那么多漂亮女人 和她们调调情也很有趣
A lot of beautiful women. It was fun to flirt.
I have to face facts.
我喜欢艾尔维 但是我们的关系 看起来走入了死路
I adore Alvy, but our relationship doesn’t seem to work anymore.
我和安妮今晚在床上又要有 以往一样的麻烦了
I’ll have the usual trouble with Annie in bed tonight.
Why do I need this?
但愿我有足够的勇气提出分手 但是那样真的会很伤害他
If only I had the nerve to break up, but it would really hurt him.
但愿我不会感到内疚 如果我让安妮搬出去的话
If only I didn’t feel guilty asking Annie to move out.
那可能会令她伤心欲绝 但是我必须跟她坦白
It’d probably wreck her, but I should be honest.
艾尔维 让我们面对现实吧
Alvy, let’s face it.
你知道 我不认为我们的关系会有出路
I don’t think our relationship is working.
我知道 这种关系我认为就像一条鲨鱼
I know. A relationship is like a shark:
它必须不停地往前游 否则的话就会死掉
It has to constantly move forward or it dies.
我认为在我们手里的 是一条已经死掉了的鲨鱼
And I think what we’ve got on our hands is a dead shark.
这本《麦田里的守望者》是谁的? – 让我看一下 如果有我名字在上面
Whose Catcher in the Rye is this? – If it has my name on it…
I guess it’s mine.
当然有 你知道你在我所有的书上都写上 你的名字 因为你早料到这一天迟早会来
You wrote your name in all my books, ’cause you knew this day would come.
唉 艾尔维 你想分手的愿望和我的一样强烈吧
You wanted to break up just as much as I do.
我没问题 我认为我们这样做 是成熟的表现 毫无疑问
No question. I think we’re doing the mature thing.
听着 所有有关死亡的书都是你的
Look. All the books on death and dying are yours.
And all the poetry books are mine.
这本《拒绝死亡》 你还记得吗? 这是我给你买♥♥的第一本书
Denial of Death. This is the first book I got you.
噢 上帝 是的 – 还记得那天吗?
Remember that day?
天哪 我感到我背后的负担减轻了好多
I feel like there’s a great weight off my back.
多谢了 亲爱的
Thanks, honey.
噢 不 不 我的意思是 你知道 我是说发展新的关系等等的对我们两个都很重要
I mean, no. I think it’s important for us to explore new relationships.
对此我没有异议 因为我们这样做绝对是打开天窗说亮话 你知道
There’s no question about that, because we’ve given this a more than fair shot.
是啊 我的心理医生认为 这样做对我很关键
My analyst thinks this move is key for me.
是啊 你知道 我相信她 因为她是我的心理医生推荐的
And I trust her, because my analyst recommended her.
不管怎么说 为什么我要让你来忍♥受 我的不良情绪和焦虑不安呢?
Why should I put you through all my moods and hang-ups anyway?
是的 你知道我们这样分手的好处吗? 我们还有机会破镜重圆的
You know what the beauty part is? We can always come back together again.
没问题的 – 正是 正是
There’s no problem. – Exactly.
要知道 我认为许多男女处理不好这个 你知道 他们分手后保持不了朋友关系
I don’t think many couples could handle this, break up and remain friends.
咳 这个是我的 这颗徽章 还记得吗?
This button is mine. Remember?
我想这些都是你的 “弹劾艾森豪威尔”、”弹劾尼克松”
These are yours. “Impeach Eisenhower. ” “Impeach Nixon. ”
“弹劾林登·约翰逊” “弹劾罗纳德·里根”
Impeach Lyndon Johnson. “Impeach Ronald Reagan. ”
我想念安妮 我犯了一个可怕的错误
I miss Annie. I made a terrible mistake.
她现在住在洛杉矶 和托尼·雷西在一起
She’s living in Los Angeles with Tony Lacey.
要是这样 那么就让她见鬼去吧 如果她喜欢那样的生活方式 那就让她呆在那里好了
If she is, then the hell with her. If she likes that lifestyle, let her stay.
我要说的是 托尼是个混♥蛋♥ – 他从哈佛毕业的
He’s a jerk for one thing. – He graduated Harvard.
是的 他…听着 哈佛也会犯错 你知道 基辛格在那儿教过书
Harvard makes mistakes, too. Kissinger taught there.
Don’t tell me you’re jealous?
是的 嫉妒 是有一点就像美狄亚 (希腊神话 因丈夫不忠而杀了他们的子女)
Yeah. Jealous? A little bit. Like Medea.
让我给你看点东西 夫人 这个是我在她的房♥间里找到的
Can I show you something? I found this in the apartment.
黑肥皂 她以前用黑肥皂一天洗八百次脸
Black soap. She used to wash her face 800 times a day with black soap.
Don’t ask me why.
Why don’t you go out with other women?
嗯 我试过 可是 你知道 结果总是很沮丧
I tried, but it’s very depressing.
我老是对付不了这个 快点 去拿把扫帚来
This always happens to me. Quick! Get a broom!
What are you making such a big deal about?
They’re only lobsters.
你是大人了 你知道该怎样抓龙虾 – 自从我戒烟以后 我就不太正常了
You’re adult. You can pick up lobsters. – I’m not myself since I quit smoking.
噢 那你什么时候戒的烟? – 十六年前
When did you quit? – Sixteen years ago.
你什么意思? – 意思?
What do you mean? – Mean?
你十六年前就停止吸烟了 你是这样说的吗?
You stopped smoking 16 years ago. Is that what you said?
I don’t understand.
Are you joking or what?
Central Park’s turning green.
我又看见那个我们以前常见的 头顶风车帽
I saw that lunatic we used to see with the pinwheel hat…
and the roller-skates.
听着 我想你回到这儿来
Listen, I want you to come back here.
那好 那我就去你那里接你回来
Well, then I’m going to come out there and get you.
你什么意思 我在哪儿? 你以为我在哪儿?
What do you mean, where am I? Where do you think I am?
我在洛山矶机场 我飞过来了
I’m at the Los Angeles airport. I flew in.
I flew in to see you.
听着 我们能不能不在电♥话♥上争吵
Can we not debate this on the telephone…
because I’ve got a temperature…
还有我的慢性洛衫矶恶心症又犯了 我感觉不好
and I’m getting my chronic Los Angeles nausea again.
不管你想在哪儿见面 我不在乎
Wherever you want to meet. I don’t care.
我会开车过去 我租了辆车
I’ll drive in. I rented a car.
我会开车 你什么意思?
I’m driving.
难道有什么大不了的吗? 我自己开车过去
What, is that such a miracle? I’m driving myself.
I’m going to have the alfalfa sprouts…
and a plate of mashed yeast.
You look pretty.
噢 不 我只是减了点体重 仅此而已
No, I just lost a little weight, that’s all.
那么 你看上去也不错
Well, you look nice.
I think we should get married.
噢 艾尔维 算了吧
Come on.
怎么?你想一直住在这儿? 就像住在矮人国里一样
Why, you want to live out here? It’s like living in Munchkinland.
你什么意思? 这儿一切都很好
What do you mean? It’s perfectly fine out here.
Tony’s very nice.
我结识朋友 参加聚会 还打网球
I meet people, go to parties and play tennis.
那是我迈出的很大的一步 你知道
That’s a very big step for me.
I’m able to enjoy people more.
You’re not going to come back to New York?
纽约究竟有什么好?那是座濒临死亡的城市 你读过《威尼斯之死》
What’s so great about New York? It’s a dying city. You read Death in Venice.
咳 要是我没给你买♥♥《威尼斯之死》 你也不会看
You didn’t read Death in Venice until I bought it for you.
是的 是的 你只给我买♥♥标题带有”死亡”的书
That’s right. You only gave me books with the word “death” in the title.
是的 因为这是个重要的问题
Because it’s an important issue.
艾尔维 你无法享受生活 你知道吗?
You’re incapable of enjoying life. You know that?
我是说 你就像是纽约市 你是这样的人
You’re like New York City. You’re just this person.
你把自己封闭起来 像个小岛
You’re like this island unto yourself.
我无法享受什么 除非人人都能那样
I can’t enjoy anything unless everybody is.
你知道 要是哪里有人正在挨饿 那么我晚上就会睡不好觉
If one guy is starving someplace, it puts a crimp in my evening.
Do you want to get married?
不 我们只是朋友
No. We’re friends.
I want to remain friends.
好吧 请拿帐单来 能把…
Check please.
你很生气 是吗?
You’re mad, aren’t you?
是的 我当然很生气 因为你爱我 我知道的
Yes, of course I’m mad, because you love me. I know that.
艾尔维 就我现阶段的生活而言 我不认为那是事实
I can’t say that that’s true at this point in my life.
I really can’t say that’s true.
You know how wonderful you are.
是你鼓励我走出我的房♥间 给我勇气去唱歌♥
You’re the reason I got out of my room, that I was able to sing…
让我了解了自己的感情 诸如此类的等等…
and get more in touch with my feelings and all that crap.
听着 听着 嗯…
Listen, listen.
So what are you up to?
还是和往常一样 试着写点东西 我正在写一个舞台剧
The usual. I’m trying to write. I’m working on a play.
Are you saying you’re not coming back to New York with me?
不 你看 我得走了
No. Look. I gotta go.
你什么意思嘛?我飞了三千英里来看你 – 我要迟到了
What do you mean? I flew 3,000 miles to see you.
是航♥空♥英里 你知道 在飞机上我的胃有多难受吗?
Air miles. Do you know what that does to my stomach?
If you must know, it’s a hectic time for Tony.
今晚就是格莱美奖 – 是什么?
The Grammys are tonight. – The what?
格莱美颁奖 他出的好多张唱片有望获奖
The Grammys. He’s got a lot of records up for awards.
哦 是吗?他们给那样的音乐还颁奖? 我恨不得把耳朵塞住
They give awards for that music? I thought just ear plugs.
我们还是忘了吧 艾尔维 行吗? 让我们忘了刚才的谈话吧
Just forget it. Let’s just forget the conversation.
颁奖 他们不干别的 只会颁奖 我简直不敢相信
They do nothing but give out awards. I can’t believe it.
Greatest Fascist Dictator: Adolph Hitler.
我知道你会说什么 我的车开得不太好
I know what you’re going to say. I’m not a great driver.
你知道 我有点麻烦… – 请出示你的驾照
I have some problems with- – May I see your license, please?
Just don’t get angry.
我的驾照在这儿 这辆车是租来的
I have my license here. It’s a rented car.
Don’t give me your life’s story.
Just pick up the license.
噢 “把驾照捡起来” 你应该好好地说 因为我今天过得太糟糕了 我女朋友…
You have to ask nicely, because I’ve had a rough day. My girlfriend-
Just give me the license, please.
既然你这样说 那我就很难拒绝了
Since you put it that way, it’s hard for me to refuse.
我和长官一向不怎么对劲 你知道
I have a terrific problem with authority.
这不是你的原因 我不是针对你个人的
It’s not your fault. Don’t take it personal.