!
等等 等等
Never mind that now.
这个 亲爱的
Now, listen, darlings.
You know how we’ve always planned to send Teddy to Happy Dale?
是的 亲爱的 那是在我们死后
Yes, dear. That’s after we’re gone.
对 我跟哈珀牧师都说过了
Yes, we talked with Reverend Harper about it.
特迪必须现在就去快乐谷 马上!
Teddy’s got to go to Happy Dale now. At once!
他在地下室里 现在去叫他上来 -不用这么急吧
He’s in the cellar. Get him up here now. -There’s no such hurry as that.
特迪在运河工作时 他不会受任何人影响的
When Teddy’s working on the canal, you can’t get his mind on anything else.
听着 亲爱的
Well, look, darlings.
非常抱歉 但是我有一个非常糟糕的消息告诉你们
I’m frightfully sorry, but I’ve got an awful shock for you.
特迪杀了一个人 亲爱的!
Teddy’s killed a man, darlings!
There’s a body in the windowseat!
对啊 亲爱的 我们知道
Yes, dear. We know.
你们知道? -当然
You know? -Of course.
对 不过那跟特迪没有关系
Yes, but it has nothing to do with Teddy.
行了 莫蒂默 你还是忘掉这个吧
Now, Mortimer. You just forget about it.
Forget you ever saw the gentleman.
We never dreamed you’d peek.
What the….
Who is he?
他是霍斯金先生 亚当 霍斯金
He’s a Mr. Hoskins. Adam Hoskins.
That’s really all I know about him, except that he’s a Methodist.
卫理公会教♥徒♥? 听起来还不错
He’s a Methodist? Isn’t that nice.
这就是你知道的? 他在这干什么?
That’s all you know? What’s he doing here?
到底发生什么了? -他死了
What happened to him? -He died.
玛瑟姑妈 人不会自己跑到棺材里然后死了吧
Aunt Martha, men just don’t get into windowseats and die.
不 亲爱的 他进去之前就死了
No, dear. He died first.
等等! 先等一下
Wait! Stop all this.
现在听着 他是怎么死的?
Now look, how did he die?
莫蒂默 别问这么多了
Mortimer, don’t be so inquisitive.
The gentleman died because he drank some wine with poison in it.
How did the poison get in the wine?
我们放进去的 因为这样不容易被发现
We put it in wine because it’s less noticeable.
When it’s in tea, it has a distinct odor.
You mean you….
You put it in the wine?
是的 后来牧师来了…
Yes. And I put Mr. Hoskins in the windowseat…
…because Reverend Harper was coming.
看着我 亲爱的
Look at me, darling.
You knew what you’d done and didn’t want Reverend Harper to see the body?
嗯 没放在茶里 要是那样就糟了
Well, not at tea. That wouldn’t have been very nice.
It’s first-degree.
莫蒂默 现在你都知道了 那么忘记它吧
Now, Mortimer, you know all about it and just forget about it.
I do think that Martha and I have the right to our own little secrets.
艾比 我到苏特太太那里去一下 她好多了
Abby, while I was out I dropped in on Mrs. Schultz. She’s much better.
But she wants us to take Junior to the movies again.
当然 明天或者后天吧
We must do that, tomorrow or next day.
是的 不过这一次我们要到一个我们想去的地方
Yes, but this time we’ll go where we want to go.
Junior’s not going to drag me into another one of those scary pictures.
They ought not to be allowed to make pictures just to frighten people.
Can you hear my voice?
You can?
Are you sure?
Then I must be here.
亲爱的 万圣节对他们来说真是太高兴了
The dears. Isn’t Halloween a wonderful time for them?
是的 当然 他们真是很高兴
Yes, it is. They have so much fun.
莫蒂默 别再这么烦了
Now, Mortimer, don’t be so impatient.
我们会让你吃完还想舔碗的 -舔碗?
We’ll let you lick the bowl. -Lick the bowl?
我不想 我只是想知道我们接下来要做什么!
I don’t want to. I want to know what we’re going to do!
We’re going to celebrate.
庆祝? 这里有个死人躺在那个棺材里!
Celebrate? There’s a body in the windowseat!
对 亲爱的 霍斯金先生
Yes, dear. Mr. Hoskins.
我知道他的名字 我只是想知道我们在做什么
I know what his name is. I want to know what we’re going to do.
不能报告警♥察♥ -别担心了
We can’t turn you over to the police. -Stop worrying about it.
We told you to forget the whole thing.
忘掉? 难道我不能让你意识到 发生了什么事吗?
Forget? Can’t I make you realize that something has to be done?
莫蒂默 注意点说话
Now, Mortimer, you behave.
你还年轻 还不能这么发脾气
You’re too old to be flying off the handle like this.
但是 霍德斯– -霍金斯 亲爱的
But Mr. Hodgekiss– -Hoskins, dear.
管他叫什么 你不能把他放在这里
Whatever his name is, you can’t leave him in there.
我们当然不会 亲爱的
We don’t intend to, dear.
特迪已经在地下室了 正在挖那个水闸
Teddy’s down in the cellar now, digging the lock.
你们准备把霍斯金先生 埋在地下室里?
You’re going to bury Mr. Hodgekiss in the cellar?
是的 亲爱的 其他人也都是这样的
Yes, dear. That’s what we did with the others.
听着 玛瑟姑妈 你不能…
Look, here, Aunt Martha. You can’t….
其他人? -其他先生
Others? -The other gentlemen.
你说的 “其他人 ” 指的是 “别人”?
When you say “others,” do you mean “others”?
不只一个人”其他人”? -是的 亲爱的
More than one “others”? -Yes, dear.
让我想想 这是第11个 是吗 艾比?
Let me see now. This is 1 1, isn’t it, Abby?
不 亲爱的 这已经是第12个了
No, dear. This makes 12.
艾比 亲爱的 我想你错了 这才只是第11个
Abby, dear, I think you’re wrong. This one is only 1 1.
不 亲爱的 因为我记得霍斯金先生第一次来的时候…
No, dear, because I remember when Mr. Hoskins first came in…
…it occurred to me that he’d make just an even dozen.
但是 啊碧 亲爱的 我想你没把第一个算上
But, Abby, dear, I really don’t think you should count the first one.
我算上了 一共是12个
I was counting the first one, and that makes it 12.
It does?
嗯 也许她是对的 是的
Well, she’s probably right. Abby usually is.
I get them mixed up sometimes.
Makes it 12.

Whatever is the matter with Mortimer today?
为什么 艾比 你觉得他怎么了?
Why, Abby, what do you think happened to him?
等等 看在上帝的份上 把你的衣服快穿上!
Not now. For heaven’s sake, keep your shirt on!
伊莱恩 我不是–
Elaine, I didn’t mean–
好 让我来想想 我们在哪儿?
Now, let’s see. Where were we?
12 12!
Twelve. Twelve!
是的 亲爱的
Yes, dear.