那么 玛瑟 我想我们 现在可以开始举♥行♥葬礼了
Well, Martha, I think we can start the services now.
We thought we heard you leave.
别那么想 亲爱的姑妈 那只是莫蒂默
Perish the thought, dear aunties. That was just Mortimer.
And speaking of services…
你能在我们把斯班纳抬到 地下室的时候帮我们准备点咖啡吗?
…will you make us some coffee while we take Spenalzo down to the cellar?
不 乔纳森 你自己去弄!
No, Jonathan. You’ve got to take him with you!
There’s a friend of Mortimer’s downstairs waiting for him.
莫蒂默的朋友? -你抬他的脚 医生
A friend of Mortimer’s? -Take his feet, Doctor.
Mr. Spenalzo and he will get along fine together.
They’re both dead.
He must mean Mr. Hoskins.
Mr. Hoskins?
You know about what’s down there?
我们当然知道 而且他不是莫蒂默的朋友
Of course we do. And he’s no friend of Mortimer’s.
他是我们的先生 -你们的先生?
He’s one of our gentlemen. -Your gentlemen?
是的 而且我们从来不把陌生人埋在 地下室里
Yes. And we won’t have any strangers buried in our cellar.
那霍斯金呢– -霍斯金不是陌生人
But Mr. Hoskins– -Mr. Hoskins is no stranger.
还有 这里也没有斯班纳的位置了
Besides, there’s no room for Mr. Spenalzo.
The cellar’s crowded already.
拥挤 什么拥挤
Crowded? With what?
There are 12 graves down there now.
Twelve graves.
只有一点点空间了 而且我们还要用呢
That leaves very little room and we’re going to need it.
你是说 你和玛瑟姑妈 谋杀了12个–
You mean, you and Aunt Martha have murdered 12–
谋杀? 当然没有 那是我们做的善事
Murdered? Certainly not. It’s one of our charities.
是的 我们所做的一切都是出于怜悯
Why, what we’ve been doing is a mercy.
So you just take your Mr. Spenalzo out of here.
You’ve done all that…
在这个房♥间里 然后再埋在地下室?
…right here in this house and buried them in the cellar?
太好了 乔纳森!
That’s wonderful, Johnny!
We’ve been chased all over the world…
而她们却一直住在布鲁克林 而她们做的跟你一样好
…and they stay right here in Brooklyn, and they do just as good as you do.
你杀了12个 她们也是
You got 12, they got 12.
I’ve got 13.
不 乔纳森 是12 别吹牛 -13
No, Johnny, 12. Don’t brag. -Thirteen.
斯班纳一个 然后伦敦的第一个
There’s Mr. Spenalzo. Then the first one in London.
约翰内斯堡的两个 悉尼的一个 墨尔本一个
Two in Johannesburg, one in Sydney, one in Melbourne…
旧金山两个 菲尼克斯一个 在亚利桑那洲
…two in San Francisco, one in Phoenix, Arizona.
那个汽车加油站 -加油站
The filling station. -Filling….
Three in Chicago and one in South Bend.
That makes 13.
你不能把南湾的那个算上 他是死于肺炎的
You cannot count the one in South Bend. He died of pneumonia.
他不是死于肺炎 是我开枪打死他的
He wouldn’t have died of pneumonia if I hadn’t shot him.
You cannot count him.
你有12个 她们跟你一样
You got 12, they got 12.
The old ladies is just as good as you are.
她们 是吗?
They are, are they?
那么 这个很好处理
Well, that’s easily taken care of.
All I need is one more.
就是那样 只需要多一个
That’s all. Just one more.
And I’ve a pretty good idea who it is.
能找到您可真是幸运 吉尔克里斯特 医生
I’m a lucky man to have caught you at home, Dr. Gilchrist.
This is most irregular.
我很抱歉这么晚还来找您 但只有您能帮助我
I’m sorry to have dragged you out of bed, but only you can help me.
我知道特迪吹军号♥的事情 但是事情不能就这样处理
I know Teddy blows bugles, but I can’t commit a man just on that.
If you’d talk with him…
我能确定你就会相信我了 这里就是了–
…I’m sure you’d be convinced. Here’s the house l–
霍斯金死了 -什么?
There goes Hoskins. -Who?
什么? 我说什么了
What? Did I say….
你最好等一下 -什么?
You better wait. -Here?
I’ll bring Teddy out.
我不想两位老太太 因为看着医生被吓着了
I wouldn’t want to alarm the old ladies, seeing a doctor.
你稍等一下 -在公墓里?
You wait here. -ln the cemetery?
It’s Halloween.
The pixies won’t be out till after midnight.
让自己舒服一点 稍等一下 我马上回来
Make yourself comfortable. Pull up a tombstone. I’ll be right back.
嘿 22.5美元! -什么?
Hey, $22.50! -What?
哦 是的 你看起来气色不错!
Oh, yes, looks good on you!
那钱呢 先生!
Not the suit, the meter!
“”我看起来气色不错 “” 22.5美元
Looks good on me. $22.50.
你为他放了21响礼炮了吗? -是的 都是最好的礼炮
Did you give him a 21-gun salute? -Yes, with a Maxim silencer.
再多给5美元 车就是你的了
Five more bucks and you’ll own it.
不 谢谢 那不适合我
No, thanks. It wouldn’t fit me.
我的总统 我来介绍– -利文斯通医生!
Mr. President, may I present– -Dr. Livingstone!
利文斯通? -那是他假想的
Livingstone? -That’s what he presumes.
The doctor would like to have a few words with you.
当然 欢迎来到华盛顿
Certainly. Welcome to Washington.
阿灵顿国家公墓这个时候很漂亮 不是吗?
Arlington is beautiful at this time of year, is it not?
是的 当然
Yes, indeed.
那么 就这样吧
Well now, that’s that.
It gives me a chance to rest.
真好 真好
So far, so good.
Not so good.
Do you or do you not love me?
你怎么能说这样的话呢? 亲爱的 我当然爱你
How can you say such a thing? Darling, of course I love you.
真的吗? -是的 亲爱的
Do you? -Yes, darling.
Then why have you been treating me the way you have?
亲爱的 我深深的爱着你 我不能完成我们的婚礼了
Darling, I love you so much, I can’t go through with our marriage.
Have you suddenly gone crazy?
不是这样的 但是还不是时候
I don’t think so, but it’s only a matter of time.
亲爱的 你想生三个头的孩子吗?
Darling, would you want to have children with three heads?
你不想打理一个四周都设置 软垫象个病房♥一样的家里吧
You wouldn’t want to set up housekeeping in a padded cell.
你说什么? -这 我也不是很清楚
What are you talking about? -Well, I don’t quite know.
我应该早点告诉你这些事情的 但是你看
I probably should have told you this before, but you see…
这个 我家里精神错乱有遗传
…well, insanity runs in my family.
It practically gallops.
就因为特迪很奇怪 那又不是说–
Just because Teddy’s strange, that doesn’t mean–
不 亲爱的 在特迪之前
No, darling. It’s way back before Teddy.
这还要追溯到第一个 布鲁斯特乘五月花号♥来的那时候
This goes back to the first Brewster who came over on the Mayflower.
在那个时代 印第安人被殖民者剥去头皮
You know how in those days the lndians used to scalp the settlers?
He used to scalp the lndians.
亲爱的 这都是古代历史了
Darling, that’s ancient history.
医生 我会为第三项条款跑一趟 但我不会被选举的
Doctor, I’ll run for a third term, but I won’t be elected.
That’ll mean the last of the Roosevelts in the White House.
这就是你所想的 -当然 如果国家坚持的话
That’s what you think. -Of course, if the country insists….
亲爱的 这证明不了什么
Darling, all this doesn’t prove a thing.
看看你的姑妈 她们也姓布鲁斯特 不是吗
Look at your aunts. They’re Brewsters, aren’t they?
她们是最好的 我见过的最健全的人
They’re the sweetest, sanest people I’ve ever known.
这个 甚至她们也有怪癖
Well, even they have their peculiarities.
什么 所以你的家庭很疯狂 你很疯狂
What of it? So your family’s crazy. So you’re crazy.
That’s the way I love you.
我也很疯狂 吻我
I’m crazy too, but kiss me.
不 我不能
No, no. I….
再见 大使 我很高兴与您的谈话
Goodbye, Ambassador. I’ve enjoyed this little talk very much.
如果你有机会来华盛顿 顺便到白宫来看我
Anytime you’re in Washington, drop in to see me at the White House.
文件呢 -文件!
Those papers. -Go away. Papers!
我把事情交给你了 -你会吗?
I’ll commit him to any place. -You will?
I’ve just been appointed Ambassador to Bolivia!
你看吧 我没说错吧
You see? Didn’t I tell you?
别担心 你在文件上签字就行
Don’t worry about that. Just go on signing the papers.
Thank you.
好好! 我们来谈谈这到底是谁的房♥子
All right! We’ll find out whose house this is!
我警告你 你最好停止这些
I’m warning you, you better stop it.
你做这些事情都没有用 迟早是要完蛋的
There’s no use doing what you’re doing. It’ll just have to be undone.
艾比姑妈 睡觉去!
Aunt Abby, go to bed!
把一个卫理会教♥徒♥和一个陌生人 埋在一起真是糟糕透了
It’s a terrible thing to do to bury a good Methodist with a foreigner.
Where have you been?