


anxiety [æŋ’zaɪətɪ] n. 焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事
anxiety 焦虑 ←同首词→ anxious 焦虑的
eg. Mary’s voice was full of anxiety, but she needn’t have been so anxious.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Feelings of anxiety – 焦虑感
  2. anxiety disorder – 焦虑症
  3. High levels of anxiety – 高度焦虑
  4. anxiety and stress – 焦虑和压力
  5. Dealing with anxiety – 处理焦虑
  6. Overcome anxiety – 克服焦虑
  7. anxiety symptoms – 焦虑症状
  8. Chronic anxiety – 慢性焦虑
  9. Social anxiety – 社交焦虑
  10. Generalized anxiety disorder – 广泛性焦虑症
  11. Performance anxiety – 表演焦虑
  12. anxiety management – 焦虑管理
  13. anxiety relief – 缓解焦虑
  14. anxiety attack – 焦虑发作
  15. anxiety and depression – 焦虑和抑郁
  16. anxiety symptoms and causes – 焦虑症状和原因
  17. anxiety in children – 儿童焦虑
  18. anxiety medication – 焦虑药物
  19. Coping with anxiety – 应对焦虑
  20. anxiety-related disorders – 与焦虑有关的疾病
  21. anxiety management techniques – 焦虑管理技巧
  22. anxiety and panic attacks – 焦虑和恐慌发作
  23. anxiety and sleep problems – 焦虑和睡眠问题
  24. anxiety and decision-making – 焦虑和决策
  25. anxiety and relationships – 焦虑和人际关系
  26. anxiety and self-esteem – 焦虑和自尊心
  27. anxiety and work stress – 焦虑和工作压力
  28. anxiety and cognitive-behavioral therapy – 焦虑和认知行为疗法
  29. anxiety and relaxation techniques – 焦虑和放松技巧
  30. anxiety and mindfulness – 焦虑和正念
  31. anxiety and breathing exercises – 焦虑和呼吸练习
  32. anxiety and exercise – 焦虑和运动
  33. anxiety and diet – 焦虑和饮食
  34. anxiety and meditation – 焦虑和冥想
  35. anxiety and time management – 焦虑和时间管理
  36. anxiety and therapy – 焦虑和疗法
  37. anxiety and relaxation techniques – 焦虑和放松技巧
  38. anxiety and coping strategies – 焦虑和应对策略
  39. anxiety and emotional well-being – 焦虑和情绪健康
  40. anxiety and assertiveness – 焦虑和自信
  41. anxiety and motivation – 焦虑和动力
  42. anxiety and public speaking – 焦虑和公众演讲
  43. anxiety and phobias – 焦虑和恐惧症
  44. anxiety and perfectionism – 焦虑和完美主义
  45. anxiety and self-care – 焦虑和自我关怀
  46. anxiety and journaling – 焦虑和写日记
  47. anxiety and social support – 焦虑和社会支持
  48. anxiety and positive thinking – 焦虑和积极思考
  49. anxiety and relaxation music – 焦虑和放松音乐
  50. anxiety and mental health – 焦虑和心理健康
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
