这是什么? 俄勒冈号♥吗?
What’s this? The Oregon?
特迪 亲爱的 把它放回去
Teddy, dear, put it back.
但是俄勒冈号♥是要去澳大利亚的 -特迪…
But the Oregon goes to Australia. -Now, Teddy….
不 它要去澳大利亚
No, it goes to Australia.
好极了 谢谢你们 -不客气
These are lovely. Thank you. -Not at all.
这个孩子会疯的 -没什么的
The children will go crazy. -Don’t mention it.
再见 上校
So long, Colonel.
Hey, Sarge.

再见 谢谢你了 -不客气
Goodbye and thank you. -Don’t mention it.
小心台阶 别摔着 -晚安
Careful of the step with the toys. -Good night.
年轻人 希望你能得到锻炼
Young man, let that be a lesson to you.
我要走了 -冲啊!
Well, I must be going. -Charge!
Charge the blockhouse!
The stairs are always San Juan Hill.
Bless you!
Have you tried to persuade him he wasn’t Roosevelt?
没有! -他很高兴扮演特迪 罗斯福
Oh, no! -He’s so happy being Teddy Roosevelt.
你记得吗 玛瑟?
Do you remember, Martha?
很久以前 我们都认为他成为乔治 华盛顿…
Once, a long time ago, we thought if he’d be George Washington…
…对他来说 也许是一个改变 我们也很支持他
…it might be a change for him, and we suggested it.
And do you know what happened?
他一连几天都呆在床底下 不想变成任何人
He just stayed under his bed for days and wouldn’t be anybody.
如果他快乐 更为重要的是 这样一来那么你们会省心不少
Well, if he’s happy, and what’s more important, you’re happy….
Our only worry for Teddy is after we’re gone.
是的 的确如此 这是一个很棘手的问题
Yes, indeed. That is quite a problem.
Mortimer’s made all the arrangements for Teddy…
…去快乐谷疗养院 在我们死后
…to go to Happy Dale Sanitarium after we pass on.
好主意! 那是一个令人心情舒畅的地方
Splendid idea! A very pleasant place.
亲爱的 牧师他人真好
Dear, sweet Reverend Harper.
你知道吗 玛瑟 我觉得他肯定已经知道一点蛛丝马迹了
You know, Martha, I do believe he’s beginning to see the light.
I’m sure we needn’t worry about him.
He won’t interfere with our plans for Mortimer and Elaine.
Did you just have tea?
And dinner’s going to be late, too.
So, why?
Good news for you.
You’re going to Panama and dig another lock for the canal.
太好了 真是太好了!
That’s bully! Just bully!
I shall prepare at once for the journey.
艾比! 我不在的时候?
Abby! While I was out?
是的 亲爱的 我都等不及跟你说了
Yes, dear. I just couldn’t wait for you.
我不知道你什么时候回来 哈珀牧师又来了
I didn’t know when you’d be back, and Reverend Harper was coming.
但是你都做好了 -一切进展顺利
But all by yourself. -I got along fine.
我这就下楼去看看 -不 亲爱的
I’ll run right downstairs and see. -No, dear.
还没到时候 再等等
There wasn’t time. And I was all alone.
Just look in the windowseat.
伊莱恩! -你好 亲爱的
It’s Elaine! -Hello, darlings.
伊莱恩! -她去干什么?
But, Elaine! -What did she mean?
You don’t suppose they’ve gone and–
听着 伙计
Listen, buddy.
这个旧出租车可是见过许多接吻的 但是… -你不会看到任何的
This old cab has seen osculation but…. -You ain’t seen anything yet.
你还要开车送我们去火车站呢 -把她的帽子带上
You’ve got to drive us to the station. -Take her hat.
等一下 还有胸针
Wait a minute. And her brooch.
如果你看到她的发夹 别弄丢了 拿着
If you find her hairpins, keep them. Hold on to that.
There they are.
Here’s your hat.
扔了吧 我不喜欢你这个眼神
Just throw it. I don’t like that look in your eyes.
有什么关系吗? -爸爸上个星期天对我说了一些话
What’s the matter with it? -Father preached about it only last Sunday.
是吗 他说了什么?
He did? What did he say?
他反对 -但那只是星期天
He was against it. -But that was only Sunday.
等等 看在上帝份上!
Please! For heaven’s sake!
莫蒂默 这里会被别人看见的
But, Mortimer, right out here with everyone looking?
是的 这里是会被别人看见
Yes, right out here with everyone looking.
Let everyone in Brooklyn over 16 look.
莫蒂默 你会象我爱你那样爱我 是吗?
But, Mortimer, you’re going to love me for my mind, too?
One thing at a time.
There’s that look again!
“又是那个眼神 莫蒂默! ” 你最好习惯一下
There’s that look again, Mortimer! You better get used to it.
你会经常看见的 它一般会出现在这个之前
You’ll see it often. It goes just before this.
我们在做什么? 已经浪费不少时间了
You know what we’re doing? Wasting time.
我这就去告诉我的姑妈 你也去…
I’ll go tell my aunts and you tell your….
不 还是不要告诉你父亲 你会让他的感冒变成肺炎的
No, don’t tell your father. You’ll run his cold into a pneumonia.
不会的 他是很爱我的
I can handle Father. He’s a dear.
Look, why don’t we wire him from Niagara Falls?
Niagara Falls?
That’s why you stopped at your office.
是的 当然! 我们就是要到那里去
Yes, certainly! We’re going to go the whole hog.
尼亚加拉瀑布! 每个人都会去那的
Niagara Falls! Everybody ought to go there.
You should’ve seen my secretary’s face.
我们在火车上有个房♥间 酒店也有为我们新婚准备的家具…
We’ve a room on the train, the bridal suite in the hotel…
…and tomorrow morning we go over the falls in a barrel.
快点 亲爱的 快去收拾行李
Go on, darling, hurry and pack.
不用了 我从遇见你的那一天就开始收拾行李了
I don’t have to. I started packing the day after I met you.
There, you see! You see?
这就是我所说的 这正是为什么我这么讨厌女人
That’s what I mean. That’s what I hate about women.
I wonder what Mary’s doing now?
火车再过一个小时就要开了 快点 -再过一会儿就好
The train leaves in an hour, hurry. -lt’ll be a few minutes.
父亲会为我祈祷的 -准备好了你就吹口哨把
Father may want to pray over me. -Whistle when you’re ready.
When you whistle, open the front door fast.
如果你看见一道高高的 黑色条纹的亮光 那就是我
If you see a tall, dark streak of light, it’s me.
什么? 现在?
What? Now?
不 还没呢!
No, not now!
Look surprised when he tells us.
Hold on to your bustles.
我结婚了 我和伊莱恩结婚了
We’re married. Elaine and I are married.
亲爱的 真是好极了!
Oh, darling, how wonderful!
太好了 他们结婚了!
Isn’t it wonderful? They’re married!
不要装的这么惊讶好吗 两只狐狸
Don’t pretend to be so surprised either, you two old frauds.
我能用下电♥话♥吗? -当然
Can I use the telephone? -Of course.
真是太 太好了
Isn’t it too, too wonderful?
And to think that it happened right here in this room!
行了 行了
Now, here.
本逊花店吗 我是莫蒂默 布鲁斯特
Benson’s Florists? This is Mortimer Brewster.
Did you send those roses to Mrs. Brewster? Good.
Send four dozen more to drawing room A, Grand Central Station.
快一点 里面放些桔色的花
Hurry. And throw in a flock of orange blossoms.
在你走之前 我们还可以庆祝一下
But before you go, we can have our celebration.
我们可以喝点红酒 还可以唱歌♥
I’ll open a bottle of wine and we’ll sing.
And we’ll invite a few neighbors in.
嗯 当然 婚礼蛋糕也会有 -没时间烤蛋糕了
And, of course, a wedding cake. -You won’t have time to bake a cake.
我们要去尼亚加拉瀑布旅行 计程车还在等着呢
We’re going to Niagara Falls. A taxi’s waiting.
都准备好了吗 什么时候开始准备的–
It’s all ready. It’s been ready since–
I bet it’s been ready since the first day I met her.
每个人都知道我结婚了吗 除了我?
Did everybody know I was getting married, except me?
We knew you’d find out about it in time.
I’ve got the two nicest aunts in the world.
当然 你们也有世界上最好的侄子
Of course, you’ve got the nicest nephew in the world, too.
Well, I’ll run along and get everything ready.
亲爱的 我真希望哈珀牧师不要太生气
Oh, dear. I do hope the Reverend isn’t too angry.
你知道吗 你的书让他很不高兴
You know how your books upset him.
我准备把所有的书都烧掉 这样他一定会非常高兴的
I’m going to burn all my books. I’ll let the Reverend light the first match.
Did I leave some notes here for my new book?