Shall I serve the coffee now, signora, or will you wait for the count?
不 我不想再等了 -好的 夫人
No, I won’t wait any longer. – Va bene, signora.
吉赛贝 吉赛贝
Giuseppe, Giuseppe.
Don’t be angry.
他可以陪陪我 来吧 -谢谢 夫人
He will be company for me. Vieni. – Grazie, signora.
是 夫人
Si, signora.
你好 亲爱的 我迟了点
Hello, darling. I’m a bit late.
真是美好的一天啊 我遇到了两个老朋友
What a day. I met two old friends.
他们带我到船上 他们不给我拒绝的机会
They took me to the ship. They wouldn’t let me refuse.
你知道的啦 敬沙皇一杯 敬俄♥国♥一杯
Well, you know how it is. A toast to the czar. A toast to Russia.
敬军队一杯 敬斯拉夫人一杯
A toast to the regiment. A toast to the Slavs.
well,you know how it is.
正如我所想的 这是一艘运兵船
As I thought, it’s a troop transport.
On board there were the second dragoons and the–
They’re on their way to the Balkans.
这不是战争 不算是
It’s not war, not exactly.
But the Turks are in an ugly mood.
We’re taking precautions.
There may even be some fighting.
你自己去吃饭了 是吗 亲爱的?
You went to dine alone, didn’t you, darling?
是的 但是有一位先生跟我 一起喝了杯咖啡
Yes, but a gentleman joined me for coffee.
哦? -吉赛贝
Oh? – Giuseppe.
亚历克斯 你知道我今晚一直在想什么吗?
Alexey, you know what I have been thinking tonight?
我们离开了很长时间 这段时间以来我们也非常开心
We have been away a long time, and it has been very wonderful.
But soon it will be winter…
and Venice is sad in the winter.
And then I too would like to see Russia again.
I know that you would rather stay here.
但是都一样 我们回去吧
But all the same, let us go.
现在 女士们先生们
And now, ladies and gentlemen…
I would like to propose a toast to our friend.
敬我们的朋友 -非常感谢大家
To our friend. – Most grateful to you all.
真的 谢谢 谢谢
Indeed, thank you. Thank you.
政♥府♥的工作做的很好 -彼得堡的骄傲
We’re delighted with the Ministry. – Petersburg’s most proud.
祝贺 先生 -非常高兴再见到你
Congratulations, sir. – I’m very glad to see you again.
我真为他感到开心 他非常投入委员会的工作
I’m so glad for him. He’s worked so hard on the committee.
我很赞同 -当然你的朋友们一直期待着这个结果
I quite agree. – Of course your friends have been expecting it.
他们听说了吗? 他们正在谈论吗?
Have they heard the news? Are they talking about it?
我不知道她怎么敢再出现在圣彼得堡 -毁掉了我的一切
I don’t know how she dare show her face in St. Petersburg. – Spoiled everything for me.
亲爱的 在这种考验下 友谊是不够的
My dear, in such an ordeal, friendship is not enough.
In love alone do we find true support.
In the love that He bequeathed us…
He will help and sustain you.
我曾经有一段时间 会非常享受这种荣誉
There was a time when I could’ve enjoyed these honors.
I could’ve enjoyed sharing them.
但是现在我独自一人 异常孤独
But now that I am alone, utterly alone…
crushed by the ridicule I know people feel…
though they don’t show it to me.
然而我不知道我做错了什么 竟然会遭遇这种事
And yet, I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this.
我自省过 但是我真的不知道该责备自己什么
I’ve searched my conscience, but I can’t find where I’m greatly to blame.
不 实际上 你一直做的很好
No, indeed. You have acted in a fine, Christian spirit.
I’m most grateful for your sympathy.
我最衷心地祝贺你 亚历克斯·亚力山德洛维奇 -谢谢 公主
My warmest congratulations, Alexey Alexandrovitch. – Thank you, Princess.
I have a message for you… from Anna.
我就知道 -当然 我没见过她
I was expecting it. – I haven’t seen her, of course.
在这种情况下 我也无法见她 我只是传个口信而已
I couldn’t very well in the circumstances. I am only a messenger.
她找我♥干♥吗? -她求你让她见见儿子
What does she want from me? – She begs you to let her see her son.
I suppose I have no right to refuse.
你对每个人都这么好 -相反 所有事情对于我来说都一塌糊涂
You see no evil in anyone. – On the contrary. Everything seems evil to me.
我不会宽恕她的行为 但是我理解她作为母亲的情感
I am not condoning her actions, but I understand her natural feelings as a mother.
Well, there is a limit to everything.
我可以理解她的不讲道义 但是我无法理解她的残忍♥
I can understand immorality, but I can’t understand cruelty.
How could she bring herself to open your wounds afresh?
我想的不是自己 而是我的儿子
It’s not myself I’m thinking of so much as my son.
It might lead to questions which it would be impossible to answer.
如果她有一点自责的话 她也不会提出这样的要求
If she had a spark of feeling left, she’d never have asked it.
I’ve made up my mind.
斯蒂芬·埃卡迪维奇 咱们私下谈谈
Stepan Arkadyevitch. A word with you.
非常荣幸 亚历克斯·亚力山德洛维奇
With pleasure, Alexey Alexandrovitch.
失陪一下 亲爱的 我有重要的事情
Excuse me, my dear. Important business.
Do excuse me.
你曾经做过类似的抉择吗? -什么抉择?
Have you reached a decision on that matter I was asking about? – What matter?
That vacant seat on the board of the mutual credit balance of the Crimea Railways.
正如您所见 我…
Should you happen to see, a word on my behalf–
我想跟你说的是另外一件事 这跟你的妹妹 安娜有关
It’s quite another matter I wish to speak to you about. It concerns your sister, Anna.
我知道她的处境很困难 你也许会说这是她自找的
Her situation is painful, I know. You may say she deserves it.
但是若是你可以做些什么 来改善一下她的处境的话
But we, as her relatives, would be very grateful…
if you could do something to make her position a little easier.
What I was about to say is that I’ve received a request from Anna.
我希望你能告诉她 她的请求被拒绝了
I would be glad if you would inform her that her request is refused.
But a divorce has become a matter of life and death.
我不是在说离婚 安娜是生是死现在已经与我无关了
I’m not speaking of a divorce! Anna’s life is now no concern of mine.
我只是想保护我的孩子 还有我的名誉
I am concerned merely to safeguard my child and my reputation…
因此我必须保证我的事业 不受任何干扰
which I need for the uninterrupted pursuit of my career.
我相信您的抉择肯定都是 经过深思熟虑的
I’m sure you will be guided by the highest motives.
No one can say I’ve not acted according to Christian principles.
夫人 噢 夫人
Madame. Oh, madame.
我是来看谢尔盖的 我问过他的父亲
I’ve come to see Sergei. I asked his father…
但是我等不及了 -噢 但是…
but I couldn’t wait for the answer. – Oh, but–
谢尔盖怎么样? 他还好吗?
How is Sergei? Is he all right?
他的样子变了吗?他吃的好吗? -很好 而且他长得很快
How does he look? Is he eating well? – Yes. And he’s growing so fast.
他多高了? -他已经这么高了
How tall is he? – He comes up to here.
已经这么高了?玛丽埃塔 我要见他
Already? Marietta, I must see him.
让我进去 没人会看到我的
Let me in. No one will see me.
现在换了守门人 而且阁下现在有客人
well, it isn’t the same porter. And His Excellency has guests.
但是我必须见他 -而且…这还不是最糟的
But I must see him. – And… that’s not the worst.
His Excellency told us to say…
you were dead.
The guests are beginning to leave.
明天再来 早点来 在阁下睡醒之前
Come tomorrow, very early, before His Excellency is awake.
I’ll let you in.
What is it?
I have come on behalf of Prince Skorodumov to see Sergei Alexeich.
他还没起呢 他还在睡-没关系 卡皮特尼奇
He’s not up yet. He’s still asleep. – It’s all right, Kapitonitch.
请进 夫人 但是你得快点
Come in, madame, but you’ll have to be quick.
It’s against my orders.
妈妈 是…妈妈?
Mother. Is it– Mother.
是的 亲爱的
Yes, my darling.
You haven’t been to see me for such a long time.
I know you’re dead.
我在做梦 我能看到你 对吧?
I’m dreaming I can see you, aren’t I?
谢尔盖 我在这
Sergei, I’m here.
I’m here.
今天是我的生日 我知道你会来的
Today is my birthday. I knew you would come.
夫人 夫人 你必须走了 有人来了
Madame, madame, you must go. Somebody is coming.
妈妈 你坐在我的新晨衣上了
Mother, you’re sitting on my new dressing gown.
亲爱的 你没有我怎么穿衣服啊?
My darling, how do you dress without me?
你怎么办啊? -夫人 拜托
How do you? – Madame, please.
玛丽埃塔 你会照顾他的对吧? -是的
Marietta, you will take care of him? – Yes.
他不会忘了我? -不会的 夫人
He won’t forget me? – No, madame.
How dare you enter this house?
你怎么敢骗一个孩子说他的 母亲已经死了?
How dared you tell a child that his mother was dead?
我应该怎么跟他说? 说她跟情人私奔了?
What should I have told him? That she had run away with her lover?
I can only conclude that the kind of life you have chosen…
has affected your principles.
Alexey Alexandrovitch…
