

[noun] lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern
[名词] 缺乏兴趣、热情或关心


Apathy 是一个与常见单词 empathy (同情、同感、共鸣)十分形似却又含义恰恰相反的单词,两者只差开头一两个字母不同。该词源自古希腊语 apathes (没有感觉的、没有痛苦的、没有经历过痛苦的),17世纪经法语 apathie (淡漠、冷漠、漠不关心;懈怠、懒惰)进入英语也是指“淡漠、冷漠、漠不关心”以及“无兴趣、懈怠”,也就是一种对任何事情都不感兴趣或不热心的状态,比如:

  • 与过去形成鲜明对比的是,选民普遍态度冷淡。
    In stark contrast to the past, there is widespread apathy among the electorate.

作形容词使用时,则可以用 apathy 的衍生词 apathetic 表示“淡漠的、冷漠的、漠不关心的、无动于衷的”以及“无兴趣的、懈怠的”,多指一种不负责任且应受责备的漠不关心,以及沉溺于关心、悲伤、绝望等某种特定的压抑情绪或身体疼痛而使人对其他情绪或疼痛麻木不仁或者说缺乏正常的人类兴趣,比如:

  • 她是教书的材料。连最不感兴趣的学生都开始坐直了听讲。
    She has a vocation for teaching. Even the most apathetic students are beginning to sit up and listen.
  • 疾病使该迎宾员冷漠,不愿见人。因此她生病后便给解除了许多责任。
    The illness made the usher apathetic and unwilling to meet people. Therefore, after her illness she was divested of much of her responsibility.


Their convict uniforms were dirty and foul with sweat, shackles clanked between their ankles when they moved tiredly, and there was an air of apathy and despair about them.

出自美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔(Margaret Mitchell)创作的长篇小说《飘》(Gone with the Wind)。该小说在1937年获得普利策奖,是玛格丽特·米切尔在世时出版的唯一一部作品。不但它成为美国史上最为畅销的小说之一,而且由这部小说所改编的同名电影《乱世佳人》也成为影史上不朽的经典。


  • But consumer apathy has forced firms to rethink how they might woo customers.
  • The tip-off is Beard, who’s endowed by his creator with precisely the vices — apathy, slothfulness, gluttony and hypocrisy — that afflict the society the book condemns, threatening to cook the human race in the heat-­trapping gases released by its own arrogance.



  1. Apathy towards politics(对政治的冷漠)
  2. Sense of apathy(冷漠感)
  3. Overcome apathy(克服冷漠)
  4. Indifference and apathy(漠不关心和冷漠)
  5. Apathy in relationships(感情上的冷漠)
  6. Apathy towards social issues(对社会问题的冷漠)
  7. Apathy towards education(对教育的冷漠)
  8. Apathy towards environmental concerns(对环境问题的冷漠)
  9. Apathy towards humanitarian crises(对人道主义危机的冷漠)
  10. Overcome voter apathy(克服选民冷漠)
  11. Apathy towards cultural preservation(对文化保护的冷漠)
  12. Apathy towards community engagement(对社区参与的冷漠)
  13. Apathy in the workplace(工作上的冷漠)
  14. Apathy towards personal growth(对个人成长的冷漠)
  15. Addressing apathy in society(解决社会上的冷漠)
  16. Apathy and its consequences(冷漠及其后果)
  17. Fighting apathy(与冷漠作斗争)
  18. Combating student apathy(对抗学生的冷漠)
  19. Apathy towards mental health issues(对心理健康问题的冷漠)
  20. Overcoming societal apathy(克服社会上的冷漠)
  21. Apathy towards poverty alleviation(对减贫的冷漠)
  22. Apathy towards human rights violations(对侵犯人权的冷漠)
  23. Apathy in the face of injustice(面对不公时的冷漠)
  24. Apathy towards global conflicts(对全球冲突的冷漠)
  25. Apathy and lack of empathy(冷漠和缺乏同理心)
  26. Overcoming apathy through awareness(通过意识来克服冷漠)
  27. Apathy towards social justice issues(对社会正义问题的冷漠)
  28. Apathy and the erosion of democracy(冷漠与民主的侵蚀)
  29. Breaking the cycle of apathy(打破冷漠的循环)
  30. Apathy towards community development(对社区发展的冷漠)


indifference: lack of interest, concern, or sympathy
passivity: acceptance of what happens, without active response or resistance
unconcern: a lack of worry or interest, especially when surprising or callous

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
