He was down here, you know, about an hour ago.
He was?
他想要什么? -这个 那个 还有其他
What did he want? -This, that, and the other.
He was quizzing me about steamships out of Hong Kong.
去哪里的? -横滨
For where? -Yokohama.
We’re due at Hong Kong at noon tomorrow.
He sails on the S.S. Carnatic at 8:00 the next day.
那是他的想法 不过我这次要逮到他
That’s what he thinks, but I’ll nail him this time…
you can pledge your last farthing on that.
根据你的所述 你在加尔各答干得并不好
You didn’t do so well in Calcutta, according to you.
What could I do?
I got him and his servant’s bail set at Pound1,000 apiece.
And he hands it over without batting a lash.
If that blasted warrant had only arrived….
振作点 在卡纳提克号♥出发前 你还有20个小时可以在香港逮到他
Cheer up. You’ve got 20 hours to get him in Hong Kong before the Carnatic sails.
是 长官 如果需要 我可以出动总督来拖住他!
Yes, sir, I’ll lag the blighter there if I have to turn out the Governor to do it!
斗牛犬的韧性 菲克斯先生 这正是大英帝国的精神
Bulldog tenacity, Mr. Fix, that’s the spirit that built an empire.
“维多利亚省 印度水手下街 134号♥”
“134 Lower Lascar Row, Victoria.”
我们现在要去寻找你的叔叔 Cominjee 先生
We will now go in search of your uncle, Mr. Cominjee.
过来 跟上那辆黄包车 赶快!
Here, follow that rickshaw, chop-chop!
Here’s a pretty kettle of fish.
一个做生意的人把门锁了 我纳闷…
A man trying to run a business and the door’s locked. I wonder what….
Boss man here? Him back pretty soon?
I should say the probabilities are strongly against it.
对不起 Comijee 先生在哪里?
I beg your pardon. Where is Mr. Cominjee?
In Holland, I believe.
He amassed a considerable fortune by means I shall not attempt to describe…
and has retired to Amsterdam to raise tulips.
He might at least have left a card on his door to that effect.
先生他不怎么识字 而且他赶时间
The gentleman was quite illiterate, sir, and moreover, he was pressed for time.
He retired 10 minutes before the constables arrived.
That alters things quite a bit.
显然公主不能一个人留在这里 香港
Obviously the princess cannot remain here, alone, in Hong Kong.
只有另外一种方式 -我知道你要说…
There seems to be only one alternative. -I know what you’re going to say…
but please don’t send me back to India.
如果你允许的话 我同意公主所说的
If you will excuse me, sir, I agree with the princess.
You know she has suffered very much.
你的恐惧是没有依据的 我没打算送她回印度
Your fears are groundless. I have no intention of returning her to India.
She is our responsibility and will continue with us to Europe.
我要送她回御花♥园♥酒店 找个今晚过夜的地方
I’ll escort her to the Royal Court Hotel and find accommodation for tonight.
You will buy the tickets.
明早去横滨的卡纳提克号♥ 三张客舱票
Three cabins on the Carnatic, sailing tomorrow morning for Yokohama.
别磨蹭 -不会磨蹭的
And don’t dilly-dally. -Not dilly-dally.
过来 你 跟着鸵鸟
Here, you, follow that ostrich!
Giddy up!
天啊 我在仰光号♥上的老朋友
Strike me, it’s my old friend off the Rangoon.
你好 先生 等我一分钟
Hello, sir. Excuse me one minute.
Three cabins on the steamer Carnatic, please.
是 先生 时间表有一点变动 先生
Yes, sir. There’s been a slight change in the schedule, sir.
She sails tonight instead of in the morning as planned.
我不知道 但是更好 -谢谢
I didn’t know, but all the better. -Thank you.
That will be all.
我相信你在这里会很舒服的 -是的 谢谢 一定会的
I trust that you will be comfortable here. -Yes, thank you. I’m sure I will.
It’s very kind of you to concern yourself about me.
Not at all.
既然你只是临时一个人 照顾好你的起居是我最基本能做的
Since you are temporarily alone, the least I can do is look after your welfare.
I’m afraid I must have been a burden.
正相反 请相信我们非常欢迎有你同行
Quite the reverse, I assure you. Your company has been most welcome.
I only wish I could express my infinite gratitude.
求你了 你不应该做这种事
Please, you shouldn’t do that sort of thing.
福格先生 为什么你一定要这么的”英国”?
Mr. Fogg, why must you be so British?
夫人 我就是我 -不
Madam, I am what I am. -No.
You’re kind and warm and generous.
你介意和我去游廊走走吗? 他们这里的柠檬水很不错
Would you care to join me on the veranda? They serve an outstanding lemon squash.
If you wish.
看来你要离开香港了 -是的 我的朋友
I see you’re leaving Hong Kong. -Correct, my friend.
提前了12小时 -看起来
And 12 hours ahead of time. -Think of that.
没什么东西能够阻挡你 福格先生 是吗?
Nothing stops you and Mr. Fogg, does it?
票上您想用什么名字 -照着这些抄就可以了
What name do you want on these tickets? -Just copy these.
听我说 既然我们可能不会再见面…
Look here, since we may not see each other again…
why don’t we have a little farewell drink together?
Good idea.
Nice and cozy.
Over here.
记住 我们没多少时间 我要去取船票
Remember, we don’t have very much time. I have to get my tickets.
废话 我们会排个小伙子去取票的 你 过来
Nonsense. We’ll send a boy for them. Here, you.
You know the Transpacific Steamship Company in Canton Road?
邮局旁边? -是的 派个人过去
Near post office? -Yes. Send someone over there.
Pick up tickets for Mr. Passepartout.
还有取“护照”吗? -是的
Passport, too? -Yes.
谢谢你 先生 -好了 要点什么呢?
Thank you, sir. -Well, what will it be?
一杯柠檬水 -太扯了
A lemon squash. -Poppycock.
我说我要请你喝一杯 我是说男人之间的‘喝一杯’
I said I’d buy you a drink, and I meant a man’s drink.
好的 什么都行 但是不要酒劲儿太大的
All right, anything you want, but not too strong, please.
My friend and I will have a Hong Kong Snickersnee.
那是什么酒? -无法描述 液体音乐
What is that? -It’s indescribable. Liquid music.
温暖你的心扉 点燃你的想象 拓宽你的视野
It warms the heart, fires the imagination, broadens the horizon-
这是什么? -乡土特色
What’s happening? -Local color.
A sort of a show they put on for the tourists.
Looks very real to me.
他们只是些吵闹的孩子 别理他们
They’re just boisterous children. Ignore them.
来 看这里 路路通
Now, look here, Passepartout.
你一直对我很诚实 而我也打算这样
You’ve been square with me and I intend to behave the same.
Do you still think I’m an agent for those fellows at the Reform Club?
不 但我不知道你是谁 -那我告诉你
No, but I don’t know what you are. -Then I’ll tell you.
I’m a professional detective.
我在追踪一名非常机敏 非常狡猾的罪犯
And I’m in pursuit of a very cunning, very slippery criminal.
菲利亚斯· 福格 先生 住在伦敦的萨维尔街
Phileas Fogg, Esq., of Savile Row, London.
什么?我的主人? -是的
What? My master? -The same.
What do you want from me?
时间 只要帮我拖住他24小时 等我的逮捕令送到
Time. Just help me delay him 24 hours till my warrant arrives.
All I need is a little cooperation on your part.
A little cooperation? Do you think I’d betray Mr. Fogg?
I don’t care how much money you offer me-
好吧 你不必生气 我也不会责怪你
All right, you needn’t get angry. I don’t blame you, in a way.
看来你是个忠诚又值得信赖的小伙子 我很尊敬这一点
It shows you’re a loyal and trustworthy chap, and I respect that.
来 让我们在友谊的祭坛上洒上一点酒吧
Here. Let’s have a little libation on the altar of friendship.
你侮辱了我的主人 我不想和你喝酒了
You insult my master. I don’t want to drink with you.
该死 你表明了你的立场
Rot. You told me where you stood.
And I say bravo to a man who sticks to his principles.
来 为了让敌人的头牌迷惑
Here. Confusion to the enemies of the Crown.
I can’t believe it.
尊敬的先生 今早感觉好点了吗?
Honorable gentleman feeling better this morning?
What are you doing here?
Why is the hotel moving this way?
什么? 是船舱 不是酒店 你在卡纳提克号♥上
What? Steamship, not hotel. You’re on board the steamship Carnatic.
是的 我们去上海 然后去横滨
Yes. We go Shanghai, then we go Yokohama.
福格先生的船舱在哪里? -在隔壁
Where is Mr. Fogg’s cabin? -Next door.
But Mr. Fogg not on board.
那公主呢? -公主? 不 你自己来的
What about the princess? -Princess? No, you come alone.
警♥察♥ 他们在你的口袋里找到了船票
Police, they find ticket in your pocket.
然后把你抬到了这里 你睡得像个孩子 一样
Carry you here. You sleep like baby.
我背叛了我的主人 一切都完了
I betrayed my master. Everything is lost.
What about my money?
他们还把我东西抢光了 -太糟了
They robbed me, too. -Is bad.
You not like Yokohama.
你没有钱 横滨不喜欢你
You not have money, Yokohama not like you.
I betrayed my master.
老兄 我知道卡纳提克号♥不能等我