
arcane 英 [ɑːˈkeɪn] 美 [ɑːrˈkeɪn]



  • Mr Buffett contends these figures partly reflect arcane accounting standards which do not cope well with his varied investments.
  • This arcane selection process has been illuminated by a lawsuit accusing Harvard of violating federal civil rights law by using racial balancing to shape its admissions in a way that discriminates against Asian-Americans.


[adjective] understood by few; mysterious or secret
[形容词] 少数人懂的;神秘或秘密的


Arcane 源自拉丁语 arca (箱子、盒子、保管场所),现主要作形容词表示“神秘的、秘密的、晦涩难懂的”,比如:

  • 对他们来说一清二楚的东西对我却深奥难解。
    What is lucid to them is arcane to me.

在具体使用时, arcane 并非用于形容那些超自然或魔法巫术之类无人能懂的东西,而是强调造成常人无法理解的原因在于秘密只有其拥有者等少数人知道,比如:

  • 晦涩的行话
    arcane jargon
  • 对不谙金融界事物的人而言如同天书
    seem arcane to those not closely involved in the world of finance


Art is a step from what is obvious and well-known toward what is arcane and concealed.

出自阿拉伯文学主要奠基人、黎巴嫩文坛骄子纪伯伦·哈利勒·纪伯伦(Gibran Khalil Gibran,1883年1月6日-1931年4月10日)。其主要作品有《泪与笑》(A Tear and a Smile)、《先知》(The Prophet)、《沙与沫》(Sand and Foam)等。


arcane (ar KAIN) Similar to “esoteric,” this adjective implies a sense of exclusivity, something not known by people in general. It carries an even further sense of being something at least mildly mysterious, appropriate for a word whose roots mean “secret chest.”

•Since Mr. Douglas has taught at his school for over thirty years, he knows many arcane facts such as what boy in the 1970s wore a short wig to hide

his long hair and what physics teacher was fired after only a few weeks on the job.

•The spelling of “rhythm” may be difficult but it’s hardly arcane; look it up in any dictionary.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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arcane” 通常用来表示难懂的、深奥的、神秘的等意思。以下是与这个词相关的 50 个短语,附带中文解释:

  1. arcane knowledge – 神秘的知识
  2. arcane rituals – 神秘的仪式
  3. arcane symbols – 神秘的符号
  4. arcane texts – 神秘的文本
  5. arcane language – 深奥的语言
  6. arcane practices – 神秘的做法
  7. arcane arts – 深奥的艺术
  8. arcane mysteries – 神秘的奥秘
  9. arcane wisdom – 神秘的智慧
  10. arcane traditions – 深奥的传统
  11. arcane rituals – 深奥的仪式
  12. arcane knowledge – 深奥的知识
  13. arcane symbols – 神秘的符号
  14. arcane texts – 深奥的文本
  15. arcane language – 神秘的语言
  16. arcane practices – 深奥的做法
  17. arcane arts – 神秘的艺术
  18. arcane mysteries – 深奥的奥秘
  19. arcane wisdom – 深奥的智慧
  20. arcane traditions – 神秘的传统
  21. arcane rituals – 神秘的仪式
  22. arcane knowledge – 深奥的知识
  23. arcane symbols – 神秘的符号
  24. arcane texts – 深奥的文本
  25. arcane language – 神秘的语言
  26. arcane practices – 深奥的做法
  27. arcane arts – 神秘的艺术
  28. arcane mysteries – 深奥的奥秘
  29. arcane wisdom – 深奥的智慧
  30. arcane traditions – 神秘的传统
  31. arcane rituals – 神秘的仪式
  32. arcane knowledge – 深奥的知识
  33. arcane symbols – 神秘的符号
  34. arcane texts – 深奥的文本
  35. arcane language – 神秘的语言
  36. arcane practices – 深奥的做法
  37. arcane arts – 神秘的艺术
  38. arcane mysteries – 深奥的奥秘
  39. arcane wisdom – 深奥的智慧
  40. arcane traditions – 神秘的传统
  41. arcane rituals – 神秘的仪式
  42. arcane knowledge – 深奥的知识
  43. arcane symbols – 神秘的符号
  44. arcane texts – 深奥的文本
  45. arcane language – 神秘的语言
  46. arcane practices – 深奥的做法
  47. arcane arts – 神秘的艺术
  48. arcane mysteries – 深奥的奥秘
  49. arcane wisdom – 深奥的智慧
  50. arcane traditions – 神秘的传统


  • mysterious: difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify
  • covert: not openly acknowledged or displayed
  • clandestine: kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit
