有这个必要吗? -不是必要 是命令
Is that necessary? -Not necessary, mandatory.
命令 这可不一样 先生
It’s mandatory. This is different, sir.
福格先生在吃午饭 但我会把您的消息转达给他
Mr. Fogg is at lunch now, but I will give him your message.
你好 等一下
Hello there.
Going sightseeing? Perhaps I can help.
I have to buy some clothing for Mr. Fogg.
I can show you an excellent place quite nearby.
先生 那真是太好了
Monsieur is very kind.
你看 我的主人和我没有带很多衣服来
You see, my master and I came away without our clothes.
Then I take it you left London hastily?
他告诉我 我们要去环游世界
Forty-five minutes after he told me…
-45分钟之后就出发了 -环游世界?
是的 先生 在80天内环游世界
Yes, sir. Around the world in 80 days.
He says it’s a wager.
但是 私下里和你偷偷说 我一点也不相信
But confidentially, between you and me, I don’t believe a word of it.
Something else in the wind?
I understand he gave the officers of the Mongolia a bonus…
可以让船提前到这里 -是的 先生
to get the ship here ahead of time. -Yes, sir.
He must be a very rich man.
You can’t imagine how much money we carry with us…
all in brand-new bank notes.
I’m sure you can take good care of him.
No doubt you’ve been with Mr. Fogg for years.
不 先生 正相反
No, sir. On the contrary.
我们离开伦敦的前一天 我才刚刚被他雇用
I entered his service only the day we left London.
于是他出现了 是吗?
So he turned up, did he?
是的 而且他在各个方面都体现出是个正直的人
Yes, and he gave every indication of being a thoroughly honest fellow.
Or a very shrewd article.
Here’s the description of the robber I received from London.
是的 完全一致 你建议如何行动?
Yes. It tallies exactly. What do you propose to do?
通知伦敦 发一个逮捕令到孟买♥♥…
Notify London to send a warrant to Bombay…
跟他到那里 一旦他踏上英国领土就拘捕他
accompany him there and arrest him the moment he sets foot on British soil.
你非常有进取心 菲克斯
Very enterprising of you, Fix.
A nice ocean voyage at the expense of Scotland Yard?
请原谅 先生 我知道我的职责 而且遵守它
I beg your pardon, sir. I see my duty, and I do it.
谢谢 先生
Thank you, sir.
请原谅 先生们 明天的天气会很热…
I beg pardon, gentlemen, we’re expecting rather hot weather tomorrow…
so I’ve arranged the menu accordingly:
“冷冻鸡胸 罐头猪肉和腌肉…
“Cold breast of chicken, potted meats and brawn…
“咖喱羊肉饭” -啊 最重要的
“curried lamb and rice.” -Capital.
在这种污秽的气候下 咖喱是唯一适合伙计们的菜了
Curry’s the only dish for a chap in this filthy climate.
净化血液 提高免疫力
Purifies the blood, tones up the system.
我的午餐保持不变 服务员
My luncheon will remain the same, steward.
Kindly adhere to my instructions.
当然 先生 但是大热天吃这些食物?
Of course, sir. But all that food on a hot day?
服务员 我的周四午餐一直是
Steward, my Thursday midday meal has always been…
也永远会是热汤 炸板鱼…
and will always be hot soup, fried sole…
烤牛肉和约克郡布丁 烤土豆 板油布丁和糖蜜
roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, baked potatoes, suet pudding and treacle.
轮到你了 先生
Your deal, monsieur.
我们又见面了 感觉有点热吧 不是吗?
We meet again. Feeling the heat a bit, are you?
How about a nice lemon squash or a beer?
很好 -服务员
It’s good. -Steward.
Bring two lemon squashes.
真是撞了大运了 我们又到同一艘船上了
Great stroke of luck we happen to be on the same ship.
And both going to Bombay.
是啊 奇怪的巧合
Yes. A strange coincidence.
你以前坐过这艘船吗? -是的 经常
Have you made this trip before? -Yes, often.
I’m one of the agents for the steamship company.
你很了解印度? -我说伙计…
You know India well? -My dear fellow…
I doubt if there are five men who know it as I do.
清♥真♥寺 宣礼塔 大象 还有蛇
The mosques, the minarets, the elephants, the snakes.
What about the women?
是的 女人 很高级
Yes. The women. Superb.
哪种高级法? -女神 令人神魂颠倒的
In what way superb? -Goddesses. Ravishing.
但是听着 你主人的这次旅行…
But listen, this tour of your master’s…
what do you think his real purpose is?
Perhaps it’s only a secret diplomatic mission.
我告诉你 菲克斯 我真的对此一无所知
I tell you, Mr. Fix. I really know nothing about it.
别换话题 告诉我更多关于印度女人的事
Don’t change the conversation. Tell me more about these Indian women.
来 让我看看
Now, let me see.
失陪了 我一会就回来
Would you excuse me? I will be back in a minute.
明天一早到孟买♥♥ 福格先生 比计划提前了两天
Bombay by dawn tomorrow, Mr. Fogg. Two days ahead of schedule.
这是一个新纪录 -一个了不起的成就 船长
That’s a new record for the run. -A remarkable achievement, Captain…
and one that deserves adequate recognition.
给你的感谢 -谢谢
My compliments to you. -Thank you.
还有给轮机长的 按照约定
And to the chief engineer. As arranged.
Listen carefully.
Here’s the list of the gear we’ll need on our journey to Calcutta.
你在采购的时候 我来搞定护照和车票
While you’re getting that, I’ll deal with the passports and the tickets.
火车4点出发 我们在火车站碰头
The train leaves at 4:00. We’ll meet at the railway station.
How dare you! That’s a sacred animal!
我们没有对这个家伙的逮捕令 整件事情是不合规的
We’ve no warrant for this fellow’s arrest. The whole thing is highly irregular.
但他是个罪犯 我向你发誓
But he’s the culprit, I swear to you.
等一下 我有个注意 你来下达逮捕令
Wait a moment. I have an idea. You issue the order for this arrest.
什么? 我做不了!
What? I couldn’t do a thing like that!
Not even for a reward of Pound2,000?
不用说 我会和你平分
Needless to say, I’d be willing to divide it.
1000镑?不行 菲克斯先生
Pound1,000? No, Mr. Fix.
The matter involves London.
And the London office alone can legally deliver the warrant.
一旦福格离开英国领土 我就永远逮不到他了
Once Fogg’s outside British jurisdiction, I’ll never get him.
安静 天啊!4点 下午茶时间了
Quite. Good heavens! 4:00. It’s tea time.
是的 我知道 但这是一场危机
Yes, I know. But this is a crisis.
是不是危机 也不应该影响喝茶
Crisis or no, nothing should interfere with tea.
见鬼了 他能在哪儿呢?
Devil take the man. Where can he be?
跟在某个女人屁♥股♥后面 我猜是这样
Pattering after some woman or other, I suppose.
这些外国人 你懂的
These foreigners, you know.
快点 伙计!快点!
Come on, man! Come on!
谢谢 -别再废话了
Thank you. -There will be no further fiddle-faddle.
Years gone…
以前有段时间 人们在这个地区
there was a time when one could scarcely travel…
in this part of the country without encountering corpses.
Those infamous stranglers.
What did you say the name of the sect was?
Individual members are known as Thugs.
他们崇拜卡莉 死亡女神
They worship Kali, the goddess of death.
他们进行无差别的杀戮 任何年龄 性别 肤色都一样
They slay without discrimination. Any age, sex, color.
How did you finally manage to stamp them out?
我们没有 没有彻底压下去
We didn’t. Not entirely.
Our constabulary managed to diminish the number of murders…
but we’re forced to recognize the Thuggee still exists.
每过几个月 我们都会碰到几个讨厌鬼和他们吓人的仪式
Every few months we come across a few of the wretches with their ghastly rites.
奇怪 我们应该在这附近停车
Strange we should stop hereabouts.
Timetable makes no mention of a station in this vicinity.
I have no idea.
I haven’t been on this line since they announced its completion.
对不起 先生 碰到什么困难了?
Excuse me, sir. What is the difficulty?
Difficulty? None whatever.
This is the end of the line.
线路尽头? -是的
End of the line? -Yes.
There’s still 50 miles of track to be laid between here and Allahabad.
The London newspapers announced the opening of the railway throughout.
一定是每日电讯报 在泰♥晤♥士♥报♥上肯定没有登过
Must’ve been The Daily Telegraph. Never would’ve read it in The Times.
The fact remains that you sell tickets from Bombay to Calcutta ! That’s fraud.
I shall take this up with the Viceroy!
在我们孟买♥♥火车站贴出来的通告里写得很清楚 和这里一样:
The notice in our Bombay station is quite clearly posted, as it is here:
“Passengers must provide their own transportation…
“between Kholby and Allahabad.”
穿过灌木林? -如果带来了麻烦我很抱歉