我太紧张了 我要吃一片安定
I’m too tense. I need a Valium.
My analyst says I should live in the country and not in New York.
我不能住在…我们不能老是讨论这个话题 乡间让我神经紧张
We can’t have this discussion all the time. The country makes me nervous.
蟋蟀到处乱爬 安静得要死 晚饭后也没地方散步
You’ve got crickets. It’s quiet. There’s no place to walk after dinner.
There’s the screens with the dead moths behind them.
You got the Manson family, possibly. You got Dick and Perry.
行了 打住 医生只是说我太精神紧张了 他妈的我的的安定在哪儿?
Okay! My analyst just thinks I’m too tense! Where’s the goddamn Valium?
好了 现在安静下来了 我们可以重新开始
Okay, it’s quiet now. We can get started again.
不行 我的头在抽抽
I can’t! My head is throbbing.
你头痛了? – 我头痛
You got a headache? – I have a headache!
厉害吗? – 像《群鬼》(易卜生戏剧)里的奥斯瓦尔德(患性病而死)
Bad? – Like Oswald in Ghosts.
上帝啊 – 你去哪儿?
Jesus. – Where are you going?
I’m going to take another in a series of cold showers.
麦克斯 我的发球会让你早点回来洗澡
Max, my serve is going to send you to the showers early.
行啊 行啊 还是先回到我们刚才谈论的话题吧
Right. To get back to what we were discussing.
The failure of the country to get behind New York City is anti-Semitism.
麦克斯 这座城市搞得很差劲啊
Max, the city is terribly run.
我不是在讨论政♥治♥或者经济 那只是包皮
I’m not discussing politics or economics. This is foreskin.
你逃脱得也太轻巧了, 每当有人跟你的意见相左 你都把它归为反犹主义
That’s a convenient out. When some group disagrees with you, it’s anti-Semitism.
The rest of the country looks upon New York…
好像我们都是些左翼的共♥产♥主义的犹太人 而且还是同性恋的色情狂?
like we’re left-wing, communist, Jewish, homosexual pornographers.
连我有时候都这样看我们自己了 况且我还生活在这儿呢
I think of us that way sometimes, and I live here.
麦克斯 如果我们生活在加利福尼亚 那么我们就可以天天在阳光下做户外运动了
Max, if we lived in California, we could play outdoors every day in the sun.
阳光对你没什么好处 我们的父母说是好的东西没有一件是好的
Sun is bad for you. Everything our parents said was good is bad.
阳光、牛奶、牛羊肉、大学 统统无益
Sun, milk, red meat, college.
我知道 但是我…
哎呀 他来了
Egad, here he comes.
You know Alvy? This is Janet.
这是安妮·霍尔 – 这是艾尔维
This is Annie Hall. – This is Alvy.
谁跟谁玩呢? – 你和我对她们俩?
Who’s playing with who here? – You and me against them?
这不公平 – 我打得不好
That’s not fair. – I can’t play too good.
I’ve had four lessons.
你打得很好 – 哦 是吗?你也是
You play very well. – Oh, yeah? So do you!
天哪 这样说话真的好傻
God, what a dumb thing to say.
你说”你打得很好” 我马上要回一句”你打得很好”
You say “You play well,” and right away I have to say, “You play well. ”
噢 天哪 安妮
Oh, God, Annie.
嗯 噢 那好
Well. Oh, well!
啦-嘀-哒 啦-嘀-哒 啦啦…
You want a lift?
噢 什么?你有车吗?
Oh, why? You got a car?
没有 我是想叫辆出租
No, I was going to take a cab.
噢 不用了 我有车
Oh, no. I have a car.
You have a car?
那么我有点不明白 你如果有车
If you have a car…
你怎么还问:”你有车吗?” 听起来像是你想搭我的车
then why did you say, “Do you have a car” like you wanted a lift?
天哪 我不知道 我没想…噗…
Geez, I don’t know. I wasn’t-
I got this VW out there.
What a jerk.
Would you like a lift?
当然好 你往哪儿走? – 我?噢 我上市中心
Sure. Which way are you going? – Me? Oh, downtown.
I’m going uptown.
噢 我也上市区外
Oh, I’m going uptown, too.
你不是说你上市中心吗? – 噢 是的 可是我也可以…
You said you were going downtown. – Yeah, well
我也可以上市区外 我住在市区外 但是…
I can go uptown, too. I live uptown.
怎么了?有个人做伴感觉好点 你知道 我讨厌一个人驾车
What the hell? It would be nice having company. I hate driving alone.
那么你认识珍妮特多长时间了? 在哪儿认识她的?
How long do you know Janet? Where do you know her from?
我上她的表演课 – 啊 你是演员
I’m in her acting class. – You’re an actress!
嗯 我拍点广♥告♥啥的
Well, I do commercials, sort of.
你小心看着点路 你不是纽约人 对吗?
You want to watch the road? You’re not from New York, right?
齐佩瓦瀑布市 – 是啊
Chippewa Falls. – Right.
哪儿? – 威斯康星
Where? – Wisconsin.
你开得有点快哈 – 别担心 我车开得很好
You’re driving a tad rapidly. – Don’t worry. I’m a very good driver.
你想吃口香糖吗? – 不 谢谢
You want some gum? – No, thanks.
它们放哪儿去了? – 别 别 别那样 看着点路
Where is it? – Don’t do that. No, no, watch the road.
我自己来 你专心驾车 行吗?
I’ll get it. Concentrate, will ya?
我来给你一颗 – 我说 你开车吗?
I’ll get you a piece. – Listen. You drive?
我开车吗? 不 我开不了车
Do I drive? No, I got a problem with driving.
是吗? – 是的
You do? – Yeah.
我有驾照 但是我有种抗拒心理
I got a license, but I have too much hostility.
你的车不错 要好好保养
Nice car. You keep it nice.
我能问你一下 这是三明治吗? – 噢 是的
Can I ask you, is this a sandwich? – Oh, yeah.
我住在这儿 噢 我的上帝 快看 那儿有个空车位
I live over here. Oh, my God, look! There’s a parking space.
不要紧 我们可以从这儿走到马路沿上
That’s okay, we can walk to the curb from here.
你想拿着你的网球拍吗? 你想拿着你的用具吗?
You want your tennis stuff? You want your gear?
是的 很好 谢谢 非常感谢
Yeah. That’s good. Thanks. Thanks a lot. Well.
谢谢 – 谢谢
Thank you. – Thank you.
You’re a wonderful tennis player…
但是你的车开得 是我这辈子见到过的最糟的
and you’re the worst driver I’ve ever seen in my life.
任何地方最糟的 欧洲 英…任何地方 亚洲
Anyplace. Europe. Anyplace. Asia.
我喜欢你的穿着 – 哦 是吗?
I love what you’re wearing. – You do? Yeah.
嗯 这条领带是格莱美·霍尔给我的礼物
This tie is a present from Grammy Hall.
Who? Grammy Hall?
是的 我的格莱美奶奶
Yeah, my grammy.
What did you do, grow up in a Norman Rockwell painting? Your grammy?
我知道 是有点傻不啦叽的 对吗? – 天哪 我奶奶从没给过我礼物
It’s pretty silly, isn’t it? – My grammy never gave gifts.
She was too busy getting raped by Cossacks.
那么 再次谢谢你
Well, thank you again.
噢 好
Oh, yeah.
咳 听着 你想不想上去喝一杯或什么?
Listen. You want to come upstairs and have a glass of wine or something?
噢不 不是说你非得去 如果你已经有什么事要迟到了的话
No, I mean you don’t have to. You’re probably late and everything.
不 那太好了 我很乐意 真的
No, that would be fine. I wouldn’t mind. Sure.
我有时间 在我去见 我的心理医生之前 没什么事
I got time. I got nothing until my analyst appointment.
You see an analyst?
是啊 有十五年了 – 有十五年啦?
Just for 15 years. – 15 years?
我打算再让他看一年 再不行的话我就去卢尔德(法国小镇 天主教圣地)朝圣
I’m going to give him one more year, and then I’m going to Lourdes.
十五年?不 别逗了 是吗?真的?
15? Nah, come on! Yeah? Really?
希尔薇娅·普拉斯 很有个性的女诗人 她的自杀悲剧…
Sylvia Plath. Interesting poetess whose tragic suicide…
was misinterpreted as romantic by the college-girl mentality.
是啊 我不知道 我是说 她的有些诗看上去很优雅
Right. I don’t know. I mean, some of her poems seem neat.
Neat? I hate to tell you this is 1975.
你知道 “优雅”在本世纪初 就已经开始消亡了
Neat went out at the turn of the century.
Who are those photos on the wall?
噢 噢 你瞧…
Oh, you see…
那是我爹地 我父亲 那是我弟弟 杜温
that’s my dad, that’s Father, and that’s my brother, Duane.
是的 杜温 那边是格莱美·霍尔
Yeah, right. And over there’s Grammy Hall.
这是塞蒂 – 塞蒂是谁?
And that’s Sadie. – Who’s Sadie?
噢 呵呵 塞迪通过格莱美的哥哥乔治 认识的格莱美
Well, Sadie met Grammy through Grammy’s brother, George.
乔治人很好 但是他得了种病
George was real sweet. He had that thing.
那叫什么病来着?就是讲话讲到一半 你就会睡过去的那种?你知道吗?
What is that thing where you fall asleep in the middle of a sentence?
嗜眠症 – 嗜眠症 对
Narcolepsy. – Right.
是这样 乔治有一次去(退伍军人?)联合会 领免费的火鸡
So anyway, George went to the union to get his free turkey…
因为联合会总会在圣诞期间 发给乔治免费的火鸡
because the union always gave George this free turkey at Christmastime…
because he was shell-shocked in the first World War.
不管那么多了 乔治排在队伍中间
Anyway, so George is standing in line…
getting his free turkey…
但滑稽的是他突然就睡过去了 而且就再也没醒过来
but the thing is he falls asleep, and he never wakes up.
So he’s dead.
他死掉了 是啊
He’s dead. Yeah.
噢 天哪
Oh, dear.
嗯 很可怕 对吗?你认为呢?
Well, terrible, huh? Wouldn’t you say?
Pretty awful.
不过故事倒很精彩 我今天收获颇丰
It’s a great story, though. It really made my day.
我想我得走了 因为我觉得我可能影响到你了
I think I should get out of here, ’cause I think I’m imposing.
是吗?也许… – 你知道 我…
Really? Maybe-
你没必要急着走 我说 – 我知道 可是我浑身是汗
You don’t have to. – But I’m all perspired and everything.
Didn’t you take a shower at the club?
我?没有 我从来不在公共场合洗澡
No, no. I never shower in a public place.