我们在演示如何自卫 -发生什么了? 是他先动手的吗?
We were just acting in self-defense. -What happened? He put up a fight?
This isn’t the one who blows the bugle.
这是他的弟弟 想杀哈玛警官 -他长的可真♥象♥鲍里斯·卡洛夫
This is his brother who tried to kill O’Hara. -All I said was he looked like Boris Karloff.
鲍里斯 带走他
Boris…. Turn him over.
Kind of think he’s wanted somewhere.
你是说 “”他有点象那个通缉犯””?
You “kind of think he’s wanted somewhere”?
If you guys can’t look at the circulars we put up…
…you can at least read short detective stories.
当然 他就是印第安那的通缉逃犯!
Certainly, he’s wanted. In lndiana!
他从监狱里逃出来 他是个精神错乱的罪犯 被判无期徒刑
He escaped from the prison for criminally insane. He’s a lifer.
That’s my brother.
这就是为什么他们说 “”他长的象卡洛夫””
That’s the way they described him. “He looked like Karloff.”
Why’d you knock him out?
他想争脱我们去地下室 他说底下有13具尸体
He tried to get us to go to the cellar. He says 13 bodies are there.
Thirteen bodies in the cellar…
…and that don’t tip you off the guy’s from a nuthouse?
谢谢 朋友
Thanks, pal.
关于我没有到工作岗位上 我想–
About my not ringing in, I want to–
你整个晚上跑到哪里去了? 别来打扰我了
Where have you been all night? Don’t tell me.
I was right here writing a play with Mortimer Brewster.
You’re going to have a long time on that play.
You’re suspended.
Now go on. Report in.
把他带走 再去把另外一个同伙抓来
Bring him to and find out where his accomplice is.
帮他越狱的那个家伙 他也是通缉犯
The guy who helped him escape. He’s wanted, too.
我被这些家伙折磨了48个小时 没有吃东西 也没有睡觉
I’ve been after these guys for 48 hours. Nothing to eat. No sleep.
No wonder Brooklyn’s in the shape it’s in.
真是个傻瓜 编故事编成这个样子!
With flatheads like you on the force. Falling for a story like that!
Thirteen bodies buried in the cellar.
But there are 13 bodies in the cellar!
你是谁? -我是罗斯福总统
Who are you? -I’m President Roosevelt.
这位是谁? -他就是吹军号♥的那个人
What the blazes is this? -He’s the one that blows the bugle.
你好 上校
Howdy, Colonel.
上校 你已经完成了你的使命 把这个家伙带走
Colonel, you’ve blown your last bugle. Get this guy out of here.
我的天! 又一个得黄热病死的人?
Dear me! Another yellow-fever victim?
All the bodies in the cellar are yellow-fever victims.
不 上校 这是个间谍 我们在白宫抓住了他
No, Colonel. This is a spy. We caught him at the White House.
把他带走 我要有些问题要问他
Take him out and bring him to. I want to question him.
审问间谍是我的专长 -喂 你 别跟着去了
Questioning of spies is my department. -Hey, you, keep out of that.
你忘记了我作为总统 也负责情报方面的工作
You’re forgetting that as President I am also head of the Secret Service.
Who are you?
What’s your name?
通常 我是莫蒂默.布鲁斯特 不过今天我不是我自己
Usually, I’m Mortimer Brewster. But I’m not myself today.
你是他哥哥 听着 不要争吵 他会被马上带走
You’re his brother. Look, no argument. He’s got to be put away.
我不争吵 长官 不会 等等 轻松点 看看这个
No arguments, Captain. No arguments. Just a minute, take it easy. Read this.
Teddy’s going to go to Happy Dale tonight.
我在等威瑟斯庞先生 -他马上就到
I’m waiting for Mr. Witherspoon. -As long as he’s going someplace.
He’s scaring the neighbors with that bugle.
And that cockeyed story about 13 bodies being–
我48个小时都没有睡觉了 我有责任知道一些事
I’ve been without sleep for 48 hours. I’m liable to think anything.
I know just how you feel.
There’s people dumb enough to believe that.
去年这里有一个疯狂的家伙 散布一个谋杀的谣言
Last year there was a crazy guy, started a murder rumor.
在破案之前 我不得不挖出半英亩地–
I had to dig up a half acre plot before I could prove–
这是什么? -怎么了?
What’s this? -What’s the matter?
这些文件有问题 -为什么?
These papers aren’t any good. -Why not?
He signed it Theodore Roosevelt!
你的出租车有空吗? -一直有空 你要去哪儿?
ls your taxi engaged? -Losing dough every minute. Any offers?
我是快乐谷疗养院的威瑟斯庞 我来找布鲁斯特
I’m Mr. Witherspoon of Happy Dale Sanitarium, I have come to get a Brewster.
I would like you to drive us back to the sanitarium.
I knew this would end up in a nuthouse!
We like to think of it as a rest home.
Mr. Brewster?
Mr. Witherspoon is here.
如果间谍窃取了国家的机密文件 看见上面有罗斯福的签名
Supposing the spy steals this document and finds the name Roosevelt on it.
Think what that would mean to the safety of the nation!
不 这是强词夺理 -这是什么? 拜托!
No, it’s chicanery. -What is this? Come on!
他来了 准备谈谈 -让他等等 我马上就来
He’s come to. He’s ready to talk. -Hold him till I get there.
我来解释一下 布鲁斯特 这个名字是罗斯福的代码
Let me explain. The name Brewster is code for Roosevelt.
罗斯福的代码? -想想布鲁斯特
Code for Roosevelt? -Take the name Brewster.
把字母“B”拿掉 剩下的是什么
Take away the “B” and what have you got?
Rooster (公鸡) -公鸡每天做什么
Rooster. -And what does a rooster do?
Crows (打鸣) -就是打鸣! 你在非洲的什么地方打猎?
Crows. -lt crows! Where do you hunt in Africa?
在veldt(草原)! -就是那个! “”草原””
On the veldt! -There you are! “Crowsveldt.”
聪明 请代表我向情报 代码部门的工作人员表示敬意
Ingenious! My compliments to the boys in the code department.
好极了! 再说一遍
That’s all right! Do that again for me.
好的! 给我钢笔
Never mind! Give me that pen.
This is fun.
现在 我只用等威瑟斯庞先生来了
Now, all I got to get is Witherspoon.
I’m so glad to see you.
You will take good care of Teddy?
一定会的 -谢谢
Best of care of him. -That’s fine.
And no wagon when he leaves.
什么 来接他的车? 没有 没有
Why? To take him away? Never, never.
出租车 我们经常用这个 我已经叫了一个在外面等着了
Taxicabs. We always…. I have one waiting now.
It means a great deal to me.
You will personally see that Teddy’s happy at Happy Dale?
他在快乐谷会非常快乐的 -好极了
He’ll be very happy at Happy Dale. -That’s good.
You know, I sometimes envy some of our patients, secretly.
你吗? 那一定是一个 我从没去过的好地方
You do? It must be a nice place. I’ve never been there.
You never can tell.
This is a particularly happy moment for me tonight.
我从来没有见过戏剧批评家 -外面对他们有很多微词
I’ve never met a dramatic critic before. -The woods are full of them.
I have here something that will explain what we’re trying to do.
快乐谷的计划吗? -不 是一个剧本
A pamphlet about Happy Dale? -No, it’s a play.
Something I’ve been working on.
It’s a dramatization of many incidents that have happened at Happy Dale.
长官 长官
Captain! Captain!
我希望你能好好读读 尽量要求严厉一点
I want you to read this carefully. I want you to be just as harsh as you like.
我不会介意的 你知道的–
I shan’t mind, you know–
长官 这是威瑟斯庞先生
Captain, this is Mr. Witherspoon.
He’ll be very happy at Happy Dale.
来吧 我的孩子 -这是干什么
Come, my boy. -What is this?
不 你搞错了 这是鲁尼警官
No, you got it wrong. This is Captain Rooney.
The police?
是的 这里是申请文件 所有都签过名了 现在你可以带他走了
I’m sure! Here are the papers, all signed. Now you can take him away.
I’ll be in my office vetoing some bills.
总统先生 有一个好消息
Mr. President, I have good news for you.
Your term of office is over.
今天是3月4号♥吗? -当然
ls this March 4? -Practically.
Let’s see….
Now I go on my hunting trip to Africa!
好 我马上去准备一下
Well, I must get started immediately.
Is he trying to move into the White House before I’ve moved out?
谁 总统先生?
Who, Mr. President?
不 那不是塔夫脱 那是威瑟斯庞先生 你在非洲的导游
No, this isn’t Mr. Taft. It’s Mr. Witherspoon, your guide to Africa.
Bully! Bully!
先在这等等 我去取下我的装备
Wait right here. I’ll bring down my equipment.
Happy man.
再见 艾比姑妈 玛瑟姑妈
Goodbye, Aunt Abby, Aunt Martha.
我要去非洲了 是不是很棒
I’m on my way to Africa. Isn’t it wonderful?
不要紧 我来
It’s all right, I’ve got it.
噢 天那
Oh, dear.
And Happy Dale is full of staircases.
你来见特迪的 是吗
You’ve come to meet Teddy, haven’t you?
不 他是来带走他的 特迪又吹那个军号♥了
No, he’s come to take him. Teddy’s been blowing his bugle again.
不! 他现在不能走 我们不允许
No, he can’t go now! We won’t permit it.