
定义: “Anomie” 是一个名词,用来描述社会或个人中的混乱、无序或道德沦丧的状态。


  • 社会失序:
    • “Anomie” 通常用来描述社会中的缺乏规范、价值观和道德准则的状态。这种失序可能导致个体的困惑、不安和道德上的沦丧。
    • 例句:”The high crime rates in the city are seen as a reflection of the social anomie that plagues the community.”(城市中高犯罪率被视为困扰社区的社会失序的反映。)
  • 个人困惑:
    • “Anomie” 也可以用来描述个人内心的困惑和失去方向感的状态。这种困惑可能源于价值观的冲突、社会压力的增加或身份认同的不确定。
    • 例句:”After losing his job and ending a long-term relationship, he experienced a sense of anomie and struggled to find meaning in his life.”(失去工作并结束一段长期的关系后,他感到困惑,难以在生活中找到意义。)
  • 道德沦丧:
    • “Anomie” 还可以指个人或群体中的道德沦丧,表现为缺乏道德约束或违背社会规范的行为。
    • 例句:”The rise in corruption and unethical practices within the company is a sign of the anomie that has taken hold among its employees.”(公司内腐败和不道德行为的增加表明员工中已经出现了道德沦丧的迹象。)



  1. anomie in society – 社会的失范
  2. anomie and alienation – 失范与疏离
  3. anomie and social disintegration – 失范与社会解体
  4. anomie and cultural breakdown – 失范与文化崩溃
  5. anomie and moral confusion – 失范与道德困惑
  6. anomie and social unrest – 失范与社会动荡
  7. anomie and individual detachment – 失范与个人脱离
  8. anomie and normlessness – 失范与规范缺失
  9. anomie and psychological unrest – 失范与心理不安
  10. anomie and social inequality – 失范与社会不平等
  11. anomie and cultural disorientation – 失范与文化迷失
  12. anomie and ethical collapse – 失范与道德崩溃
  13. anomie and social fragmentation – 失范与社会分裂
  14. anomie and individual anomie – 失范与个人失范
  15. anomie and societal chaos – 失范与社会混乱
  16. anomie and value crisis – 失范与价值危机
  17. anomie and social unrest – 失范与社会动荡
  18. anomie and cultural decay – 失范与文化衰败
  19. anomie and identity crisis – 失范与身份危机
  20. anomie and moral decay – 失范与道德衰败
  21. anomie and social dysfunction – 失范与社会功能障碍
  22. anomie and societal breakdown – 失范与社会崩溃
  23. anomie and individual alienation – 失范与个人疏离
  24. anomie and normlessness – 失范与规范缺失
  25. anomie and psychological unrest – 失范与心理不安
  26. anomie and social inequality – 失范与社会不平等
  27. anomie and cultural disorientation – 失范与文化迷失
  28. anomie and ethical collapse – 失范与道德崩溃
  29. anomie and social fragmentation – 失范与社会分裂
  30. anomie and individual anomie – 失范与个人失范
  31. anomie and societal chaos – 失范与社会混乱
  32. anomie and value crisis – 失范与价值危机
  33. anomie and social unrest – 失范与社会动荡
  34. anomie and cultural decay – 失范与文化衰败
  35. anomie and identity crisis – 失范与身份危机
  36. anomie and moral decay – 失范与道德衰败
  37. anomie and social dysfunction – 失范与社会功能障碍
  38. anomie and societal breakdown – 失范与社会崩溃
  39. anomie and individual alienation – 失范与个人疏离
  40. anomie and social instability – 失范与社会不稳定
  41. anomie and cultural crisis – 失范与文化危机
  42. anomie and moral disintegration – 失范与道德解体
  43. anomie and social dysfunction – 失范与社会功能障碍
  44. anomie and individual disillusionment – 失范与个人幻灭
  45. anomie and value erosion – 失范与价值侵蚀
  46. anomie and social breakdown – 失范与社会崩溃
  47. anomie and cultural collapse – 失范与文化崩溃
  48. anomie and psychological distress – 失范与心理困扰
  49. anomie and societal unrest – 失范与社会动荡
  50. anomie and moral crisis – 失范与道德危机



anomie (an oh MEE) The original French meaning of this noun is law-lessness, but it has taken on a more complex social and philosophical meaning. When one suffers anomie, one has a feeling of alienation and purposelessness caused by a lack of standards, values, and ideals.

  • His silent friend wandered away in solitude and anomie.
  • The dark, brooding student, lost in his thoughts, could not conceal his anomie.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
anomie(an oh MEE)这个名词的法语原意是无法律,但它具有更复杂的社会和哲学意义。当一个人遭受失范时,就会有一种因缺乏标准、价值观和理想而产生的疏离感和无目的感。

  • 他沉默的朋友在孤独和失范中走了
  • 这个黑暗、沉思的学生陷入了沉思,无法掩饰自己的失范。


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
