Anything that has overtaken me is a direct result of my own folly.
I refuse to deceive myself, and I don’t like self-pity.
Possibly things aren’t as desperate as they seem.
坦白地讲 目前看起来也没什么前途
To be candid, at the moment they’re not particularly promising.
当然你的朋友可以帮助你 -我没有朋友
Surely your friends could aid you. -I have no friends.
没有亲戚? -一个也没有
Nor relatives? -Not a soul.
Then I truly feel sorry for you.
I know how tragic solitude can be…
when one has nobody with whom to share his grief.
在我的国家 福格先生 据说如果有另外一个同情你的灵魂来分享
In my country, Mr. Fogg, it is said that misfortune…
if shared with another sympathetic spirit, can be borne with resignation.
Do you wish at once a kinswoman and a friend?
I’m not sure that I interpret you correctly.
Will you have me for your wife?
艾欧达 我亲爱的
Aouda, my darling.
可以吗 先生? 可以吗 主人?
Yes, sir? Yes, master?
I want you to go to Rev. Samuel Wilson…
of Marylebone Parish at once.
立刻就去 先生 -安排 婚礼
Right away, sir. -Arrange for a wedding.
一场婚礼 先生 什么时候? -明天
One wedding, sir. When? -Tomorrow.
这样可以吗 亲爱的?
Will that be all right, my dear?
是的 明天 -好的 先生
Yes, tomorrow. -Ol�, sir!
请先暂停一下欢呼 带上威尔逊牧师和你一起
Curtail the jubilation, please. Bring the Reverend Wilson with you.
是 先生
Yes, sir.
怎么了? -一场婚礼 跟我来
Yes? -A wedding. Come with me.
不 我不想 -快点 很紧急
No, I don’t think so. -Quickly. It’s an emergency.
我要戴帽子 -快点
I’ll get my hat. -Quickly.
It’s Saturday.
这么多钟 只要一个不行吗?
And so many clocks. Couldn’t there be just one?
你说什么都行 亲爱的
Anything you suggest, my dear.
How dare you bolt into a room in this fashion?
Where’s your training? And remove your hat.
今天不是周日 是周六
It’s not Sunday, it’s Saturday.
我们还剩10分钟 -你在嘀咕什么?
We have 10 minutes left. -What are you jabbering about?
今天是周六! 自己看
It’s Saturday! Look for yourself.
胡说 印刷厂一定搞错了
Fiddlesticks. The printers must have made an error.
你搞错了 -我们待会再追究你的冒失
You have made error. -We will review your impudence later.
Allow me to disillusion you.
I have kept a detailed record of every single phase of our entire trip.
我们用了80天环游世界 这是第81天
We went around the world in 80 days, this is the 81….
It’s Saturday.
我们是朝着东方环游世界 一直迎着太阳
We went eastward around the world, always moving towards the sun.
天啊 我们越过了国际日期变更线
Great heavens. We’ve crossed the International Date Line.
所以我们挣出来整整一天 今天是第80天
We’ve gained an entire day. This is the eightieth day.
We have 10 minutes and 50 seconds left to get to the club.
你在这里等着 亲爱等待 来啊 不要磨蹭
You wait here, my dear. Come, man, don’t dawdle.
车夫 去改革俱乐部
Cabby, Reform Club.
谁? -改革俱乐部
Who? -Reform Club.
注意 这不关我的事…
Mind you, it’s none of my business…
but do you think you’ll get into the Reform Club dressed like that?
Drive on, man.
怎么了?发生什么了? -对不起 先生 有点打嗝
What’s the matter? What happened? -I’m sorry, sir. It’s the hiccups.
我这毛病很严重 自己完全控制不了 对不起 先生
I’m taken very bad. I can’t do a thing with them, sir.
啊呀 -讨厌的男人
Blimey. -Confound the man.
没关系 我来赶车
It’s all right. I drive.
马出什么问题了? -不好 先生 这马不走
What’s the matter with the beast? -It’s no good, sir. He can’t do it.
他想要走 但是走不了
He’d love to, but he can’t.
He don’t take orders from nobody but me.
快点 求你了 -不好 他还是不走
Come on, please. -It’s no good. He can’t do it.
不行 他不走
No, he won’t do it.
魔鬼从不睡觉 同胞们 即使当我们现在站在这里…
The devil never sleeps, brethren. Even now as we stand here…
he is hurrying some poor soul to his doom…
tempting him down the path of iniquity.
And now, I shall take up the collection.
Excuse me.
先生 你要向我们的教会捐献什么吗?
Sir, would you like to contribute something to our cause?
我觉得我没有什么可捐的 等一下 有一点儿
I don’t think I have anything. Wait. There’s something.
5美元 -求你了 我赶时间 是个赌局
A fiver? -Please, I’m in a hurry. It’s a wager.
一个赌局? 你们听到了吗 同胞们?
A wager? Did you hear that, brethren?
我们这位可怜的 愚昧的罪人就是我刚刚和你们说的那种人
Our poor, benighted sinner is the very sort I’ve been telling you about.
别这样 先生 别向黑暗王子屈服
Don’t do it, sir. Don’t give in to the Prince of Darkness.
我完全没有想要屈… -要有说不的勇气 我的孩子
I haven’t the faintest intention of giving- -Have courage, my boy, to say no.
翻到赞美诗第579页 所有人提高你们的音量…
Turn to Hymn 579, everyone, and lift up your voices…
to save our poorly beset brother.
天啊 为什么还要等呢?
Good heavens. Why wait any longer?
他已经输了赌局 -当然 他已经输了20多次了…
He’s lost the wager- -Of course he has, 20 times over…
once he missed his transatlantic connection.
稳住 伙计 遵守游戏规则 记住我们都是英国绅士
Steady on, chaps. Play the game. Remember, we’re all British gentlemen.
还剩14秒 -他也不是超人
There’s still 14 seconds to go. -The man’s not superhuman.
你还指望他怎么样? 像圣诞老人那样从烟囱里掉下来?
What do you expect him to do? Pop down the chimney like Santa Claus?
我没有任何想法 我只知道福格是活着的人里最准时的
I haven’t the least idea. I only know that Fogg is the most punctual man alive.
先生们 我来了
Gentlemen, here I am.
I trust that I’ve not kept you waiting.
你好 福格
Hello, Fogg.
Great Caesar’s ghost!
A woman in the club!
亲爱的 我必须让你立刻离开辖区
My dear, I must ask you to leave these precincts at once.
从来没有女人进入过俱乐部 -为什么没有呢?
No woman has ever set foot in the club. -Why not?
Because that could spell the end of the British Empire.
This is the end.