I found some wine.
这里 我先把它打开
Here, I’ll split it with you.
We both have a drink before we operate.
I am so happy that we don’t have to operate without a drink.
One moment, please.
Where are your manners?
Yes, Mortimer.
I realize now that it was you who brought me back to Brooklyn.
We drink to you.
为了我死去的 亲爱的母亲
To my dear, dead brother.
That idiot!
下一个就是他 下一个是他 -别这样! 别这样!
He goes next. That’s all. He goes next! -Not Teddy! Please!
我们等一下就去干掉他 -不要这样!
We’ll get to him later. -You won’t at all!
我们必须搞快点 快速的方式
We have to work fast. The quick way.
快速的方式 当然!
The quick way, yes!
如果是这个快速的方式 我来帮你
If it has to be, then the quick way. I’ll help you.
The colonel has to quit blowing that horn.
好的 我们会让他远离那玩意儿
It’s all right. We’re taking the bugle away from him.
我最好亲自跟他谈谈 灯在哪儿
I’d better talk to him myself. Where’s the lights?
You stood me up!
I’ve been waiting for you for over an hour at Kelly’s.
他怎么了 -没事
What happened to him? -Nothing.
他在解释一个他看过的戏剧 他在扮演剧中的人物
He was explaining a play he saw and that’s what happened to a man in the play.
I see.
Did that really happen in a play you saw?
你怎么这个样子 我再也不能相信任何人
How do you like that? You can’t trust nobody.
They practically stole that from my play.
在第二幕 就是– 也许我最好应该从头讲起
In the second act, just– Maybe I’d better start at the beginning.
好吗 可以
Yeah, sure.
You’ve got to hear the plot!
我母亲象一道闪电一样快速的化完妆 很意外的
My mother’s making up. Like a flash, out of a clear sky…
门开了 进来一个满脸胡须的男人
…the door opens and a man with a mustache comes in.
他说 “”贝济小姐 嫁给我吧?””
He says, “Miss Peaches La Tour, will you marry me?”
这是第一幕 我母亲没有说他们结婚 这就是悬念!
That’s the first scene. My mother doesn’t say they’re married. That’s the surprise!
What a kick!
25年过去了 呃 在这期间 只有我
Twenty-five years pass. Well, in the meantime, there’s me.
成长成为一个优秀的范例 那我做了什么?
Growing into a magnificent specimen. So what do I do?
I join the police force and become one of New York’s finest.
我执法公正 纪律严明 知道吗? 我几乎不知道--
I’m cleaning out a crooked laundry, see? Little do I know it…
…but a dope fiend with a knife is after me.
I’m in great danger.
该你了 不是吗? 我知道你在想什么
It’s getting you, ain’t it? I can see it in your eyes.
You ain’t heard nothing yet.
突然 失火了 多么紧急的时刻
All of a sudden, a fire breaks out. What an effect!
消防队员冲进去了 是谁在领导他们?
Firemen rush in and who’s leading them?
Mayor Fiorello La Guardia!
What’s the matter with him?
有可能是你的剧本让他睡着了 -什么
Probably your play put him to sleep. -What?
我自己非常喜欢 -有可能是他脑筋有问题
I personally like it very much. -It’s probably over his head.
我以前看过这张脸吗? -没有 好像
Where have I seen that face before? -No, please.
情景改变了 是一个可以变动的舞台
The scene changes. It’s an evolving stage.
我正在巡逻 突然
I’m walking along my beat, casual-like…
…when a guy that I’m following, it turns out he’s following me!
不要让别人进来 我比他要聪明的多
Don’t let nobody in. I figures I’ll outsmart him.
在转角处有一所空房♥子 -乔纳森 警♥察♥!
There’s a vacant house on the corner. -Johnny, the cops!
我一看见门把手在转动 我就拔出枪
I sees the door handle turn, so I pulls out my gun…
…braces myself against the wall and I says:
“”进来! “”
Come in!
你好 伙计们
Hello, boys.
这里发生什么事了? -塞吉 这是莫蒂默.布鲁斯特
What the Sam Hill’s going on? -Sarge, this is Mortimer Brewster.
他准备帮我写剧本的 -有必要把他绑起来吗?
He’s going to help me write my play. -Do you have to tie him up?
你怎么不在岗位上? 所有的人都在找你
Report in. Why didn’t you ring in? The whole force is out looking for you.
刚刚才到第二幕的中间 他们带你来这的?
Right in the middle of the second act. Did they send you here?
不 我们是来警告两位女士
No, we came to warn the old ladies.
上校又在吹军号♥了 -我听到了
The colonel blew that bugle again. -I heard him.
The neighbors are phoning in. The Lieutenant’s on the warpath.
He says we’ve got to put him away someplace.
Now, who the heck is this?
布鲁斯特的弟弟 我的剧本让他睡着了
Mr. Brewster’s brother. My play put him to sleep.
这就是跑掉的那个 现在他回来了
That’s the one that ran away. So he came back.
布鲁尼 给我接外线.
Brophy. Get me Mac.
你还好吧! 你在岗位上迟到了两个小时.
Have you got yourself in a mess! You’re two hours overdue at the station.
I better let them know that I found you.
还不是那么糟糕 是吗?
It wasn’t that bad, was it?
跟长官说一声 他可以叫重犯缉捕组了 我们找到他了
Tell the Lieutenant he can call off the big manhunt. We found him.
At the Brewster house.
Shall we bring him in?
好的 我们就在这儿守着他
All right, we’ll hold him right here.
The Lieutenant is on his way over.
So I’ve been turned in?
好的 你们抓住我了
All right, you’ve got me.
I suppose you and my stool-pigeon brother will split the reward.
是的 奖金!
Yes, reward!
Now I’ll do some turning in!
等等 布鲁斯特
Wait a minute, Mr. Brewster.
你们觉得我的姑妈很可亲 可敬的老太太 是吗
You think my aunts are sweet, charming old ladies, don’t you?
不过 这里有13个尸体埋在地下室里
Well, there’s 13 bodies buried in the cellar!
是的 13个
Yes, 13.
你说话注意点 你的姑妈是我们的朋友
Be careful what you say. Your aunts are friends of ours.
我会指给你们看 -不要给她们制♥造♥麻烦!
I’ll show them to you. -Don’t make trouble for them!
别介意 布鲁斯特 把他交给我
Never mind, Mr. Brewster. Leave him to me.
去地下室 -等等
Come down to the cellar. -Wait a minute.
13条人命 我会指给你他们被埋在什么地方
Thirteen bodies. I’ll show you where they’re buried.
跟他去地下室 -是的 去地下室
Go to the cellar with him. -Yes, come to the cellar.
这个 听着 我也要去吗?
Well, look, do I have to?
Maybe I don’t want to go down to the cellar.
Go on down the cellar with him!
现在 我会谈谈戏剧的剩下一些部分
Now, please. I’ll tell you the rest of my play later.
跟他去地下室 -我非要去吗
Go on down the cellar with him. -Do I have to?
看看那张脸 他看起来就象鲍里斯.卡洛夫
Look at that puss. He looks like Boris Karloff.
不要 塞吉!
Don’t! Sarge!
小心 帕特!
Look out, Pat!
小心! -他有枪
Look out! -He’s got a gun.
我抓住他了 帕特 小心!
I got him, Pat. Look out!
打吧 继续打吧
Fight. Go on and fight.
够了 够了 所有人走开
That’s enough, that’s enough. Everybody off.
帕特 小心!
Pat, look out!
Such a fine day, too.
我今天只是过了一座桥 而且还在布鲁克林 够呛
All I did was cross the bridge and I was in Brooklyn. Amazing.
Don’t bother me now.
You could use this in the third act.
我还有更好的 我来告诉你–
I got something better. Let me tell you–
I’ll see you later.
文件都签字了 我还担心什么?
The papers are all signed. What do I care?
继续 打吧 打吧
Go ahead, fight.
I’d better call and see if Witherspoon has left.
I’ll get every one of you!
我最恨警♥察♥ 你们谁第一个过来 我就敲碎他的脑袋!
I hate cops. I’ll brain the first one that comes near me!
再高一点 弟弟 非常感谢 好了
A little higher, brother. Thank you very much. That’s fine.
Don’t do that, please.
帕特 捉住他
Get him, Pat.
这样没有用的 我以前试过–
That won’t have any effect. I’ve tried it before–
是的 这还不算疯狂吗?
It did. Isn’t that amazing?
噢 亲爱的 希望我可以象那样放松一下
Oh, dear. Wish I could relax like that.
威瑟斯庞 -进来
Witherspoon. -Come in.
What has occurred?
别介意! 我没告诉过你我来处理这些吗?
Never mind! Didn’t I tell you I’d handle this?
这个 长官!
Well, Lieutenant!