Why not?
I don’t like to get naked in front of another man.
噢 我明白了
I see.
I don’t like to show my body to a man of my gender.
是啊 我想我明白了 – 你不知道会不会发生什么意外的事情
I see, I guess. – You never know what’s going to happen.
看了十五年心理医生 哈? – 十五年了 是啊
15 years, huh? – 15 years, yeah.
God bless.
是啊 嗯…
Well! Well-
你是那种格莱美·霍尔 会称为”十足的犹太人”的人
You’re what Grammy Hall would call “a real Jew. ”
噢 谢谢
Thank you.
她讨厌犹太人 在她眼里犹太人只会赚钱
She hates Jews. She thinks they just make money.
但是我可以告诉你 她自己就是 这样跟你说:嗜钱如命
But she’s the one, is she ever. I’m telling you.
那么 里面的那些照片是你自己拍的吗?
So, did you do those photographs in there?
是的 我只是随便玩玩而已 你知道(随便玩玩?听听你自己都说的啥 笨蛋 )
I dabble? Listen to me. What a jerk. Yeah, I sort of dabble around, you know.
拍得不错 很有特性 (你是个漂亮的姑娘)
You are a great-looking girl. They’re wonderful. They have a quality.
是吗 我倒愿意参加一个正规的摄影课程 (也许他会认为我很愚蠢)
He probably thinks I’m a yo-yo. Well, I would like to take a serious photography course.
摄影很有意思 因为…
Photography’s interesting because…
I wonder what she looks like naked. it’s a new art form. A set of aesthetic criteria have not emerged yet.
美学标准?你的意思是如何判断一幅摄影的好坏,是吗?(我在他眼里一定显得很笨 认了吧)
I’m not smart enough for him. Hang in there. You mean whether it’s a good photo or not?
I don’t know what I’m saying. She senses I’m shallow. The medium enters in as a condition of the art form itself.
嗯 对我来说 我的意思是…都是出于直觉(老天 我希望他别像其他人一样到头来也是一个混♥蛋♥)
God, I hope he doesn’t turn out to be a schmuck like the others. Well, to me- I mean- It’s all instinctive.
我只是试着去感觉 试着去把握 而并没有考虑得太多
I just try to feel it, to get a sense of it and not think about it so much.
问题是 从社会的角度来看 你还是需要些审美的导向的 我想 (天哪 我的话听上去像是调频广播 放松点 )

Christ, I sound like FM radio. Relax. Still, you need aesthetic guidelines to put it in social perspective.
我不知道 我想你是不是快要迟到啦
I don’t know. I mean, I guess you must be sort of late.
你知道 我马上可以 开始到医生那里大倒苦水了
You know, I’ve got to get there and begin whining soon.
Are you busy Friday night?
我?噢 没有
Me? Oh, no.
噢 对不起 等等 我有事 星期六晚上呢?
Oh, I’m sorry, I have something. What about Saturday night?
没有 没事
Nothing. No, no.
我可以看出来 你可真够受欢迎的哈 (反话)
You’re very popular, I can see.
我知道 – 怎么?你有瘟疫?
I know. – You have plague?
I meet a lot of jerks.
I meet a lot of jerks, too.
I’m thinking about getting some cats.
噢 等一下 不 不 噢 见鬼
Wait a second! No, no! Oh, shoot!
Saturday night, I’m going to sing.
You’re going to sing? You sing? No kidding!
这是我第一次演唱 – 真的吗?在哪儿啊?
This is my first time. – Really? Where?
I’d like to come.
不 不 我只是… – 我很有兴趣
I’m interested. – No, no. I’m just a-
我只是在那家夜♥总♥会♥试唱一下 是我的第一次
I’m auditioning at this club. It’s my first time.
没事的 因为我知道夜♥总♥会♥是怎么回事
That’s okay, ’cause I know exactly what that’s like.
听着 你会喜欢夜♥总♥会♥的 真的会很有乐趣的
You’re going to like nightclubs. They’re really a lot of fun.
It had to be you
It had to be you
我四处徘徊 最终发现
I wandered around And finally found
This somebody who
Could make me be true
Could make me be blue
And even be glad
Just to be sad
Thinking of you
我糟透了 我真丢脸 我根本不会唱歌♥
I was awful! I’m so ashamed! I can’t sing.
So the audience was a tad restless.
你什么意思 “一丁点不安分”? 噢 我的上帝啊 他们讨厌我
What do you mean, “a tad restless”? My God, they hated me!
不 他们没讨厌你 你的声音很棒的
No, they didn’t. You have a wonderful voice.
我打算放弃了 – 我不会让你放弃的
I’m going to quit. – I’m not going to let you.
你的声音很美妙 – 真的吗?你真这样想的?
You have a great voice. – Do you think so, really?
真的 非常出色 – 你知道吗?我甚至从没上过这方面的课
Yeah! It’s terrific. – I never even took a lesson either.
听着 听着 吻我一下 – 真的吗?
Listen, give me a kiss. – Really?
为什么不?因为我们会呆到 很晚才回家 是吗?
Why not? Because we’re just going to go home later.
我们还没接过吻 所以总有些不自在
There’s going to be all that tension. We’ve never kissed before.
I’ll never know when to make the right move.
所以我们现在吻一下 就可以克服掉紧张 然后我们就可以去吃饭了 行吗?
We’ll kiss now and get it over with, and then we’ll go eat. Okay?
We’ll digest our food better.
好 现在我们可以去消化食物了
Okay? Now we can digest our food.
Corned beef, please.
I’m having pastrami on white bread…
with mayonnaise, tomatoes and lettuce.
那么 你第二任妻子离开了你
So, your second wife left you.
Were you depressed about that?
没什么 吃一点强力维他命就好了
Nothing that a few mega-vitamins couldn’t cure.
你的第一个妻子 爱丽森? – 对 她很好
Your first wife, Allison. – She was nice.
但是 你知道 那是我的错 我太疯狂了
That was my fault. I was too crazy.
感觉真好 感觉真好
That was so nice! That was nice.
As Balzac said, “There goes another novel. ”
You were great.
噢 是吗?是吗?
Oh, yeah? Yeah?
是的 我失魂落魄了 – 你失魂落魄了
Yeah, I’m wrecked. – You’re wrecked.
真的 我再也不弹钢琴了
I mean it. I’ll never play the piano again.
我不知道 你真的认为很棒吗?
It was, I don’t know. You really thought it was good?
很棒?是的 岂止很棒 这简直是我获得的 不发出笑声的最大的乐趣了
Good? Yes. No, that was the most fun I’ve had without laughing.
给 想吸一口吗?
Here, you want some?
不 我不用任何大的致幻药
No, I don’t use any major hallucinogenics.
因为我以前吸过一次 大概五年前在一次聚会上
I took a puff about five years ago at a party…
结果是我试图把我的裤子从头上脱下来 卡在我的一只耳朵上了
and tried to take my pants off over my head.
我不知道 我也不经常吸 只是有时想放松一下自己
I don’t do it very often. It just sort of relaxes me.
可能有点难以置信 但是… – 怎么?怎么啦?
You won’t believe this, but- – What?
咳 我要给你买♥♥这两本书
I’m going to buy you these books…
因为我认为你应该读这些书 而不是什么养猫经
because I think you should read them instead of that cat book.
That’s pretty serious stuff.
是的 因为你知道 我对死亡很着迷 我想是的
I’m obsessed with death, I think.
这对我来说是个很重要的主题 我对人生的看法非常悲观
It’s a big subject with me. I have a pessimistic view of life.
如果你想和我在一起 你就应该了解我的这方面
You should know this about me if we’re going to go out.
我觉得人生可以划分为 “可怕”和”可悲”两种
I feel that life is divided up into the horrible and the miserable.
就是这两种类别 你知道
Those are the two categories.
“可怕”包括那些 我不知道 绝症病人啊、盲人啊、残疾人啊
The horrible would be like terminal cases and blind people, cripples.
我不知道他们怎样度过这一生 简直不可思议 你知道
I don’t know how they get through life. It’s amazing to me.
And the miserable is everyone else.
因此你在度过这一生时 应该感到庆幸自己是个”可悲”的人
So when you go through life, be thankful that you’re miserable.
You’re very lucky to be miserable.
瞧那边那个家伙 他是”粉红衣服”先生 他是”迈阿密海滩”先生
Look at that guy. There’s Mr. Miami Beach in the pink.
He’s just come back from the gin rummy finals.
He placed third.
瞧那两个家伙 那么开心 他们才从火岛回来
Look at these guys. That’s hilarious. They’re back from Fire Island.
They’re sort of giving it a chance romantically.
噢 这个是意大利人 对吗? – 他?对 他是黑♥手♥党♥
Italian, right? – Him? He’s the Mafia.
亚麻供应商或混凝土及工程承包商 我猜是
Linen supply business or cement and contracting.
“噢 天哪 我应该在胡子上上点蜡的”
Oh, gee, mess up my moustache wax.
There’s the winner of the Truman Capote look-alike contest.
你极度地性感 难以置信地性感 是的 你是的 – 不 才不是呢
You are unbelievably sexy. Yes, you are.
因为你知道你怎么样吗? 你有”多种形态的乖张反常”
You know what you are? You’re polymorphously perverse.
那是什么意思? 我不知道那是什么
What does that mean? I don’t know what that is.
You’re exceptional in bed…
因为当我碰到你身体的任何一部分时 你都会有快♥感♥
because you get pleasure in every part of your body when I touch it.
譬如你的鼻尖 如果我敲你的牙齿 或拍你的膝盖
Like the tip of your nose, and if I stroke your teeth or your knee caps…
you certainly get excited.
你知道吗?我喜欢你 我真的很喜欢你
You know what? I like you, I really do.
但是你爱不爱我? 这才是关键问题
But do you love me? That’s the key question.
I know you’ve only known me a short while.
我想那是…是的 是的
I think that’s sort of- Yeah, yeah.
Do you love me?
“爱”是一个太弱的词—— 我”嗳”你 你知道
Love is too weak a word for what- I “lurve” you.
我”暧”你 我”瞹”你 “口”越来越多 是的 我得发明点…
I “loave” you. I “luff” you, with two “f”s.
我当然是的 你不觉得吗?
Of course I do. Don’t you think I do?
I don’t know.
你什么意思? 你不是想放弃你自己的公♥寓♥吧 是吗?
What do you mean? You’re not going to give up your own apartment, are you?
我想放弃 – 但是 为什么啊?
Of course. – But why?
我搬来和你一起住啊 这就是为什么
I’m moving in with you, that’s why.
但是你的公♥寓♥不错啊 – 我的公♥寓♥很小
But you have a nice apartment. – I have a tiny apartment.