
定义: “Angst” 是一个名词,用来形容内心的焦虑、不安或困惑感。这个词通常用来描述一种深层的情绪状态,表达对生活、存在、自我价值等方面的痛苦感和不确定感。


  • 情绪和情感状态:
    • “Angst” 用来描述一种内心的焦虑、痛苦或不安的情感状态。
    • 例句:”She couldn’t shake off the feeling of existential angst, constantly questioning the purpose of her life.”(她无法摆脱存在的痛苦感,不断质疑自己的生活目标。)
  • 青少年焦虑:
    • 这个词有时用于描述青少年时期常见的内心焦虑和困惑感,特别是在面临成长、自我认同和未来选择方面的压力。
    • 例句:”Many teenagers experience a sense of angst as they navigate the complexities of adolescence and try to find their place in the world.”(许多青少年在应对青春期的复杂问题、寻找自己在世界中的定位时会感到焦虑。)
  • 哲学思考:
    • “Angst” 这个词也与哲学和存在主义相关联,用来描述对人类存在的基本问题和存在的困惑感。
    • 例句:”Existentialist philosophers often explore the concept of angst and its relationship to human existence.”(存在主义哲学家经常探索 “angst” 这一概念及其与人类存在的关系。)



  1. angst and anxiety – 焦虑和不安
  2. existential angst – 存在的焦虑
  3. teenage angst – 青少年的忧虑
  4. angst and depression – 忧虑和抑郁
  5. angst and uncertainty – 忧虑和不确定性
  6. angst and despair – 忧虑和绝望
  7. angst-ridden thoughts – 充满忧虑的思绪
  8. sense of angst – 忧虑感
  9. inner angst – 内心的不安
  10. angst and alienation – 忧虑和疏远感
  11. existential angst and dread – 存在的焦虑和恐惧
  12. angst and fear – 忧虑和恐惧
  13. overwhelming angst – 压倒性的忧虑
  14. angst and self-doubt – 忧虑和自我怀疑
  15. angst and confusion – 忧虑和困惑
  16. existential angst and isolation – 存在的焦虑和孤立感
  17. angst and loneliness – 忧虑和孤独
  18. angst and identity crisis – 忧虑和身份危机
  19. deep-seated angst – 根深蒂固的忧虑
  20. angst-filled moments – 充满忧虑的时刻
  21. angst and restlessness – 忧虑和不安
  22. angst and dissatisfaction – 忧虑和不满
  23. angst and emotional turmoil – 忧虑和情绪动荡
  24. angst and introspection – 忧虑和内省
  25. angst and unease – 忧虑和不安
  26. existential angst and uncertainty – 存在的焦虑和不确定性
  27. angst and self-reflection – 忧虑和自我反省
  28. underlying angst – 潜在的忧虑
  29. angst and dissatisfaction with life – 对生活的不满和忧虑
  30. angst and social pressure – 忧虑和社会压力
  31. angst and longing – 忧虑和渴望
  32. angst and fear of the future – 对未来的忧虑和恐惧
  33. angst-ridden existence – 充满忧虑的存在
  34. angst and self-examination – 忧虑和自我审视
  35. angst and vulnerability – 忧虑和脆弱感
  36. angst and personal struggles – 忧虑和个人挣扎
  37. angst and social alienation – 忧虑和社交疏远感
  38. angst and emotional distress – 忧虑和情绪困扰
  39. angst and existential crisis – 忧虑和存在危机
  40. angst and isolation from others – 忧虑和与他人的隔阂
  41. angst and dissatisfaction with oneself – 对自身的不满和忧虑
  42. angst and fear of failure – 对失败的忧虑和恐惧
  43. angst and social anxiety – 忧虑和社交焦虑
  44. angst and despair over the state of the world – 对世界状态的忧虑和绝望
  45. angst and emotional instability – 忧虑和情绪不稳定
  46. angst and yearning for meaning – 忧虑和渴望寻找意义
  47. angst and inner conflict – 忧虑和内心冲突
  48. angst and the search for self-identity – 忧虑和寻找自我认同的探索
  49. angst and the struggle for authenticity – 忧虑和追求真实性的斗争
  50. angst and the quest for purpose – 忧虑和追求目标的探索



angst (ONGST) This noun means “a feeling of neurotic fear or anxiety that often is accompanied by depression.” It’s related to the Old German word for “anger” and was considered a foreign word until the 1940s when Sigmund Freud’s writings made it popular in English.

  • Overwhelmed with angst over his impending graduation from college, Arthur stayed in bed all day and suffered insomnia at night.
  • “You are not psychotic,” said Dr. Melrose, Johanna’s psychiatrist. “You are understandably feeling a bit of angst about your parents’ divorce. Your anxiety attacks will subside if you continue to talk about your feelings.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 亚瑟因即将从大学毕业而焦虑不安,整天躺在床上,晚上失眠
  • “你不是精神病患者,”Johanna的精神科医生Melrose说。“你对父母离婚感到有点焦虑是可以理解的。如果你继续谈论你的感受,你的焦虑发作就会消退。”


一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
