My good man, I realize the Carnatic couldn’t wait.
现在的问题是 有什么其他的船我们可以搭乘的
The point now is what other vessel can we get?
没有可以去横滨的 先生
Nothing that could make the voyage to Yokohama, sir.
没有定期轮船 拖船 驳船吗?
No steam packet, tug, or lighter?
There must be something in a port this size.
目前 什么也没有
At the moment, not a thing.
早上好 福格先生
Good morning, Mr. Fogg.
我恐怕不认识… -我们一起乘坐过仰光号♥
I’m afraid I don’t- -We traveled together on the Rangoon.
我的名字叫菲克斯 -是的 菲克斯先生 你好吗?
My name is Fix. -Yes, Mr. Fix. How do you do?
我像你认识我的仆人? -点头之交
I believe you know my manservant? -Very slightly.
怎么了?他出什么事了吗 -这家伙好像失踪了
Why? Has something happened to him? -The fellow seems to have disappeared.
很抱歉听到这个 他是个很好的小伙子 -我应该去报♥警♥
I’m sorry to hear that. He’s a nice chap. -I shall have to inform the police.
如果我是你就不会这么做 他自己会出现的
I shouldn’t do that if I were you. He’ll turn up.
错过了你的船吗? -是的
Missed your boat? -Yes.
一周之后会有另外一班 -我不应该在这里
There’ll be another along in a week. -I shall not be here.
不应该? -横滨是我的目的地…
No? -Yokohama is my destination…
哪怕是游泳 我也要赶到那里
I shall get there if I have to swim.
Are we on a direct course for Yokohama?
The Carnatic is bound first for Shanghai.
We may arrive in Yokohama the day after her.
We’re still in plenty of time to catch the General Grant for San Francisco.
福格先生 你很有风度让我们搭乘你的船
Very sporting of you to let me share your craft, Mr. Fogg.
废话 任何一个英国人都会这么做的
Nonsense. Anything for a fellow Englishman.
我们到达的时候 我相信你在旧金山的表亲会好起来的
I trust your cousin in San Francisco will be better by the time we arrive.
可怜的老马默杜克 -谢谢你
Poor old Marmaduke. -Thank you.
吃鱼吗 菲克斯?
Fish, Fix?
稳住 菲克斯先生 前面是富士山 我们明天早上就到横滨了
Steady, Mr. Fix. Fujiyama ahead. We’ll be in Yokohama by morning.
There’s the Carnatic.
I imagine that steamship just behind her is the General Grant.
Now the only thing missing is Passepartout.
The police in Hong Kong said they put him on board.
他们还说他身无分文 所以我们可能有一条线索
They also said he was penniless. So we may have one clue.
那家伙什么都会 他和我讲过一些经历
The man is a jack of all trades. He’s told me a few of them.
We might be able to find him by deduction.
That is the new science employed by our British police.
真的?和你在一起我每时每刻都能学到有用的东西 福格先生
Really? I learn something useful every moment I’m with you, Mr. Fogg.
I hope you find your man.
Two orchestra stalls, please.
太好了 斯科特 瞧啊
Great Scott. Look.
主人 你能找到我真是天才 -逻辑罢了 一起来吧
Master, what genius to find me. -Merely logic. Now come along.
格兰特将军号♥准备起航了 我们一刻也不能耽搁
The General Grant is preparing to sail, and we haven’t a moment to lose.
What a pity.
Mr. Fogg has already organized his whist game.
公主 菲克斯先生是一名侦探
Princess, Mr. Fix is a detective.
He thinks Mr. Fogg has robbed the Bank of England.
Nothing escapes Mr. Fogg.
但是菲克斯先生耽误不了我们 我们现在不在 英国领土了
But Mr. Fix won’t delay us. We’re out of British jurisdiction now.
He’s in America.
别和我提男人 他们都一个样
Don’t tell me about men. They’re all alike.
I wouldn’t trust the best of them.
这里的这个菲利亚斯·福格 我确定他不一样
This here Phileas Fogg, I’m sure he’s different.
It takes a gallant, adventurous bloke to dash around the world like that.
Don’t be so soppy.
He’s probably running away from some housemaid he ruined.
你的心思真可怕 科拉 我觉得他浪漫极了
You do have a horrid mind, Cora. I think he’s terribly romantic.
他们说他长得 很好看 -该死
They say he’s so good-looking. -Rot.
I don’t care if he’s Venus, Adonis and Mercury both.
He’ll never do it in 80 days.
我赌10先令他做不到 -我接受
I bet you 10 bob he don’t. -I’ll take that.
Here’s my money.
你的呢 -在这儿
Where’s yours? -Here it is.
怎么了? -叫警♥察♥ 我被抢了
What’s up? -Call a bobby. I’ve been robbed.
The voice of all our citizens!
我问你们 你们会把票投给谁?
I ask you, who will you vote for? -Mandiboy!
我们选Mandiboy !
Mandiboy is our man!
求你了 福格先生 让我看看
Please, Mr. Fogg, let me watch.
Is this a religious spectacle?
某种选举吧 我觉得是
Some kind of an election, I would judge.
Perhaps they are creating a new president.
不管怎样 我建议我们到那边去
Whatever it is, I suggest that we move over there.
谢谢 先生
Thank you, sir.
Why don’t you eat with a fork like everybody else?
谢谢 -不客气 先生
Thank you. -You’re welcome, sir.
谢谢 很好
Thank you. It’s good.
For you.
很好 -给你的
It’s good. -For you.
Do you like it?
我待会吃 -炒鸡蛋
I’ll eat it later. -Scrambled eggs.
我和你说过多少次不要来这里 你是蠢驴吗? 过来
How many times did I have to tell you to stay out of here, you donkey? Come on.
Looking for someone?
是的 一个深色皮肤的小个子 他几个月前流窜到这里的
Yes, a small, dark fellow. He wandered in a few moments ago.
这可能是任何人 坐下来和我详细描述一下他
Could be almost anybody. Sit down and describe him to me.
恐怕我不能 我在赶路 -永远不要着急
I’m afraid I can’t. I’m in a hurry. -Never be in a hurry.
You’ll miss the best parts in life.
夫人 你不明白 我在找我的男人
Madam, you don’t understand. I’m looking for my man.
So am I.
福格先生 路路通在那里
Mr. Fogg, there’s Passepartout.
把鸡肉放下听我说 -是 主人
Put down that chicken and listen to me. -Yes, master.
这里是个原始的国家 我们需要一些保护
This is a primitive country. We’ll need some protection.
我有这个 -不是这种中世纪的 一对手♥枪♥
I have this. -Nothing so medieval. A brace of pistols.
手♥枪♥? -不要太铺张
Pistols? -Nothing extravagant.
哦 不会的 先生 -你有47分钟
Oh, no, sir. -And you have 47 minutes.
火车整点开 -我会准时到的
The train leaves on the hour. -I shall be there.
我告诉过你 不要惯坏了本地人 -是 先生
I’ve told you, don’t spoil the natives. -Yes, sir.
Still in a hurry?
I thought the English were a calm, dreamy sort of people.
听着 出去再也不要进来
Listen, you. Get out and stay out.
如果再让我抓到你 我要把你碎尸万段
If I catch you here again I’ll cut you up in a thousand pieces.
没必要 我保证我这就走
That won’t be necessary, I assure you. I’m just leaving.
真是惊喜在这里见到你 福格先生
An unexpected pleasure to meet you here, Mr. Fogg.
你的旅途愉快吗? -我在船上没怎么看见你
Did you have an enjoyable crossing? -We didn’t see much of you aboard ship.
是啊 很遗憾地说我晕船
Yes, I was a victim of mal de mer, I’m sorry to say.
You won’t be lingering in this sort of a hubbub much longer.
你要坐横贯大♥陆♥的火车吗? -是的 下一班就是 你呢?
Are you taking the transcontinental train? -Yes, the very next one. Are you?
是的; -你的表姐 生病的那个怎么样了?
Yes. -How’s your cousin, the one who was ill?
啊 按个可怜的老姐
Yes, poor old lady.
她不相信这里的医生 她去纽约了
She didn’t trust the doctors here. She’s gone on to New York.
我一直以为是你的表亲是个男人 记得他名字叫马默杜克
Thought your cousin was a man. I remember the name Marmaduke.
安洁莉卡 马默杜克 可爱的老女人
Angelica Marmaduke. Lovely old lady.
试试这个 好好抽一口 先生们
For a good smoke, try these, gentlemen.
为了一个好政♥府♥ 请投票给 Lucius P Mandiboy
For a good government, vote for Lucius P. Mandiboy.
谢谢 不用了 我只抽我自己卷的
Thank you, no. I only smoke my own blend.
You do, do you?
You don’t want to befoul your lips with a plebeian cigar?
I just prefer what my own tobacconist compounds for me.
亚硝酸乙酯 你还真是娇贵啊
Sweet spirits of niter, aren’t you the tender bud.
告诉我 Percy 你会给谁投票呢? Camerfild 还是 Mandiboy?
Tell me, Percy, who you voting for? Camerfield or Mandiboy?
两个都不投 我只是一个外国游客
Neither. I’m a foreign visitor…
and therefore unconcerned about who triumphs.
如果你不令我反胃的话 我会是一条响尾蛇
I’ll be a ring-tailed sidewinder, if you don’t raise my gorge.
是的 bob先生! 我会是一只该死的臭鼬
Yes sirree Bob! I’ll be a dad-blamed polecat…
if you aren’t about as ornery a specimen as ever I clapped my eyes on.
你是个什么样的老外? 说不定是个跳肚皮舞的?
What kind of foreigner are you? Maybe a hootchy-kootchy dancer?
把手从女士身上拿开 先生 -你为什么不来试试?
Unhand that lady, sir. -Why don’t you make me?
我会的 不需要邀请 -什么 你该死
I will, without further invitation. -Why, you dirty-
Let us proceed.
是什么造成的晚点? -印第安人 不过他们是和平的印第安人