I do! It’s for my girlfriend.
Make it out to Ralph.
你女朋友叫拉尔夫? – 那是给我弟弟的
Your girlfriend’s name is Ralph? – It’s for my brother.
你真是艾尔维·辛格 那个电视明星?
You’re really Alvy Singer, the TV star?
艾尔维·辛格在这儿 – 行了 行了 幽着点 伙计
Alvy Singer over here! – It’s all right, fellas.
天哪 你干什么去了? 绕过巴拿马运河才来?
Jesus, what did you do? Come by way of the Panama Canal?
我情绪不好 行了吧 – 我站在这儿碰到《教父》的演员了
I’m in a bad mood. – I’m here with the Godfather cast.
你应该学着怎样应付这种事 – 我正应付两个名叫”奇曲(纽约黑♥手♥党♥)”的家伙呢
Learn to deal with it. – I’m dealing with two guys named Cheech.
拜托 我头很疼 行了吧
Please, I have a headache.
你是情绪不好 肯定又来例假了吧
You are in a bad mood. You must be getting your period.
我没来例假 天哪
I’m not getting my period! Jesus!
每次稍有点不对劲 你都说我来例假了
Every time anything out of the ordinary happens, you think I have my period.
你还可以再喊响点 我想那边有一位没听到你说的
A little louder. I think one of them may have missed it.
电影开场了吗? 两分钟之前开始的
Has the picture started? – Two minutes ago.
得 别看了 我不想进去了
That’s it. Forget it. I can’t go in.
才两分钟 – 抱歉 我不想看了
Two minutes. – We’ve blown it already.
你知道 我不想放到一半了再入场
I can’t go in, in the middle.
放到一半? 我们只错过了片头字幕 而且还是瑞典语的
In the middle? We’ve only missed the titles. They’re in Swedish.
你想我们去喝两个小时的咖啡呢 还是怎样?
You want to get coffee for two hours?
两个小时?不 我要进去 – 那你去吧 再见
Two hours? No. I’m going in. – Go ahead. Good-bye.
要是我们不说那么多话 我们早就可以在里面了 你知道吗?
While we’re talking, we could be inside.
咳 我们能不能不站在这儿当众争吵? 我感到很难堪
Can we not argue in front of everybody? I get embarrassed.
好吧 好吧 那你想干什么? – 我不知道 你想换一部电影看吗?
All right. So what do you want to do? – I don’t know. Go to another movie?
我们去看《悲伤和怜悯》吧 – 算了吧 我们已经看过了
Let’s see The Sorrow and the Pity. – We’ve seen it.
我现在可没心情看一部四小时长的 有关纳粹的纪录片
I’m not in the mood to see a four hour documentary on Nazis.
抱歉 我不能…
I’m sorry.
我看电影必须是严格地从头到尾 因为我是”屁♥眼♥”(紧张刻板、注重细节)
I’ve got to see a picture exactly from start to finish, ’cause I’m anal.
哈哈 这个词用在你身上还真不过分
That’s a polite word for what you are.
我们上周二看了部费里尼的片子 不算他最好的作品
We saw the Fellini film last Tuesday. It is not one of his best.
It lacks a cohesive structure.
给你的感觉是他自己也不确定 到底想要表达什么
You get the feeling he’s not absolutely sure what it is he wants to say.
因为我一直认为他本质上只是一位 注重技巧的电影人
I’ve always felt he was essentially a technical filmmaker.
Granted La Strada was a great film.
之所以伟大是因为它将负面的意象用到了极致 但是 那简单的凝聚内核
Great in its use of negative imagery more than anything else.
受不了这家伙 我要晕过去了 – 不听他的就是了
I’m going to have a stroke. – Stop listening to him.
He’s screaming his opinions in my ear.
All that Juliet of the Spirits or Satyricon.
I found it incredibly indulgent.
He really is one of the most indulgent of filmmakers.
Key word here is “indulgent. ”
你为什么心情不好? – 我错过心理治疗了 我睡过头了
What are you depressed about? – I missed my therapy. I overslept.
How can you possibly oversleep?
The alarm clock.
你知道吗 在我看来你的 这种态度真的是充满敌意?
You know what a hostile gesture that is to me?
我知道 因为我们的性生活有问题 对吗?
I know. Because of our sexual problem, right?
Everybody in line has to know our rate of intercourse?
It’s like Samuel Beckett.
你知道 我赞赏他的技巧 但是他无法真正打动我(肚子上揍一拳)
I admire the technique, but it doesn’t hit me on a gut level.
我倒是希望在这家伙的肚子上揍上一拳 – 行了 艾尔维
I’d like to hit him on a gut level. – Stop it.
He’s spitting on my neck when he talks.
你知道吗? 你也太自我为中心了
You know something else? You’re so egocentric that
我错过了治疗 可你想着的只有 那会对你造成什么影响
if I miss my therapy you can only think of it in terms of how it affects you!
They’re probably on their first date.
Probably met by answering an ad in the New York Review of Books.
她对莫扎特、詹姆斯·乔伊斯 和鸡♥奸♥有兴趣 ”
你刚才说”我们的性生活有问题” 是什么意思?
What do you mean “our sexual problem”?
对于一个在布鲁克林长大的人来说 我还是比较正常的
I’m comparatively normal for a guy raised in Brooklyn.
非常抱歉 是我的性生活有问题 行了吧?我的性生活有问题
I’m sorry. My sexual problem. Okay? My sexual problem!
我没读过 那是亨利·詹姆斯的小说对吗?是《螺丝在旋紧》的续篇?”我的性…”
I never read that. That was Henry James’ sequel to Turn of the Screw?
It’s the influence of television.
马歇尔·麦克鲁恩(加拿大传媒学家) 称其为具有高♥强♥度
Marshall McLuhan deals with it in terms of it being a high intensity.
Do you understand? A hot medium.
What I wouldn’t give for a large sock with horse manure in it.
当你排在一动不动的买♥♥电影票的队列里 在你身后有这样一个家伙 你怎么办?
What do you do when you get stuck on a movie line with a guy like this?
真让人发疯 – 慢着 为什么 我不可以发表意见?这是一个自♥由♥的国家
Wait. Why can’t I give my opinion? It’s a free country!
他可以啊 你有必要这么大声喧哗吗?
He can. Do you have to give it so loud?
你不惭愧吗? 你那样的夸夸其谈 装腔作势?
Aren’t you ashamed to pontificate like that?
最逗的是 还…还马歇尔·麦克鲁恩呢 你压根就不知道谁是马歇尔·麦克鲁恩
The funny part is, you don’t know anything about Marshall McLuhan.
哦 真的吗?我碰巧在哥伦比亚大学 教一门课 名字是”电视、传媒、及文化”
I happen to teach a class at Columbia called “TV, Media and Culture. ”
我想我对麦克鲁恩先生的认识 还是非常站得住脚的
I think my insights into Mr. McLuhan have a great deal of validity.
哦 是吗?那太有趣了 因为麦克鲁恩先生碰巧也在这里
Do you? That’s funny, because I happen to have Mr. McLuhan right here.
因此 让我 让我… 你过来一下 现在告诉他
Just let me- Come over here. Tell him.
I heard what you were saying.
你对我的著作一点也不了解 你的意思是我的所有谬误都是错的
You know nothing of my work. You mean my whole fallacy is wrong.
你这样上课能教出什么东西? 简直太不可思议了
How you ever got to teach a course in anything is totally amazing!
哎 如果生活都像这样的话…
If life were only like this.
1940年6月14日 德军占领巴黎
June 14, 1940. The German army occupies Paris.
全国上下 人们急切地渴望听到、收到的哪怕点滴的消息
All over the country, people are desperate for food.
Those guys in the French Resistance were really brave.
他们不得不一直听 莫里斯·谢瓦利埃(法国谐星)唱歌♥
To have to listen to Maurice Chevalier sing so much.
是啊 有时我会问自己是否经受得住折磨
I know. Sometimes I ask myself how I’d stand up under torture.
You? You kidding?
盖世太保一收掉你的布鲁明戴尔信♥用♥卡♥ 你就会乖乖地全招了
The Gestapo would take away your charge card, and you’d tell ’em everything.
That movie makes me feel guilty.
是啊 因为本来就应该如此
It’s supposed to.
艾尔维 我… – 怎么了?
Alvy, I – What?
怎么了嘛 – 我…我不知道
What’s the matter?
这不对劲 我们睡在一张床上
It’s not natural. We’re sleeping in a bed together.
你看 已经很长时间了
It’s been a long time!
只是… 你看 我是说…
It’s just, I mean-
我明晚还要演唱 所以我想休息下嗓子
I’ve got to sing tomorrow night, so I have to rest my voice.
你总是有理由 你以前不是认为我很棒的嘛
It’s always some kind of an excuse. You used to think I was very sexy.
我们刚开始约会的时候 可是频繁亲热的
When we first started going out, we had sex constantly.
We’re probably listed in The Guiness Book of World Records.
艾尔维 过一阵子就好了 只是我最近这段时间就是不想 就是这样
It’ll pass. I’m going through a phase, that’s all.
你以前结过婚 你应该知道有的时候就是这样子的
You’ve been married before. You know how things can get.
一开始 你不也和爱丽森打得火热
You were very hot for Allison at first.
你知道你紧接着克里斯·布朗上场 大概二十分钟以后
You know that you’re on right after Chris Brown, in about 20 minutes.
对不起 我什么时候上?
Excuse me. When do I go on?
Who are you?
Alvy Singer.
我是演喜剧的 – 噢 喜剧演员 对
I’m the comedian. – Oh, comedian.
噢 你是下一个
Oh, you’re on next.
你什么意思 我是下一个?
What do you mean “next”?
我是说这个节目完了后 你就上场
You’re on right after this act.
不能啊 他也在演喜剧啊 – 是的
It can’t be, because he’s a comic. – Yes.
你是说你把两个喜剧节目排在一起啦? – 为什么不能?
You’re putting on two comics in a row? – Why not?
不 抱歉 我可不愿意接在 另一个喜剧演员后上场
No, I’m sorry. I’m not going to go on after another comedian.
没事的 – 不 因为他们一直在笑 我还是不上的好
It’s okay. – No. They’re laughing. I’d rather not.
你别那么紧张 行吗? 他们会喜欢你的 我保证
Will you relax, please? They’re going to love you.
我还是不上的好 因为 你瞧 他们正冲着他大笑呢
I know. I prefer not to. Look, they’re laughing at him.
你什么意思? 他们会一直笑个几分钟
What are you telling me? They’ll laugh at him a few minutes.
然后我也想要他们的笑声 他们还能再笑得出来吗?
Then I’ve got to get laughs, too. How much can they laugh?
他们都笑光了啊 – 你别这么激动行吗?
They’re laughed out. – Do you feel all right?
你叫什么名字? – 爱丽森
What’s your name? – Allison.
Yeah? Allison what?
普曲尼克?好名子 – 谢谢
Portchnik? That’s nice. – Thank you.
这么说 你一直在史蒂文森手下干?
So, you work for Stevenson all the time?
不 不 我正在做我的学位论文 – 论题是?
No. I’m doing my thesis. – On what?
Political commitment in 20th-century literature.
这么说你属于纽约犹太人 左翼自♥由♥派知识分子
You’re like New York Jewish, left-wing, intellectual
住在中♥央♥公园西街、上布兰德斯大学 参加社♥会♥主♥义♥夏令营
Central Park West, Brandeis University, socialist summer camps
父亲喜欢本·肖恩(犹太画家)的画 对吗?
and the father with the Ben Shahn drawings…
really strike-oriented-
如果你觉得我像个十足的白♥痴♥ 你尽可以打断我
Stop me before I make a complete imbecile of myself.
不 这太棒了 我喜欢被人简单地 从文化上划入某一类(反话)
That was wonderful! I love being reduced to a cultural stereotype.
是吗 我是个固执己见的人 左翼的
Right. I’m a bigot, but for the left.
我要出场了 说点鼓励的话 快
I have to go out there. Say something encouraging, quickly.