
apathetic (ap uh THET ik) This adjective describes someone who lacks feel-ing, lacks interest, has a bad case of “the blahs.” It comes into English from the Greek root word “path” (feeling) and the prefix “a” (absence of). The noun form is apathy.

  • Although Mattie claimed to be apathetic about political disputes, she cared very much when the issue touched her life directly.
  • The humor of the old joke line “I’m not apathetic; I just don’t care.” requires that the hearer know the meaning of the key word.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
冷漠的(ap uh THET ik)这个形容词描述的是一个缺乏感觉、缺乏兴趣、有很糟糕的“the blahs”的人。它来自希腊词根“path”(感觉)和前缀“a”(没有)。名词形式是冷漠。

  • 尽管马蒂声称对政治纠纷漠不关心,但当这个问题直接影响到她的生活时,她非常关心
  • 古老的笑话台词“我不是冷漠的,我只是不在乎。”的幽默要求听众知道关键词的意思

