arise [ə’raɪz] v. 出现;上升;起立
arise 上升 ←形似词→ arouse 醒来
eg. Arousing every morning in my seaside house, I can see the arising sun through my window.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》
当提到 “arise“(出现)时,以下是一些相关的短语,附带中文解释:
- arise from the ashes: 从灰烬中崛起
- arise from sleep: 从睡梦中醒来
- arise from the dead: 从死亡中复活
- arise from poverty: 从贫困中崛起
- arise from the ruins: 从废墟中崛起
- arise from the depths: 从深渊中升起
- arise from the past: 从过去中出现
- arise from obscurity: 从默默无闻中崭露头角
- arise from the crowd: 从人群中突显出来
- arise from the chaos: 从混乱中产生
- arise from adversity: 从逆境中崛起
- arise from failure: 从失败中起步
- arise from challenges: 从挑战中出现
- arise from the mist: 从雾中出现
- arise from the fog: 从雾霭中出现
- arise from the horizon: 从地平线上升起
- arise from the darkness: 从黑暗中浮现
- arise from the shadows: 从阴影中出现
- arise from the depths of despair: 从绝望的深渊中崛起
- arise from the ashes like a phoenix: 如凤凰般从灰烬中崛起
- arise to the occasion: 应对当前形势
- arise to the challenge: 应对挑战
- arise to greatness: 达到伟大
- arise to the top: 爬到顶峰
- arise to fame: 走红
- arise to power: 掌权
- arise to leadership: 成为领导者
- arise to prominence: 崭露头角
- arise to success: 取得成功
- arise to the surface: 浮出水面
- arise to the occasion: 不负众望
- arise to the challenge: 不畏挑战
- arise to the moment: 迎接当下
- arise to the task: 应对任务
- arise to the responsibility: 承担责任
- arise to the opportunity: 抓住机会
- arise to the occasion: 不负使命
- arise to the occasion: 高瞻远瞩
- arise to the occasion: 迎难而上
- arise to the occasion: 高喊口号
- arise to the occasion: 前赴后继
- arise to the occasion: 众志成城
- arise to the occasion: 迅速反应