
英 [æn'tɪpəθɪ] 美 [æn'tɪpəθi]



n. 反感;厌恶;憎恶;不相容



antipathy 反感
前缀anti-, 相对,相反。词根path, 感觉,见apathetic, 冷漠的。


  1. Deep antipathy towards spiders: 对蜘蛛有深厚的厌恶感
  2. Feelings of antipathy towards authority: 对权威有敌意的情绪
  3. Mutual antipathy between rival teams: 竞争对手之间的互相厌恶
  4. Cultural antipathy between two nations: 两个国家之间的文化仇恨
  5. Political antipathy towards a particular party: 对特定政党的政治敌意
  6. antipathy towards loud noises: 对噪音的厌恶感
  7. antipathy towards spicy food: 对辛辣食物的反感
  8. antipathy towards public speaking: 对公众演讲的厌恶感
  9. antipathy towards cold weather: 对寒冷天气的反感
  10. antipathy towards crowded places: 对拥挤场所的不喜欢
  11. antipathy towards technology: 对科技的抵触情绪
  12. antipathy towards change: 对变化的反感
  13. Deep-seated antipathy towards certain social groups: 对特定社会群体的根深蒂固的厌恶
  14. antipathy towards dishonesty: 对不诚实的行为的敌意
  15. antipathy towards injustice: 对不公正的厌恶感
  16. antipathy towards arrogance: 对傲慢的反感
  17. antipathy towards bureaucracy: 对官僚主义的厌恶感
  18. antipathy towards animal cruelty: 对虐待动物的憎恶
  19. antipathy towards inequality: 对不平等的敌意
  20. antipathy towards artificial intelligence: 对人工智能的抗拒
  21. antipathy towards social media: 对社交媒体的反感
  22. antipathy towards excessive regulations: 对过度管制的厌恶感
  23. antipathy towards corporate greed: 对企业贪婪的敌意
  24. antipathy towards pretentiousness: 对虚伪的厌恶感
  25. antipathy towards intrusive questioning: 对过度询问的反感
  26. antipathy towards religious extremism: 对宗教极端主义的憎恶
  27. antipathy towards superficiality: 对肤浅的不喜欢
  28. antipathy towards excessive noise pollution: 对过度噪音污染的敌意
  29. antipathy towards excessive wealth: 对过度财富的厌恶
  30. antipathy towards political corruption: 对政治腐败的憎恶
  31. antipathy towards racial discrimination: 对种族歧视的敌意
  32. antipathy towards religious intolerance: 对宗教不容忍的反感
  33. antipathy towards academic elitism: 对学术精英主义的厌恶感
  34. antipathy towards excessive materialism: 对过度物质主义的不喜欢
  35. antipathy towards excessive bureaucracy: 对过度官僚主义的敌意
  36. antipathy towards mindless consumerism: 对盲目消费主义的厌恶
  37. antipathy towards environmental destruction: 对环境破坏的憎恶
  38. antipathy towards fake news: 对假新闻的反感
  39. antipathy towards gender inequality: 对性别不平等的敌意
  40. antipathy towards cultural appropriation: 对文化盗用的厌恶
  41. antipathy towards excessive regulations: 对过度监管的不满
  42. antipathy towards excessive government control: 对过度政府控制的反感
  43. antipathy towards social injustice: 对社会不公正的敌意
  44. antipathy towards animal testing: 对动物实验的厌恶
  45. antipathy towards excessive violence in media: 对媒体中过度暴力的反感
  46. antipathy towards class discrimination: 对阶级歧视的憎恶
  47. antipathy towards cultural assimilation: 对文化同化的厌恶
  48. antipathy towards excessive surveillance: 对过度监视的敌意
  49. antipathy towards political polarization: 对政治两极化的反感
  50. antipathy towards intellectual dishonesty: 对知识不诚实的敌意



antipathy (an TIH path ee) From the Greek word that means “of opposite feelings,” this noun means a strong feeling of aversion or repugnance. It’s a bit milder than belligerence or animosity. You might have an antipathy for skim milk, but you wouldn’t want to wage war against it.

•The smoke-filled rooms and noisy music were antipathetic to Lynette. She asked her date if he could find a cleaner and quieter restaurant.

•Cats have a natural antipathy toward dogs, especially large, growling ones.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
