但是她是黑人 – 那又怎么样?
But she’s colored.
The colored have enough trouble!
她在搜我的钱包 – 他们已经受到太多的迫♥害♥
She was going through my purse. – They’re persecuted enough.
谁迫♥害♥他们啦?她偷东西 – 是啊 那又怎么样?我们还经得起偷
Who’s persecuting? She stole! – So? We can afford it.
我们怎么经得起偷啦?以你的薪水? 要是她越偷越多怎么办?
How can we afford it, on your pay? What if she steals more?
她是个从哈莱姆区来的黑人妇女 她没有钱
She’s a colored woman from Harlem. She has no money.
她有权偷我们的东西 毕竟要是她不偷我们 她还能去偷谁嘛
She has a right to steal from us. Who can she steal from if not from us?
你们俩都疯了 – 他们听不见你说的 麦克斯
You’re both crazy. – They can’t hear you.
列奥 我嫁给了个傻瓜
Leo, I married a fool!
咳 麦克斯 那是什么?
What’s that?
那是1945年欢迎我的表兄 赫比回家的聚会
That’s the welcome home party, 1945, for my cousin Herbie.
瞧那儿 那边那个 那是乔伊·尼克尔斯
Look. That over there is Joey Nichols.
他是我父亲的朋友 当我还是小孩时 他总是来烦我
He was my father’s friend. He was always bothering me when I was a kid.
乔伊·尼克尔斯 看到没有?镍扣
Joey Nichols. See? Nickels.
看到没有?镍扣 你瞧 五分镍币
See? Nickels. You see? Nickels.
你可以一直记住我的名字 只要想起乔伊·五分镍币
You can always remember my name. Just think of Joey Five-Cents.
那就是我 乔伊·五分镍币
That’s me. Joey Five-Cents.
What an asshole.
最让我好笑的是我母亲的姐姐 泰茜
The one who killed me the most was my mother’s sister, Tessie.
I was always the sister with good common sense…
but Tessie was always the one with personality.
在她年轻的时候 他们都想和泰茜结婚
When she was younger, they all wanted to marry Tessie.
你相信吗 麦克斯? 泰茜·莫斯科维茨有个性?
Do you believe Tessie had the personality?
她是犹太人区受到关注的人物 毫无疑问 – 她从前可是个大美人
She’s the life of the ghetto no doubt. – She was once a great beauty.
泰茜 他们说你是姐妹中最有个性的
Tessie, they say you were the sister with personality.
I was a great beauty!
这样的个性是如何形成的呀? – 我很有魅力
How did this personality come about? – I was very charming.
There were many men interested in you?
噢 我会跳非常活泼的舞蹈
I was quite a lively dancer.
It’s very hard to believe.
嗯 我今天玩得很开心 你知道吗? 这真是个很好的方式度过我的生日
I had a really good day. It was a fine way to spend my birthday.
啊 你的生日是在明天 – 是的 但是已经够近了
Your birthday isn’t until tomorrow. – But it’s real close.
是的 但是午夜前你得不到礼物 – 噢 见鬼
But no presents until midnight.
Happy birthday.
这是什么?这是礼物吗? 你开玩笑吧?
What is this? Is this a present? Are you kidding?
是啊 咳 你为什么不试着穿上?
Yeah. Why don’t you try it on?
这更像是送给你的礼物 是的 但是… – 试试 它可使我们的性生活延长十年
This is more like a present for you. – It’ll add ten years to our sex life.
啊哈 是啊 别做梦了
Yeah. Forget it.
Here’s a real present.
噢 是吗?这又是什么?让我看看 – 打开看看
What is this anyway? – Check it out.
噢 天哪 你知道我想要这个 天哪 太棒了 天哪
You knew I wanted this. God, it’s terrific!
那就戴上手表 还有那玩意儿 那就完美了
Just put on the watch and that thing. It’ll be perfect.
Seems like
Old times
Having you
To walk with
Seems like
Old times
Having you to walk with
And it’s still a thrill
Just to have my arms
Around you
Still the thrill
That it was the day
I found you
Seems like
Old times
Dinner dates and flowers
Old times
Staying up all hours
Making dreams come true
Doing things we used
To do
Seems like
Old times
Here with
Thank you.
You were sensational.
我是说 你知道 我跟你说过 如果你坚持下去 你会成功的…
I told you if you stuck to it, you would be great and-
你知道 你唱得非常具有感染力
You were sensational.
噢 是啊 艾尔维 我是说他们都是很棒的观众
Yeah, they were a terrific audience.
我是说 你知道 那让我真的很放松 因为我可以…呃?
It makes it easy for me, because I can be-
抱歉打扰了 嗨 我是托尼·雷西 – 噢 你好
Excuse me. Hi, I’m Tony Lacey.
我们只是想过来说一下 我们真的非常 欣赏你的表演 – 是吗?真的吗?噢
We wanted to say we enjoyed your set. – Yeah? Really?
我认为唱的很有乐感 我非常喜欢
I thought it was very musical. I liked it a lot.
那真太好了 天哪 非常感谢
That’s really nice. Thanks a lot.
Are you recording? Are you with any label?
我?没有 还没有
Me? No, not at all.
那么如果你有时间的话 我想找个机会跟你谈谈这个
I’d like to talk to you about that sometime if you get a chance.
Possibly working together.
噢 那太好了 噢 对了 这是艾尔维·辛格 你认识艾尔维吗?这是托尼·雷西
That’s nice. This is Alvy Singer. Do you know Alvy?
不 我不认识 但是我知道你的作品 我非常喜欢你的表演
I don’t, but I know your work. I’m a big fan of yours.
非常感谢 认识你很高兴 – 这位是肖恩 还有鲍勃和佩特罗尼娅
This is Shawn, Bob and Petronia.
我们要回”皮埃尔饭店” 我们住在”皮埃尔饭店”
We’re going back to the Pierre…
我们要去见杰克(尼克尔森)和安杰丽卡(休斯顿) 大家一起喝一杯
and we’re going to meet Jack and Angelica for a drink.
如果你们愿意加入 我们非常欢迎
If you’d like to come, we’d love to have you.
我们可以一起坐下来聊聊 没什么 没什么大事
We can sit and talk. Not a big deal.
只是放松一下 会很醇熟的
Just relax, be very mellow.
Remember we had that thing?
What thing?
你不记得我们讨论过的那件事? 我们在…
Remember we discussed that thing?
那件事? – 对 我们讨…
噢 那件事 噢 那件事…对…对
Oh, the thing! Oh, the thing. Yeah.
噢 那么如果你们不方便 不能去 那也没事儿
Well, if it’s inconvenient, that’s fine, too.
我们换个时间再谈 或许你们会去西海岸(洛杉矶) 我们可以在那儿相见聚一聚
We’ll do it another time. If you’re on the coast, we’ll get together there.
你唱得真不错 我真的很欣赏 – 噢 天哪
It was a wonderful set. I really enjoyed it.
很高兴遇见你们 晚安 – 再见 再见
Nice to have met you. Good night.
你怎么了? 你想参加他们的聚会?
What’s the matter? You want to go to that party?
我不知道 我想或许会很好玩
I don’t know. I thought it might be fun.
你知道我的意思 结识些新朋友也不错啊
It would be nice to meet some new people.
我想我过不了一个醇熟的夜晚 因为我对醇熟的反应不怎么好 你知道
I don’t think I could take a mellow evening. I don’t respond well to mellow.
如果我太醇熟了 那我会因为太熟了而烂掉的
If I get too mellow, I ripen and rot.
你知道 那对我不… – 行了 行了
It’s not good for my- – All right.
你不想去参加聚会 那么你想干点什么呢?
You don’t want to go to the party. What do you want to do?
(《悲伤和怜悯》) 犹太战争狂人和巴黎的大财阀们
那天的布鲁克林之行是我所记得的 最后一天真正快乐的时光
That day in Brooklyn was the last day I remember having a good time.
我们之间再也没有了欢笑 这就是问题 – 我情绪不稳 经常闷闷不乐
We never have any laughs anymore. – I’ve been moody and dissatisfied.
你们经常睡在一起吗? – 你们经常做♥爱♥吗?
How often do you sleep together? – Do you have sex often?
几乎很少 可能一周三次吧
Hardly ever. Maybe three times a week.
非常频繁 我要说一周有三次 可是好像隔个一夜 艾尔维就想要
Constantly. I’d say three times a week. Like the other night, Alvy wanted sex.
She would not sleep with me the other night.
不知道 要是六个月前我可能还会顺着他 只是为了让他高兴
I don’t know. Six months ago I would have done it just to please him.
我试了各种办法 你知道
I tried everything.
我放上轻柔的音乐 还有我的红灯泡
I put on soft music and my red light bulb.
有意思的是…我是说自从来和你交谈以后 我觉得我应该对自己的感情负责
Since our discussions here, I feel I have a right to my own feelings.
我想你可能会感到高兴 因为我现在变得有主见了
I think you would have been happy, because I really asserted myself.
最让人难以置信的是 我付钱让她去看心理医生
The incredible thing is, I’m paying for her analysis…
她进展顺利 而我却快完蛋了
she’s making progress, and I’m getting screwed.
但是我不知道 我是说我深感内疚 因为是艾尔维出的钱让我来看的
I feel so guilty, because Alvy is paying for it.
所以说我真的会很内疚 要是我不和他睡在一起的话
So I feel guilty if I don’t sleep with him.
但是如果我和他睡在一起 那又好像是违背了我自己的感情
But if I do sleep with him, it’s like I’m going against my own feelings.
她有了进展 可我没任何进展 – 我不知道 我不可能赢
I’m not making any progress. – I can’t win.
Sometimes I think I should live with a woman
哇噢 我不相信 你是说你们两个从没吸过可♥卡♥因♥?
I don’t believe it. You guys have never snorted coke?
嗯 我一直想试试 你知道 但是艾尔维总是强烈反对
I always wanted to try, but Alvy’s very down on it.
别怪我好吧 我可不愿意 把一大包白粉填进我的鼻子
Don’t put it on me. I don’t want to put a wad of white powder in my nose.
There’s the nasal membrane.
你从不想尝试新鲜的东西 艾尔维 – 你怎么能这样说?
You never want to try anything new. – How can you say that?
我有一次提出 你、我、还有你表演班上的那个女孩 我们三个睡在一起
I said you, I and that girl from acting class should sleep together.