谢谢你的合作 福斯特先生
Thank you for your cooperation, Foster.
We must pray for guidance.
你有一个男仆的职位吗 先生?
You have a nice little position for a gentleman’s gentleman, sir?
你要工作? -是的 先生
For you? -Yes, sir.
永远不要低估祈祷的力量 福斯特…
Never doubt for one instant, Foster…
the efficacy of prayer.
What is your name?
I am from a very ancient family, sir.
你的工作经历相当奇特 体操教授…
You’ve had a rather speckled career, I see. Professor of gymnastics-
是的先生 你看 -不用演示了 真的
Yes, sir. Watch. -No demonstrations, please.
空中飞人 消防队员 烟囱清洁工
Trapeze artist, fireman, chimney sweep.
真不得了 你是怎么来到英国的? -在一个衣服篮子里 先生
Amazing. How did you come to England? -In a clothes basket, sir.
I escaped.
从哪里逃出来? -女人堆里 先生
From what? -Women, sir.
A ladies’ man?
There are no women in this household.
听着 我的规定很严
Now, my conditions are strict.
My timetable never varies.
When I say breakfast at 8:24…
我的意思不能是8点23 或者 8点25 -是 先生
I do not mean at 8:23 or at 8:25. -Yes, sir.
你有表吗? -有 先生
Do you have a watch? -Yes, sir.
It’s probably wrong.
很好 以后要多加注意
Very well. See that you behave yourself.
一旦做了蠢事 你就得走人了
Any tomfoolery and out you go.
得了 拉尔夫 别这么神秘 你是银行的董事之一
Come on, Ralph, don’t be so secretive. You’re one of the governors of the bank.
是啊 爆点猛料吧
Yes. Let’s have some lurid details.
没什么可说的 你看过报纸了
Nothing to tell. You’ve read the newspapers.
They always exaggerate.
You mean to say the thief actually got away with Pound55,000?
是的 全是崭新的钞票
He did, in brand new bank notes.
都是大面额的 不是500就是1000英镑
Large denominations, Pound500 or Pound1,000 each.
你怎么知道的? 我们没有向媒体透露细节
How did you know? We didn’t disclose that to the press.
I assumed it.
Pound55,000 of small currency would have needed a handcart to transport it.
一定是包装的很紧凑 塞在衣服口袋里
It must have been compact enough to stuff into one’s pockets.
你说对了 这个人胆子之大令人感到不可思议
You’re right. The man’s audacity staggers the imagination.
想想看 闲庭信步地走到收银主管的桌子前…
Imagine sauntering up to the head cashier’s table…
and pilfering a sum like that from under his nose.
某种意义上 你也是活该
Serves you right, in a way.
Surely you have a better hiding place for your funds than the cashier’s nose.
你的嘲讽并不好笑 这对我们来说是一个意外的打击
Your persiflage does not amuse. This has been an unexpected blow to us.
意外吗 拉尔夫先生?
Unexpected, Mr. Ralph?
银行家必须时刻提防着窃贼 就象小鸡防着老鹰
Bankers must expect robbery the same way chickens expect hawks.
这是一种职业风险 我先出牌了
It’s an occupational hazard. My lead, I believe.
顺便问一句 当时收银主管在干什么呢?
By the way, what was the head cashier doing at the time?
He was writing a receipt for the three-shilling deposit.
尽管笑吧 我们很快就会抓到劫犯的
Go ahead and jeer. We’ll lay the culprit by the heels soon enough.
We’ve notified detectives all over the world…
from Liverpool to Cairo.
我们在整个欧洲和美国都发布了他的样貌描述 他逃不远的
We’ve issued descriptions throughout Europe and America. He won’t get far.
如果我是你的话 就不会低估他 拉尔夫先生
I wouldn’t underestimate him if I were you.
You’re dealing with a rather exceptional person.
真的吗 这话怎么说?
Really? In what way?
Only a cool and logical man could have engineered such an exploit.
Obviously a gentleman with a considerable presence of mind.
You seem to know rather more about this affair than the police.
Merely what one might deduce from the facts.
Our trick.
如果你问我 我要说窃贼的赢面更大一点
If you ask me, I’d say the odds were in favor of the thief.
如果他是个像福格说的那种足智多谋的家伙 他能找到很多藏身之地
If he’s a resourceful chap, as Fogg says, he’ll find plenty of places to hide.
是啊 再怎么样世界还是很大的
Yes. The world’s a pretty large affair, after all.
一百年前是这样 现在已经不是了
It was 100 years ago, not any longer.
A man can girdle the globe now in three months.
比那个更短 准确点说 80天就可以
Less than that, to be precise. In 80 days.
You mean a complete tour all around the world in 80 days?
I mean just that.
他在胡扯 -不 我觉得福格说的有道理
He’s talking nonsense. -No, Fogg may have a point there.
The Great Indian Peninsula Railway was opened a fortnight ago.
这使得旅程缩短了 我在“每日电讯报”看到的
That shortens the trip. I read it in The Daily Telegraph.
让“每日电讯”先等等 我说这是不可能的
Hang The Daily Telegraph. I say it’s impossible.
Nothing is impossible.
当科学攻克了航♥空♥业 80小时之内环游世界都有可能
When science conquers the air it may be feasible to circle the globe in 80 hours.
这只是个美梦而已 而我说的是此时此刻…
It’s a beautiful dream, but I’m talking about this moment…
and I say nobody can go around the world in 80 days.
I agree.
Even if one made ideal connections at every point…
还是会有台风 海难 不可预期的延迟
there’d still be typhoons, shipwrecks, unforeseen delays.
I include the unforeseen.
说的好听 福格 但我倒要想看看你80天环游世界一周
All very glib, Fogg, but I’d like to see you do it in 80 days.
You’re convinced that I could not?
深信不疑 我赌5000英镑你做不到
So much so that I’ll wager Pound5,000 that you can’t.
让我和你确认一下 你是正式向我提出
Let me understand you clearly. Are you formally challenging me…
to undertake a journey around the world in 80 days?
是的 我可以现在就开出支票来表明我的决心
I am, and I’m prepared to back my conviction by posting my check now.
很好 我接受了
Very well, I accept.
太荒唐了 这玩笑开大了
This is absurd. The joke’s gone far enough.
An Englishman never jokes about a wager.
I have on deposit at Barings Bank the sum of Pound20,000.
I’m willing to wager any or all of it upon the same contention.
名义上 我可以在80天内环游世界
Namely, that I can complete a tour of the world in 80 days.
That is to say, in 1,920 hours or 115,200 minutes.
除了斯图尔特 还有其他人愿意参加吗?
Would anyone besides Stuart care to participate?
我不是赌徒 但如果你真的非要
I’m no gambler, but if you want to make foolhardy bets…
在你不可能赢的事情上下注 我恐怕不得不和你赌一把
that you can’t possibly win, I’m afraid I’ll be forced to take you on.
I’m with you.
我也是 你呢 拉尔夫?
So am I. What about you, Ralph?
作为英格兰银行的人 我不应该下注…
My affiliation with the Bank of England naturally precludes my betting…
但是作为这个俱乐部的成员 在特殊情况下我可以
but as a member of this club I might, under very special circumstances.
Then it’s agreed?
我们都接受了? -是的
We all accept? -Yes.
那好 如果我没有记错的话 开往多佛(英国东南部港口)的 港口联运列车…
Good. If I remember correctly, the boat train for Dover…
leaves London Bridge station at 8:45 tonight.
我搭那班车走 -今晚?
I will be on it. -Tonight?
Don’t you need some days to settle your affairs…
做好准备吗? -不必了 我已经准备好了
to make preparations? -No. I’m quite ready now.
You engage to be back here in London, in the Reform Club…
回到伦敦 改革俱乐部…
on Saturday, September 21 at 8:45 p.m.
是的 先生们 现在是在打梅花 还是王牌呢?
Right, gentlemen. Clubs, I believe, are still trumps?
Shall we finish the game?
什么事? -立刻到我的卧室来
Yes, please? -Come to my bedroom at once.
是 先生
Yes, sir.
我叫了你两次 -我已经用最快速度赶来了 先生
I called you twice. -I came as fast as possible, sir.
你这个时候应该还没到家的 先生
You are not supposed to be home yet, sir.
My usual routine is beside the point.
We leave for the Continent in 10 minutes.
先生要出门吗? -是的 环游世界
Monsieur is going traveling? -Yes. Around the world.
Then you will not be here for breakfast.
Around the world?
完全正确 现在重新集♥合♥你的人员 开始打包行李吧
Exactly. Now reassemble your faculties and start packing.
先生要带哪些衣服…我是说 哪些行李箱?
Which clothes does monsieur…. I mean, which trunks?
什么也不用 我们每人带两件衬衫和三条裤子就可以了
None whatever. Just take two shirts and three pairs of hose for each of us.
可我只有一件衬衫 先生 -那就这件吧
But I have only one shirt, sir. -Then take that.
其他的我们一路上看需要再买♥♥吧 把那红色的袋子拿给我
We’ll buy whatever else we need en route. Give me that red bag.
打开 我们需要很多的钱
Open it up. We’re going to need plenty of money.
不管你在干什么 绝不能让这个离开你的视线
Whatever you do, never let this out of your sight.
您放心吧先生 我会像珍惜女人一样珍惜它的
Monsieur can trust me. I will cherish it like a woman.
别跟它做♥爱♥ 看着就行了
Don’t make love to it. Just watch it.
对不起 先生 我表妹
Excuse me, sir. My cousin.