Through the bush? -I’m sorry if this inconveniences.
It does indeed.
I happen to be rejoining my brigade, the 10th Jubbulpore.
My friend stands to lose a considerable sum of money.
不会的 我早已为这种结果做好了准备
Not at all. I made provision for precisely that sort of eventuality.
You couldn’t have foreseen this.
是没预料到 但我确实预见到一路上会遇到类似的麻烦
No, but I did expect some such obstacle to arise en route.
And I took the precaution of gaining two days while crossing the Arabian Sea.
A steamer leaves Calcutta at noon on the 25th for Hong Kong.
Our only problem is to find some form of conveyance from here to Allahabad.
除了牛车以外 没有穿过丛林的方法
Other than the oxcart, nothing can get through that jungle.
大象怎么样? -我确实知道一只
What about an elephant? -I do know of one…
but I doubt if the owner would part with her.
为什么? -她在屋子里睡觉 和家人在一起
Why not? -She sleeps in the house, with the family.
A pet.
为了一头象付1000英镑? 这简直是敲诈!
Pound1,000 for an elephant? It’s outrageous! You’ve been diddled.
毫无疑问 但是一个人急需一头象的机会也不多
Undoubtedly, but it’s not often one needs an elephant in a hurry.
那是什么? -一只皇家孟加拉虎
What is that? -A Royal Bengal Tiger.
They rarely attack an elephant.
你究竟在做什么? -安静 先生
What the deuce are you doing? -Quiet, sir.
不好了 -怎么?
Is bad. -What is it?
是某种宗教游♥行♥仪式 被他们发现会被缠上的
It’s a religious procession of some sort. Rather sticky if they spot us.
I think we had better look into this.
卡莉 印度教的爱情 与死亡女神
Kali, the goddess of love and death.
阁下 求你了! 如果他们听到我们的声音 我们会被杀了的
Sahib, please! If they hear our voices we will be slain.
殉夫 -你说的这是什么意思?
Suttee. -What do you mean by that?
A human sacrifice, but a voluntary one.
你刚刚看到的女士会在她丈夫的葬礼上 被放在柴堆上烧死
The lady you’ve just seen is to be burned on her husband’s funeral pyre.
You actually mean that unfortunate woman will be burned alive?
她对此很顺从 这是一种宗教信仰
She’s quite resigned to it. It’s a matter of religious belief.
这里不是英国辖区 我们什么也做不了
This area’s not under British jurisdiction. Nothing we can do.
原谅我 先生 但是那女士并不想殉夫
Forgive me, sahib. But the lady does not wish to commit suttee.
她是被迫的 -什么?
She is being forced. -What?
Everyone knows of this affair.
Her husband was a rajah and very influential.
按习俗她必须和他一起死 -这场谋杀要在哪里举♥行♥?
The custom is that she must die with him. -Where’s this murder to take place?
Pillaji的宝塔 从这里走两英里
The pagoda of Pillaji. Two miles from here.
What if we decided to save her?
你不能干涉本地的事情 -为什么不?
You can’t interfere with native affairs. -Why not?
It isn’t done!
我的主人敢做其他人不敢做的事情 先生
My master does things other people do not, sir.
Do you think you can you rescue Aouda?
那是那个女士的名字? -是 阁下 艾欧达
Is that the lady’s name? -Yes, sahib. Aouda.
非常好的人 很漂亮 她在英国受的教育
Very fine person. Very beautiful. She was educated in England.
That decides it.
将军 我们听你的指挥
General, we place ourselves under your command.
好的 现在 我们的第一步是侦察
Right. Now, our first step is to reconnoiter.
Follow me.
There are guards all about the temple.
我好像找不到突破口 -公主呢?
I can’t seem to find an opening. -And the princess?
在里面 被武装士兵围着 -你建议什么样的路线
Inside. Surrounded by armed men. -What course would you suggest?
简单 包抄这些乞丐
Simple. Outflank the beggars.
这里就是寺庙 不 这里
Here’s the temple. No, here.
Here’s the funeral pyre.
我们在这里制♥造♥一些动静来转移注意力 从这里突击
We create a distractionary action here, start a sortie here.
将军 我有个计划 -请说!
General, I have a plan. -Please!
Then we infiltrate the guards from the rear.
很好 -是的 但有个问题
Excellent. -Exactly. Only one problem.
This plan can’t possibly work with less than 75 men.
So speaking as a strategist…
I should say our position here is untenable.
无论有多大胜算 我都决心要救出那个女人
Whatever the odds, I’m determined to abstract that woman.
即使我们只有四个人 路路通…
Even though we’re only four. Passepartout-
见鬼 他现在又去哪里了?
Now where the devil is he?
快点! 过来!
Hurry up! Come on!
先生们 你们救了我! -不用感谢了
Gentlemen, you have rescued me! -No demonstrations of gratitude.
Allow me to help you.
“Speechless at the violation of a native temple…
“and the abduction of an Indian princess…
当局表示无话可说 并已经拘捕了他
“by Mr. Phileas Fogg, the authorities have arrested him.”
“印度公主” 幸运的家伙!
“An Indian princess.” Lucky dog!
绝对是丑闻 这样看起来 整个印度半岛都要起来斗争了
An absolute scandal, according to this. The whole peninsula’s up in arms.
不知道她长什么样 他很帅 我有义务说
Wonder what she’s like. A handsome creature, I’ll be bound.
Always thought Fogg had a twinkle in his eye.
无论帅不帅 穿着靴子闯进当地人的寺庙
Handsome or not, this barging about a native temple…
with one’s boots on is a serious matter.
如果他没有付保释金还赶上下一艘船的话 是会很严重
Could’ve been, if he hadn’t posted bail and caught the next ship.
I think our colleague’s a good bit cleverer than we supposed.
A devious type, I’d rather say.
让我看看 如果他在 仰光号♥上
Let me see, if he’s on the S.S. Rangoon…
he must be halfway to Hong Kong by now.
Somewhere here.
So I did the only decent thing a man could do.
你是说 -是的 我打出了我的红桃皇后
You mean- -Yes, I finessed my queen of hearts…
and forced Finch-Tattersall to sacrifice his ace.
It was a tense moment.
I wish you’d seen Lord Dudley’s expression.
可怜的家伙脸色惨白 咬着烟斗柄
Poor fellow went dead white. Bit clean through his pipe stem.
我恐怕让你感到乏味了 -你怎么这么说呢 福格先生?
But I’m afraid I’ve bored you. -How can you say that, Mr. Fogg?
I don’t think in my entire life….
That’s the most enthralling story I’ve ever heard.
你是说真的吗? 我太荣幸了
You really mean that? I’m most awfully pleased.
这么的戏剧化又带有个人传奇色彩 -没错我也这么觉得!
It’s so personal and yet dramatic. -That’s exactly the way I feel about it!
I had no idea you were so keen about whist.
我很喜欢 在其中有一种精细的感觉
I adore it. There is a kind of precision about it.
I’ve always admired men who are precise…
who have a sense of order and discipline.
你别说是? -是的 比如…
You don’t say that? -Yes, for example…
I simply cannot abide a man who isn’t punctual.
It’s extraordinary how well you put it
We have so little time in our brief mortal span.
亲爱的公主 我必须请求你的原谅
My dear princess, I must ask your forgiveness.
为什么? 原谅什么? -我彻底忘了…
Why, whatever for? -I completely forgot to…
offer my condolences upon your bereavement.
什么? -对你在这个悲伤的时刻
What? -To extend my sympathy…
for your anguish at this time of grief.
但我们并没感觉任何悲伤 福格先生 -一点都没有?
But I don’t feel any grief, Mr. Fogg. -None at all?
你要知道 我只是个名义上的妻子
You see, I was a wife in name only.
I met the late rajah exactly once, at the age of seven…
before my parents sent me to England for my education.
You never saw him again?
Would you care to hear about the time I drew a flush hand in diamonds?
If you’d care to confide in me.
福格先生总是这么的得体 高傲而又正式吗?
Is Mr. Fogg always so proper, haughty and formal?
相信我 夫人 我对他一无所知…
Believe me, Madame, I know nothing about him…
except that he lives by this.
Have there been any women in his life?
我猜他肯定有个妈妈 但我不敢肯定
I assume he must have had a mother, but I am not certain.
可能他有些不为人知的悲伤过去 比如抛弃了他的爱人
Perhaps he has some secret sorrow, some love who jilted him.
他只有一个爱人 扑克牌 惠斯特
He has only one love. Cards. Whist.
He thinks of nothing but whist, morning, noon, and night.
Very interesting.
是的 他是个很酷的角色 塔里先生 一个非常变幻莫测的海湾
Yes, he’s a cool article, Mr. Talley. A very unpredictable cove.
每当你觉得你逮到他了 他都可以脱身
Just when you think you’ve cornered him, he gives you the slip.
他令你困惑了 是吗 -是的 老天啊
Got you puzzled, has he? -Yes, by jingo, he has.
看看这个年轻的女异教♥徒♥ 这个艾欧达夫人
Look at this heathen young woman, for instance, this Mrs. Aouda.
I know my man.
我告诉你 她不适合的
And I tell you, she don’t fit into the pattern.
他就在这里 一小时之前