Of all the ridiculous nonsense! -You don’t really believe that.
Have you any grounds for making this charge?
是的先生们 一些非常惊人的证据
We have, sir. Some very striking facts.
Coupled with behavior that points to his guilt.
我不相信 -我也不信
I don’t believe it. -Nor do I.
You’ve heard that Mr. Fogg didn’t sail on the Cunard steamship China.
那代表什么呢? -给他们读读那条消息 卡迈克尔先生
What of it? -Read them that message, Mr. Carmichael.
“在今早6点 我们的纽约办公室报道”
“At 6:00 a.m. today, our New York office reports…
“满载着棉花 亚麻油和木材的货轮”
“that trading ship Henrietta departed New York…
“with a cargo of cotton, linseed oil, and lumber.
“Her three passengers were Mr. Phileas Fogg and party.”
And the Henrietta’s destination is Caracas, Venezuela.
We have no extradition treaty with Venezuela.
换句话说 福格先生潜逃了
In other words, Mr. Fogg has bolted.
一名改革委员会的成员… 我心理上还接受不了
A member of the Reform Club…. My mind rejects the whole idea.
There must be some explanation for all this.
可能 唯一可以做这一切的
Perhaps, but the only man who can make it…
人此时正在公海上 开往中美洲
is on the high seas at this moment, bound for Central America.
请原谅 先生 我们已经偏离前往委内瑞拉的航线很多了
Begging your pardon, sir, we’re way off course for Venezuela.
你接管了这艘船吗? -不是 长官
Have you assumed command of this ship? -No, sir.
船长 不要忽视了我们协议的其他部分
Captain, don’t overlook the rest of our bargain.
无论如何 下去告诉司机全速前进
By all means. Go below and tell the engineer I want full steam.
全速? -全速
Full steam? -Full steam. As much as she’ll take.
你把她开得太快了 你做不到的
You’re burning her up too fast. You’ll never make it.
你掌舵就行了 船长 别瞎想
Just steer the ship, Captain. Don’t speculate.
发生什么了? 为什么我们慢下来了?
What’s happening? Why are we slowing down?
好 就这样 他们刚刚把最后一茶勺煤放进驳船里
Well, that’s it. They just put the last teaspoon of coal in the old scow.
都结束了 福格先生
It’s all finished, Mr. Fogg.
还有一点剩余 但我想不能让你及时到达了
Still got a little breeze left, but I don’t think it’ll get you there in time.
Only three more days to go.
I still can’t believe that Fogg robbed the Bank of England.
以前从没有 干过这种事情的英国人
No British gentleman, having done so…
would have the effrontery to set foot in this club.
斯皮迪船长 我和你直说吧
Capt. Speedy, I will be direct with you.
直接付现金的话 你能接受什么的价格卖♥♥掉这艘船?
How much will you accept for this vessel, cash in hand?
什么 这太不同寻常了… -5000镑?
Why, this is exceptional- -Pounds 5,000?
5000镑? 甲板是缅♥甸♥柚木做的
Pounds 5,000? This deck is made of Burmese teak.
请省掉这些诗意吧 路路通 把袋子拿来
Please dispense with the poetry. Passepartout, get the bag.
是 先生
Yes, sir.
Will that be sufficient?
船是你的了! -成交
She’s yours! -Done.
现在 作为新的主人 我要下达我的第一道命令
Now, as the new owner, I wish to issue my first command.
Pile everything that will burn into the stoke hole.
首先是货物 当然了 亚麻油
The cargo first, of course, that linseed oil.
然后是上层甲板 桅杆 桌子 椅子 窗户
Then the upper decks, masts, tables, chairs, windows…
梯子 所有东西 包括救生艇
ladders, everything, including the lifeboats.
听明白了? -救生艇?
Is that clear? -The lifeboats?
救生艇 你听到他说什么了 明白了吗?
Lifeboats. You heard what the man said. Is that clear?
快点 动起来
Come on. Keep moving.
不 这个不行
No, not her.
Not Henrietta!
不要烧这个 不!
Not her. No!
仪表数字下降的厉害 -再没有可以烧的东西了
The gauges are falling fast. -There’s nothing more to burn.
How are we faring?
The pressure won’t last more than an hour.
一小时 -是的
One hour? -That’s right.
Engine room.
看见陆地啦! -看见陆地啦!
Land ho! -Land ho!
真悬啊 我以前从来没有这样航行过
That was a close one. I never exactly made a voyage like this before…
但我不能否认 我们到了 -谢谢你和你的人
but I can’t deny it, we got here. -Thanks to you and your men.
我把你送上岸之后 你想我在哪里停靠?
After I put you ashore, where do you want me to dock?
随你的便 我不需要这船了 她是你的了
Anywhere you wish. I don’t need her anymore, she’s yours.
谢谢 看看还剩些什么
Thanks for the ship, what’s left of it.
But you could rebuild-
你来重建吧 我有更急迫的事情
You rebuild her. I have more pressing matters.
Thank you very much.
朋友们 我们的旅行接近终点了
My friends, the end of our journey is near.
Eight hours and 42 minutes of the allotted time remain.
我们的火车下午6:02 到伦敦 确保有足够的时间继续
Our train arrives in London at 6:02 p.m., ensuring ample time to proceed…
to the Reform Club and settle the wager.
菲利亚斯·福格! 拦住那个人! -别耽搁 主人 快点
Phileas Fogg! Stop that man! -Don’t delay, master. Come on.
见鬼了 这是谁? -你是菲利亚斯·福格吗?
What the devil is this? -Are you Phileas Fogg?
我当然是 你疯了吗?
Of course I am. Are you insane?
那我以女王的名义逮捕你 -逮捕? 罪名是什么?
Then I arrest you in the Queen’s name. -Arrest? On what charge?
你在7月3日 从英格兰银行
Of purloining Pounds 55,000 from the Bank of England…
on the third of July.
这不是真的 -安静
It’s not true. -Silence.
你以为你很聪明 菲利亚斯·福格先生
You thought you were clever, Mr. Phileas Fogg.
以为你可以骗过我 是吗?
Thought you could outwit me, didn’t you?
Hold him.
这不是真的 先生
It’s not true, sir.
我无法理解 这惊人的错误
I can’t understand it. The most shocking mistake.
It’s never happened in my career.
It would seem that I owe you an apology.
The most terrible thing has happened.
The real culprit was apprehended in Brighton.
I am no longer suspect?
不 完全没有嫌疑 但是我想告诉你…
No, not in the least, but I would like to tell you…
I’ve never had any personal animosity for you.
相反 你一直是一个完美而慷慨的绅士
On the contrary, you’ve always been a perfect gentleman and most generous.
It’s almost a pity that you’re not the real robber.
You’re so daring.
Now that you have successfully thwarted me…
and placed in my path the only obstacle…
which I could not make provision for…
I feel I can tell you I have never really enjoyed your company very much.
另外 你打牌的方式令人讨厌 日安 先生
And furthermore, you play an abominable game of whist. Good day, sir.
赌局输了 来吧
The wager is lost. Come.
What a gloomy place.
如此忧郁 廖无生趣
So melancholy, so joyless.
很抱歉 福格先生 我不是有意批评你的品位
I’m sorry, Mr. Fogg. I didn’t mean to criticize your taste.
不 你说的对 确实很压抑
No, you’re right. It is depressing.
路路通 -什么事 先生?
Passepartout. -Yes, sir?
Look at the clocks.
联络麦克莫尼斯先生 把它们整理好
Get in touch with Mr. McMonnies and have them put in order.
立刻 今天早上就弄 -不 今天是周日 明天再弄
Right away, this morning. -No, it’s Sunday today. Tomorrow.
Make up the spare bedroom for the princess.
把火生起来 让她舒服一点
Light a fire and see to her comforts.
当然 先生
Certainly, sir.
夫人 如果你允许 今天剩下的时间我想单独待着
Madam, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to spend the rest of the day alone.
路路通 -是 先生?
Passepartout. -Yes, sir?
Turn out the gas in your room.
你别麻烦了 路路通 我会把这个带给他
You needn’t bother, Passepartout. I’ll take this up to him.
他不肯吃东西 夫人
He won’t eat, Madame. He is feeling very low.
Poor man.
你知道 他所有的财产 冒了这么大的风险
You know, his whole fortune, all that he risked…
everything is lost.
你怎么变成这样了? -我可以照顾好自己
What will become of you? -I can take care of myself.
再怎么样 我还有很多职业可以做…
After all, I have a dozen professions…
消防员 杂技 导游
fireman, acrobat, traveling companion.
你必须吃点东西 福格先生
You must eat something, Mr. Fogg.
不 谢谢 -求你了
No, thank you. -Please.
你在生我的气 这很公平
You’re angry with me, and justly.
天啊 我为什么要生你的气?
Good heavens. Why should I be angry with you?
如果不是为了我 你本可以赢得赌局的
You might have won your wager but for me.
You saved my life at the risk of your own…
generously, impulsively.
而我的回报却是拖你的后腿 给你添没必要的麻烦
I repaid you by delaying you, involving you needlessly.
正相反 我欠你一个抱歉 身无分文地把你带到英格兰来
On the contrary, I owe you an apology for bringing you to England, penniless.
You must not concern yourself with me.
任何压倒我的 都是我自己的愚蠢所直接造成的