
argot (ARR go) This noun connotes the jargon, slang, or specialized vocab-ulary used by a particular group.

  • Samantha expressed her shock at the behavior of her husband’s family in the argot of the internet by exclaiming “OMG!”
  • Jacob found that the argot of his teenaged daughter and her friends was as difficult to comprehend as their techno music or their passion for dirty, so-called vintage clothing.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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  • 萨曼莎用互联网的隐语表达了她对丈夫家人的行为的震惊,她惊呼道:“天哪!”
  • 雅各布发现,他十几岁的女儿和她的朋友们的隐语就像他们的电子音乐或他们对肮脏的所谓复古服装的热情一样难以理解




  1. argot expressions: 行话表达
  2. slang and argot: 俚语和行话
  3. decipher the criminal argot: 解读犯罪行话
  4. the language of the streets: 街头语言
  5. learn the local argot: 学习当地行话
  6. understand the youth argot: 理解年轻人的行话
  7. speak in argot: 使用行话说话
  8. the underworld argot: 下层社会行话
  9. the secret argot of thieves: 盗贼的秘密行话
  10. decode the coded argot: 解码密语行话
  11. the criminal argot: 犯罪行话
  12. the musical argot: 音乐行话
  13. the theatrical argot: 戏剧行话
  14. the literary argot: 文学行话
  15. the hacker’s argot: 黑客行话
  16. the gaming argot: 游戏行话
  17. the sports argot: 体育行话
  18. the fashion argot: 时尚行话
  19. the business argot: 商业行话
  20. the medical argot: 医学行话
  21. the legal argot: 法律行话
  22. the political argot: 政治行话
  23. the academic argot: 学术行话
  24. the military argot: 军事行话
  25. the technological argot: 技术行话
  26. the internet argot: 互联网行话
  27. the cultural argot: 文化行话
  28. the regional argot: 地区行话
  29. the historical argot: 历史行话
  30. the subculture argot: 亚文化行话
  31. the urban argot: 城市行话
  32. the professional argot: 专业行话
  33. the musical subgenre argot: 音乐亚流派行话
  34. the film industry argot: 电影行业行话
  35. the slang and argot of the 1960s: 1960年代的俚语和行话
  36. the poetic argot: 诗歌行话
  37. the street gang argot: 街头帮派行话
  38. the cultural diversity of argot: 行话的文化多样性
  39. the digital argot: 数字行话
  40. the slang and argot of hip-hop culture: 嘻哈文化的俚语和行话
  41. the slang and argot of the LGBTQ+ community: LGBTQ+社群的俚语和行话
  42. the slang and argot of the fashion industry: 时尚行业的俚语和行话
  43. the slang and argot of the gaming community: 游戏社群的俚语和行话
  44. the slang and argot of social media: 社交媒体的俚语和行话
  45. the slang and argot of the art world: 艺术界的俚语和行话
  46. the slang and argot of the food industry: 食品行业的俚语和行话
  47. the slang and argot of the fashion subculture: 时尚亚文化的俚语和行话
  48. the slang and argot of the technology sector: 技术行业的俚语和行话
  49. the slang and argot of the entertainment industry: 娱乐行业的俚语和行话
  50. the slang and argot of the financial world: 金融界的俚语和行话
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
