Annie’s mother is really beautiful.
And they’re talking swap meets and boat basins.
坐在桌子那头的老太太是个 一流的犹太讨厌者
The old lady at the end of the table is a classic Jew-hater.
他们给人感觉是标准的美国人 你知道 身体健壮 好像他们从不生病似的
They really look American, healthy, like they never get sick or anything.
和我的家庭完全不同 两家可以说是油和水互不相容
Nothing like my family. The two are like oil and water.
啊 让他去死吧 谁稀罕他的生意啊?
Ah, let him drop dead. Who needs his business?
他老婆可有糖尿病啊 – 糖尿病?那可以作为借口吗?糖尿病?
His wife has diabetes. – Diabetes? Is that an excuse?
那男人已经五十岁了 也没有正经工作
The man is 50 years old and doesn’t have a substantial job.
Is that a reason to steal from your partner?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.
乔治 为他辩护
Defend him!
Pass the brisket.
莫·莫斯科维茨 他有冠心病
Mo Moskowitz. He had a coronary.
别瞎说 You don’t say!
你们怎么过假日呢 辛格太太?
How do you plan to spend the holidays, Mrs. Singer?
我们斋戒 – 斋戒?
We fast. – Fast?
不吃东西 你知道 为了赎罪
No food. You know, to atone for our sins.
What sins? I don’t understand.
跟你老实说吧 我们也搞不懂
Neither do we.
嗨 杜温 你怎么样?
Hi, Duane. How’s it going?
这是我的屋子 – 哦 是吗? 很不错啊
This is my room. – Oh, yeah? It’s terrific.
Can I confess something?
我告诉你这个 是因为你是个艺术家 我想你应该会理解
I tell you this, because, as an artist, I think you’ll understand.
Sometimes when I’m driving…
on the road at night…
我看见迎面的两束车前灯朝我过来 很快
I see two headlights coming toward me, fast.
我有种即刻的冲动 想疾速地拐一下方向盘
I have this impulse to turn the wheel quickly…
head-on into the oncoming car.
I can anticipate the explosion.
The sound of shattering glass.
The flames rising out of the flowing gasoline.
嗯 我现在得走了 杜温 因为我该回到地球上去了
I have to go now, Duane, because I’m due back on the planet Earth.
别太长时间了 – 不会的
Don’t let it be so long now.
去看看比利叔叔 答应我 – 他很可爱的
Look up Uncle Billy, promise. – He is adorable.
你现在送他们去机场 是吗? – 不 不 杜温可以送
You’ll take them to the airport now? – No. Duane can.
我还没喝完呢 – 是的 杜温去吧 我马上回…
I haven’t finished my drink. – Yes, Duane is. I’ll be right-
你跟踪我 我不敢相信
You followed me. I can’t believe it!
我没跟踪你 – 你跟踪我了
I didn’t follow you. – You followed me!
为什么啊?因为我走在你后面 隔着个街区盯着你?那不叫跟踪
Because I was walking a block behind staring at you? That’s not following.
那你说什么是”跟踪”? – 跟踪不是这样的 我这叫盯梢
What’s your definition of “following”? – Following is different. I was spying.
Do you realize how paranoid you are?
妄想狂?我看到你了 你用你的双臂揽着另一个家伙
Paranoid? I’m looking at you, and you’ve got your arms around another guy.
That is the worst kind of paranoid!
天哪 我一开始并不想盯你的梢 我以为会给你个惊喜 在你下课后去接你
I didn’t start out spying. I thought I’d surprise you, pick you up after school.
哦 是啊 是你希望我们保持这样 有弹性的关系的 还记得吗?这是你的原话?
You wanted to keep the relationship flexible, remember? It’s your phrase.
噢 拜托 你要和你的大学教授插上一腿了
You’re having an affair with your college professor!
那个混♥蛋♥教什么《西方男人的当代危机》 这都是什么垃圾课程啊 简直难以置信
That jerk that teaches that crap course, “Contemporary Crisis in Western Man. ”
是《俄♥国♥文学中的存在主义主题》好吧 你说的真靠谱啊
Existential Motifs in Russian Literature. You’re really close.
有啥子区别嘛 反正都是些精神上的自渎
What’s the difference? It’s all mental masturbation.
噢 是啊 我们终于聊到 你有所了解的题目了
Now we’re getting to a subject you know something about.
咳 别贬低自渎 那是和我爱的人做♥爱♥
Don’t knock masturbation. It’s sex with someone I love.
我们没有一腿 他结过婚 只是他认为我比较优雅
We’re not having an affair. He’s married. He happens to think I’m neat.
“优雅” 你还是十二岁吗? 那是你齐佩瓦瀑布的用词之一
Are you 12 years old? That’s one of your Chippewa Falls expressions.
Who cares?
接下来他会发现你很热情、你很漂亮 接下来 他把他的手搭在你的屁♥股♥上
Next he’ll find you’re keen and peachy. Then he’ll have his hand on your ass.
自从我跟你提到大卫 你就一直对他充满敌意
You’ve had hostility towards David ever since I mentioned him.
“大卫”?你喊你老师大卫? – 那是他名字
You call your teacher David? – It’s his name.
嗯 听着 这是个好《圣经》里的名字 对吗? 那他叫你什么?拔示巴(大卫王之妻、所罗门王之母)?
It’s a Biblical name, right? Does he call you Bathsheba?
艾尔维 艾尔维 是你从来不想对我真正负责
Alvy, you’re the one who never wanted to make a real commitment.
你认为我不够聪明 我们上个月才为此争吵过
You don’t think I’m smart enough. We had that argument last month…
or don’t you remember that day?
我回来了 – 噢 是啊 怎么样?
I’m home! – How’d it go?
感觉很怪 不过她人很好
It was really weird, but she’s a very nice woman.
她没让我躺在睡椅上 艾尔维 她让我坐在那儿
I didn’t have to lie on the couch. She had me sitting up.
然后我告诉她我的家庭 我对男人的感觉
I told her about the family and my feelings towards men…
and my relationship with my brother.
然后她提到了”阴♥茎♥羡慕” 你知道那是什么吗?
Then she mentioned penis envy. Do you know about that?
我?我是为数不多的深受其害的男性之一 所以 你知道…你接着说 我很感兴趣
I’m one of the few males who suffers from that. Go on.
她说我对自己经常想结婚生子的冲动 怀有很深的负罪感
She said I was guilty about my impulses towards marriage and children.
然后我就记起了当我还是小孩时 有一次无意中撞见我父母在做♥爱♥
I remembered, when I was a kid, I accidentally saw my parents making love.
真的吗?所有这些在第一个小时里就发生了吗? 真太不可思议了
All this happened the first hour? That’s amazing.
我看了十五年心理医生了 你知道 我没有这样的经历
I’ve been going for 15 years. I don’t have nothing like that.
我告诉她我的梦 然后我就哭了
I told her my dream, and then I cried.
你哭了?我一次都没哭过 真是太奇妙了
You cried. I’ve never once cried. That’s fantastic to me.
我呜咽 我坐在那儿呜呜咽咽
I whine. I sit and I whine.
艾尔维 在我的梦里 弗兰克·辛纳特拉 拿着个枕头压在我脸上
In my dream, Frank Sinatra is holding this pillow across my face…
and I can’t breathe.
辛纳特拉? – 是的 他想闷死我
He’s strangling me.
别开玩笑了 噢对了 是的 他是个歌♥手 你也是个歌♥手 你知道 这就对了
Sure, because he’s a singer, and you’re a singer. It’s perfect.
你试图闷死你自己 这就很说得通了
You’re trying to suffocate yourself. It makes perfect sense.
That’s a perfect analytic insight.
她说那是你 你的名字艾尔维·辛格
She said your name was Alvy Singer.
你什么意思 我? – 是啊 是啊 你
What do you mean, me? – Yeah, you.
因为在梦里 我打碎了辛纳特拉的眼镜
Because in the dream, I break Sinatra’s glasses.
辛纳特拉戴…你刚才没说辛纳特拉戴眼镜 那么你是说我想闷死你?
You never said Sinatra had glasses. Are you saying I’m suffocating you?
噢 老天 艾尔维 我对他做了件真正可怕的事
God, I did this really terrible thing to him…
因为他在我梦里演唱时 他的声音高得离奇
because then when he sang, it was in this real high-pitch voice.
医生说什么? – 她说我或许应该一周去看五次
What’d the doctor say? – I should come five times a week.
你知道吗?我一点也不介意去做精神分♥析♥ 唯一的问题是 这会不会改变我的妻子?
I don’t think I mind analysis at all. The question is, will it change my wife?
会不会改变你的妻子? – 会不会改变我的生活?
Will it change your wife? – Will it change my life?
但你说的是”会不会改变我的妻子” – 不 我说的是”会不会改变我的生活”
But you said “wife. ” – No, I said “life. ”
不 你说”会不会改变…”妻子 – “生活” 我说的是”生活”
No, you said “wife. ” – “Life!” I said “life. ”
她说的是”会不会改变我的妻子” 你们都听到的 因为你们刚才也在这儿 我没不正常吧
She said “wife. ” You heard that, because you were there. I’m not crazy.
艾尔维 然后我告诉她我认为 你从来没把我认真地当回事儿
Then I told her I didn’t think you’d ever take me seriously
because you don’t think I’m smart enough.
你为什么老是这样说? 因为我鼓励你去修成人教育课程?
Why do you bring that up? Because I encourage you to take adult education?
我认为那是件极好的事 你会遇上许多很好的、有意思的教授
It’s a wonderful thing. You meet wonderful, interesting professors.
成人教育都是废物垃圾 大学教授 都是超级骗子 你怎么受得了的嘛
Adult education is junk. The professors are phony. How can you do it?
我不管你怎么说大卫, 她是个很好的老师
I don’t care what you say about David. He’s a fine teacher.
And why are you following me around?
We should call this relationship quits.
很好 很好 太棒了 你看 我不知道我哪边做错了
That’s fine. That’s great. I don’t know what I did wrong.
不知怎么的 她就对我冷了下来 是因为我做错什么了吗?
Somewhere she cooled off to me. Is it something that I did?
你根本没做错什么 大家都这样子的 爱会消退
It’s never something you do. That’s how people are. Love fades.
爱会消退 天哪 这真是个令人沮丧的想法
Love fades. God, that’s a depressing thought.
我想问你个问题 先别急着走
I have to ask you a question. Don’t go any further.
你和你妻子在床上时 她需不需要某种人造的东西来刺♥激♥一下
With your wife, in bed, does she need some kind of artificial stimulation
like marijuana?
We use a large vibrating egg.
A large vibrating egg.
得 我去问个精神病人 也可以得到这样的答案 天哪
I ask a psychopath, I get that kind of answer. Jesus!
这两位 你们看上去像是很幸福的一对
You look like a very happy couple.
是吗? – 是啊
Are you? – Yeah.
How do you account for it?
嗯 我很浅薄和空洞 我没什么想法
I’m very shallow and empty, and I have no ideas…
and nothing interesting to say.
我跟她完全一样 – 我明白了
I’m exactly the same way. – I see.
非常有意思 这么说你们找对某种路子了 是吗?
That’s interesting. So you’ve managed to work out something?
那么 非常感谢你们跟我谈话
Thanks for talking to me.
你知道 甚至在我小的时候 我就总是 找错女人 我想我的问题就出在这里
Even as a kid, I went for the wrong women. I think that’s my problem.
When my mother took me to see Snow White…
人人都爱上了白雪公主 而我却对刻毒的皇后一见倾心
everyone fell in love with Snow White, and I fell for the wicked queen.
我们再也不会有任何快乐了 – 你怎么能这样说?
We never have any fun anymore. – How can you say that?
为什么不能? 你总是寄希望于我改善自己
Why not? You’re always leaning on me to improve myself.
你又心烦了 你一定又来例假了
You’re upset. You must be getting your period.
我没有例假 我是个卡♥通♥人物 我就不能偶尔心烦一下吗?
I don’t get a period. I’m a cartoon character. Can’t I be upset sometimes?
麦克斯 你能不能把安妮忘了我认识很多女人你可以约会
Max, forget about Annie. I know lots of women you can date.
I don’t want to go out with other women.